"Chairman, do you know what people call these things?"

Wushou pointed to a painting on the wall, which showed a city surrounded by octopuses and vines. There were unidentified objects walking on the ground.

"I don't know, what do you want to say, when did you start talking about art?"

Wushou ignored the chairman's metaphor and said.

"People in the world always blame inexplicable gods or mysteries for things they can't think about, but have they ever thought that if they really study these things in depth, they will find out that these things are all? There is a source."

"The so-called world is the earth to them, but in fact, many things that cannot be explained clearly, because the body is not the earth, so naturally it cannot be answered by the knowledge of the earth."

"That is, the so-called concept of an external god."


War, war encircles the entire city, not only the wind capital, but the entire world is plunged into war.

The blonde warriors repelled them, but later, when these invaders said they would make a comeback, everyone panicked.

Those who fled were gone, those who surrendered wanted to surrender, and they continued to prepare for battle.

The forces of the whole world are concentrated in the city of Fengdu, in order to fight to the death against foreign enemies.

"not enough."

Using all his methods, the chairman could only call a small number of people to join the war, and most of them were unwilling to continue fighting.

"After all, everyone saw that Wushou and Wukong were fighting. If even these two people can't resist those enemies, naturally they can't resist."

Everyone knows, but in the end many people stayed behind to protect their world.

"No worries, how long will the enemy reappear?"

Wukong and others are already standing on the windmill of Fengdu, waiting for the enemy to come again. The only one who can know the enemy's trace is Wuxian who can use the space ability.


Wushou has already felt the tremors of space, and as expected, the sky once again rippling with a different halo, one, two, many, huge airships, transferred from space.

Everyone hasn't fired yet, after all, their own army is still in the preparation stage, and suddenly firing will be caught off guard.

"Humans in this world, listen to us."

The broadcast came from those airships.

"We don't need to fight. If you can't beat our strongest fighters, you naturally can't resist our artillery. It's better to have a battle. As long as you can defeat our strongest general, we will leave."

Everyone who stayed in Fengdu looked towards Wushou and Wukong.

"Yes, if we really lose, then no matter how powerful the army is, we will definitely lose."

Wushou and Wukong flew into the air, waiting for the opponent's players to appear.

"Is it finally my turn to play?"

I saw a strange person flying out of the biggest airship. He could fly in mid-air like them, but he couldn't sense the existence of qi at all.

"You are, Elder Maxson."

The elders of the Brotherhood of Steel were the last to unify the remaining organizations of the Brotherhood of Steel.

"Although I don't know how you know me, I am no longer the name I used to be a human being."

I saw some strange white lines appearing on his body, and these strange directions have been seen by Wushou in a certain world.

"Sure enough, you are already."

Maddison's body turned white, his hair turned white, huge magical fluctuations, and even tearing space.

"Call me, the perfect saint."

Countless white magic circles appeared behind the elders. Before the two of them could counterattack, countless white arrows shot out of them, aimed at Wushou and Wukong.

"Oops, the people below will suffer."

No worries had to ask Wukong to deal with the elders, and return to the following by himself.

The power of the void

Tough guardian

I saw Wushou incarnate as a huge statue of God, using huge wings and body to block the flying white light arrows.


Wukong turned directly into a Super Saiyan, instantly moved behind the elder, and punched it.


The elder seemed to have foreseen Wukong's movements, one hand caught Wukong's attack, the other hand was aimed at Wukong, and one palm print was buckled on Wukong's body.


The white energy wandered around Wukong's body recklessly, and finally formed a seal formation, suppressing Wukong's energy, and there was no way to use Super Saiyan.

"Indeed, your strength is good, but I am different from you and can seal your strength."

The elder took a hand, a coffin appeared out of thin air, and shut Wukong in.


Wushou returned to its original form and flew up to prepare to rescue Wukong.

"As for you, let you see the power I have recently acquired."

I saw that the elder took out a very familiar long sword, a long sword that symbolized victory.

"This is."

The elder injected magic power into the long sword, and swiped at Wushou.

The black energy light cannon came towards Wushou. For the rest of the staff behind him, Wushou had to resist the opponent's attack abruptly.


But is it really that simple?

A strange chain was thrown out by the elders, and he directly bound Wushou, his body's strength was being lost, and it was almost impossible to maintain his human form.

"We also pay attention to the spirit body, so you can't help it."

With a wave of the elder, Wushou slowly floated to him, the long sword already against Wushou's throat.

"Your pupils shrank just now. It seems that you know the owner of this sword. It's interesting. You can also travel through space."

"I want to ask, the owner of this sword, what's wrong?"

"Oh, that person."

The elder seemed to say something inconsequential.

"Melted by me, she has been sent back to the Hall of Valor, but this sword was forcibly retained by me."

"You guy."

The last thing Wuxian gets is the powerful kick of the elder, and he loses consciousness directly.

"This world has lost its meaning, surrender, the two of your strongest people have already lost."

At first everyone wanted to surrender in despair, but the elder thought about it and shook his head.

"However, it is really not a good choice to keep your army, let's kill it, everyone, attack."

The next step is a one-sided battle.


Wushou and Wukong were imprisoned in a specially prepared cage in the airship. Not only were they unable to use any power here, even their physical strength would slowly weaken, and eventually they would become ordinary people.



Wu worry slowly regained consciousness, feeling something, dripping drop by drop on her lips.

"who is it?"

In the dim cell, although he could not see clearly, Wushou could still see the unidentified, squirming creatures in front of him.

"How can it be!"

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