Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 456: Earth Leisure Day (8)

Guru Guru Guru

The three of them followed behind the group of murlocs, and as they slowly deepened, Wuxian found that the surrounding vegetation and schools of fish were slowly increasing.

"It's like entering another world."

The three continued to follow behind, and the surrounding scenes began to change.

Mayfly creatures that are constantly swimming in the sea, unknown creatures twinkling and twinkling, there are many schools of fish that they can’t name, and they can still see some alien creatures on the surrounding rocks. .

It's like entering the city of others.

In the end, the group of murlocs came near an altar with dragon balls.

"At that time, now is the time when we return to land, humans continue to pollute the ocean, and now is the time when we destroy terrestrial life."

"It's just that sacrifice, we haven't collected this legendary dragon ball, how can we fight against the people on the land."

"Hum hum."

The murloc at the head seemed to think of something, and said.

"No problem, as long as we use the power of the sea to submerge the entire world, then we will naturally find where the other dragon **** are, and then destroy all the humans on the ground in one fell swoop."

Saying that they have the ability to drown the world, why are they afraid of humans? Are they too confident in their own strength?

Wushou seemed to hear someone talking around him, but he didn't see anyone at all.

"What should I do? Go out as expected."

Before Wukong decided to go out to show up, the other party had already noticed them.

"People behind, come out, we have already found you."

The three people came out from behind the rock and were surprised to see that the three humans could actually follow them so far.

"Interesting, you guys don't seem to be weak beings, why should you follow us?"

"What if I said, just for that Dragon Ball?"

"Is that your purpose?"

Wuxian noticed that the surrounding murlocs surrounded them, with great intentions to keep them.

"In fact, we can talk about it. Maybe you need to call your head out so that we can discuss this issue."

"I am their leader."

The fish people gave way from behind and saw a familiar figure walk out.

A beautiful, uh, mermaid, just the scepter in her hand, the blue gem on the top of her head, and the appearance that reminds Wushou of someone.

"I can see from just now, why can you use my power?"

Wushou can survive in the water because of the power of the void, and Wukong and Cuixiang can also get help from Wushou.

"No, it's not my power, it's just like it."

The mermaid seemed to see the true essence of Wushu power, the purple, devouring, powerful monster.

"Attack, attack, kill him!"

As if seeing an enemy, the mermaid gave instructions to everyone that they must be wiped out without worry.

"Hehe, do you still have to fight in the end?"

Wukong just stood up, looked at the murloc who was speeding up, and punched him.

It was just beyond Wukong's expectation that this punch didn't even hit the opponent, and was avoided by the opponent. Moreover, Wukong was almost cut by the opponent's backhand with a knife.

"Wow, I'm not used to it, it's in the water."

While avoiding, Wukong got used to the activities in the water, but more and more enemies surrounded him, and Wukong began to feel a little embarrassed.

As for Wushou, although the mermaid asked them to surround them, seeing the purple energy surrounding them, everyone did not do anything, but looked at their leader.

It's just that everyone just saw that their leader was very scared, as if they saw something terrible.

"Queen, we will catch this human soon, so don't worry."

The fish people looked at Wukong as if his strength was very weak, at least much weaker than the other person around him.

"It's almost the adjustment, then I'm here."

Wukong probably adapted to the activities in the sea, and the golden qi began to condense.



Super Saiyan

The powerful Qi even bounced all the seawater surrounding Wukong, forming a hollow zone around Wukong in an instant.

"What's the matter, that man on the ground."

Seeing Wukong's aura at this moment, the murlocs didn't dare to do anything for the time being, for fear that they would be wiped out by Wukong.

"why is it like this."

The mermaid put down his weapon in despair, seeing Wukong's current appearance, how could he not tell, neither he nor these people could defeat the man in front of him.

"Is this enough?"

Seeing that no one dared to come out to stop him, Wuxian went straight to take away the dragon ball.

Is that four?

Wuxian took the Dragon Ball away, and was about to leave with Wukong, when the mermaid suddenly came to stop him.

"Wait, who are you?"

"You are obviously on their side, why don't you kill me?"

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, I am not your enemy, at least not now."

No worries do not know what happened in their world, but even if they know, it is not a problem that they can solve now.


Perhaps it was Wushou's answer, letting people know that he was harmless to him, so they didn't continue to stop the other party and let Wushou leave.

"Leader, why let them go? If we really do, it's not impossible to keep them."

"You do not understand."

Seeing the worrisome far away, the mermaid said worriedly.

"That golden warrior, we may be able to deal with it, but another, terrifying monster, is hard to say."

After Wushou and Wukong left, they rested in a nearby town.


Wu worry left the room alone and walked outside.

"What do you want to ask?"

Kogas' voice came from the depths.

"What happened in that world?"

"I have no idea."

"You don't know how it is possible."

"I really don't know."

Wushou didn't believe it a bit.

"I have been away there for a long time, and since I left, I have no contact with them."

"So, what happened in that world before you left."

Only this time, the other party did not speak.

"You don't need to know now."

The other party didn't speak anymore, it seemed that he didn't want to reveal too much information to Wushou.

"I am still too weak now?"

Only by knowing your own shortcomings can you continue to grow.

Early in the morning, Wushou followed Wukong to set off. After all, there were still three Dragon Balls left. Only after searching for Dragon Balls, he might achieve his goal.

"Where is the next Dragon Ball?"

Wukong looked at the radar.

"Ah, this Dragon Ball, it's weird."

"How strange?"

"It feels like it's moving, walking towards us."

Before the words fell, a figure appeared in front of them.

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