Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 461: Earth Leisure Day (13)

"Are you okay?"

Outside the school, near a certain piece of wood.

The helicopter lost control and fell to the ground due to the attack just now. Everyone was injured to varying degrees, but all were alive.

"Fortunately, at least still alive."

Naturally, Wukong and Vegeta have no problems, and so does Cuixiang. Their bodies are completely different from ordinary people, and they are very strong.

"At least the task of collecting Dragon Balls is still one short."

"Not bad, the last four-star Dragon Ball."

Seeing that the others are okay, Wuxian plans to leave now, at least they can leave as they please.

But, before leaving, suddenly a group of people came over and held their guns at them.

"Don't move, raise your hand."

Naturally, the others did not dare to defy, and Wushou and others tried their best to cooperate in order to reduce the trouble.

"We are okay, we are all safe."

All of them were wearing strange biochemical protective suits, approaching Wushou them and checking their condition.

"It's all safe."

Everyone was taken away safely. As for where they were taken, no one knew.

"Don't run away?"

"No, they can't deal with us anyway. Anyway, let's see, where is the last dragon ball?"

Wukong took out the radar and took a look. He was surprised that the last dragon ball got closer and closer to them.

"It seems that our direction is just right, we have been moving in the direction of Dragon Ball."

"Then let's watch the changes and see what these people are playing?"

The car drove straight all the way, bumpy and bumpy, I don't know how long it took, and finally stopped.

"Come down."

The survivors got out of the car and came to an underground parking lot, surrounded by white walls. They couldn't see where they were sent, but they could feel the surroundings shaking.

"Keep up."

The survivors were all rushed to a room, except for the door where they walked in, the rest were white walls.

"Survivors, you should know that this matter cannot be known."


"However, we will not go too far and deprive you of your right to survive like this."

Boom boom

A white wall in front was opened, and everyone knew that it was not in the basement.

"This is the sea?"

It turned out that they had been sent to a huge oil tanker just now, and they were sent to an unknown place.

"What do you want to do?"

The advertisement sounded.

"After all, you have seen the truth and we need to hide it, but it's not that you occasionally mention or omit it. The only way is to seal it up."

"The purpose of this ship is a desolate island. Now there is not much oil left on the ship. You can't control it. Soon, you will all be forced to stay on that island."


"If you didn't kill you, it's our company's greatest kindness, well, goodbye."

The sound stopped abruptly.

All the people who stayed on the boat, some panicked and started to calm down a bit to look for material things, and some had lost their minds and began to go crazy.

"What happens next?"

Wushou looked at the fuzzy island in the distance, maybe Dragon Ball was there.

"No need, we only have one goal, which is Dragon Ball."

late at night

Wushou and others sit quietly in the corner to avoid being found out by those with brain problems.

In the beginning, Wu worry thought that there were people like them in the whole ship, but he didn't expect that some people were sent to this ship, and they were also sent to the ship.

"So, are we just being sent here innocently?"

Because I don't know how to deal with these people who should die, so deal with us like this.

It's just that Wucai thought wrong from the beginning. Although the purpose of this ship is correct, it is not the hardship and difficulties on the island that deal with them, but another trouble.

No worries they hide in a relatively safe warehouse to avoid contact with other people, and then they are also a little tired and slowly fall asleep.

I don't know how long it took, and I regained consciousness when I had no worries, and I felt something was wrong.

"What's wrong."

Although it was midnight outside, it was too quiet, especially since so many people were trapped on this ship, and there were a lot of food and equipment on board, these exiled people could not be so quiet.

"No worries, what's the matter?"

"This ship is too quiet, and do you smell it."

In the air, it seemed a little strange, with a hint of blood.

"Really, what happened outside?"

When Vegeta and Cuixiang got up, the four opened the closed door and went out.

They hid in the warehouse at the bottom of the hull and went out, only to see some strange blood stains on the side of the aisle, but no one around could see it.

"what happened?"

Moreover, Wushou can't feel the anger of a living person, isn't it?

"Damn it, what happened?"

After listening to Wukong's words, Wukong and Vegeta knew the seriousness of the situation and proceeded cautiously.

"Wait, footsteps."

After waiting for a while, a few people came down from above, holding flashlights.

"Hello, are you passengers? I want to ask, why is there no one on this ship, except you."


The four looked at each other.

"We don't know. We have been sleeping just now, and we don't know what happened outside. There should be many people on the ship."

Everyone is going to move on and explore what happened, but soon, they came to the lowest level of the cabin.

"Is anyone in there?"

Seeing the door closed tightly, there were still some people's voices inside, so I knocked on the door.

"Outside, is it safe?"

It's safe, what do you mean?

Everyone glanced at each other, but still didn't know what happened.

"Open the door, there's nothing outside, it's safe."

The closed door finally opened, and three people in ragged clothes leaned aside, their eyes panicked.

"Are you okay?"


One of them said scaredly.

"The monster outside, have you gone?"

"Monster, what are you talking about?"

"Monster, the monster that killed everyone."

It seems that the situation is more troublesome than I expected.

"Everyone quickly inform the partners on the ship, maybe they will be in danger too."

However, when they contacted their companions on the boat, they had lost contact and seemed to have been killed.

"Damn it, get out of this place quickly."

Everyone hurried back to the deck, but suddenly, a strange vibration sounded.


Except for the three people, no one knows what is going on.

"They're here, they're here, those demons!" As soon as the voice fell, I saw a thick tentacle sticking out of the pipe, grabbing one of the panicked men.


However, Wushou hurriedly came over with a punch, pulling out the panic man.


Everyone saw that the panicked man was only swallowed in an instant for a while, but he did not expect that his body had been corroded to varying degrees.


The panic man was still screaming, and then another tentacle came over and grabbed him again.

This time, Wucao didn't make a move.

Because this is also regarded as salvation.

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