Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 490: Another enemy

"Strange device?"

In the future, Trunks got news that something strange was discovered outside, and the logo of the capsule company was actually left on it.

"It is necessary to investigate."

At this time, the cyborg was driving slowly to the current address of Monkey King, Monkey King's home.

"Why don't you go and clean up the Monkey King earlier, isn't our goal?"

"Don't worry, there is still a lot of time anyway, we don't need to be so anxious to clean them up."

On the other side, Piccolo, who knew that he was not strong enough, decided to look at the other person.

"It looks like it's time."

Piccolo looked at the sky as if he saw the green figure.

"Mr. Wushou, what should I do next?"

Gohan, Kiki and others stayed with Wukong, looking at Wushou who has been with Wukong, and asked.

"No problem, the focus is on those enemies, can you tell me in detail, those artificial humans."

Gohan and Wushou clarified about the man-made human beings, and emphasized that those enemies killed their creators, but other than that, they didn't indiscriminately kill the innocents, and they all let them go.

"Is that so?"

Wushou was also a bit surprised. After listening to Mirai Trunks, Wushou had already guessed how perverted the opponent's cruel level was. He killed them all at the beginning, and Wushou was ready to use Dragon Ball to resurrect them.

Unexpectedly, they didn't even kill the others, and the goal was clear to be Wukong.

"How is your strength compared to you and Vegeta?"

Gohan lowered his head and clenched his fists.

"Although I am very unwilling, but I really can't beat those guys, at least I can't do it now."

There is not enough time to practice, maybe Wukong needs to continue to exercise, and so does Gohan.

"Well, when those people come to our side, I will deal with them, and then you will leave with Wukong. The premise, Wukong has not yet risen."

At this time, on a remote island, Trunks came here with Bulma.

"Yes, this is my time machine."

Moreover, this level of dilapidation has passed for some time, and I don’t know who came to this era through this thing.

"What is the purpose?"

Trunks didn't know, he just knew that creatures at this time were very dangerous.

At this time, the heavens, the gods and Piccolo met again, but this time, Piccolo had only one purpose.

"God, you should know the purpose of my coming here."

"Fusion, for my own integrity."

"The enemy is too strong, I need your half."

"Huh, naturally, I am also mentally prepared."

On the other side, Wushou was taking care of Wukong, sensing the energy warning in the distance.

"Oops, everyone, hurry up, they are coming."

Wu worry hurriedly went to the next room to take the people away, and Moments moved directly to the Guixianren's hut.

"Turtle Immortal, I beg you next."

Move instantaneously again, return to the house without worries.

Walked out the door and saw three artificial people appear in front of them.

"Are you cyborgs?"

"Yes, although the information does not have your name, can you take us to see Monkey King?"

No. 16 on the other side scanned Wukong for a while, and sensed that Wukong's qi was exactly the same as his qi.

"Unbelievable, my scan told me that he is not Monkey King, but his anger is exactly the same as Monkey King."

"Then, he and Monkey King are at least closely related."

On the 17th, he took a step forward, looking at ease.

"Sorry, can you let me see your power."

Close your eyes, golden aura radiates.

"No problem, let me see your strength."

"Super Saiyan, I really haven't seen you as a Saiyan. Interesting."

Before finishing talking, Wushou threw a dart directly at him. Originally, No. 17 was planning to catch it with his bare hands, but his body avoided it unnaturally. The next second, the dart disappeared, just like energy.

"So that's it, isn't it an ordinary dart?"

Soon, worry-free attacks followed one after another, and a black clone appeared in front of No. 17, but the other party didn't make any moves, just standing here in a posture like this.


The number 17 punched over, but the clone did not disappear, and was still in place.

"Turtle Qigong!"

Using Guipai Qigong at a certain distance away, I watched No.17 for a while.

"Do you still want to hit me at this distance?"

Before I finished speaking, I saw that the clone in front of me used exactly the same moves, right in front of me.


On the 17th, he was hit by the raided turtle school Qigong, and then hit by the back, which lifted up the dust on the side.

"It's not that simple, is it?"

Sure enough, the attack just now had been blocked by the 17th with some kind of barrier, and the attack just now was completely ineffective.

"The clone, I was surprised to use it in this way."

Seeing the avatar disappeared, No.17 continuously released gas cannons to Wushou, and the surrounding buildings and trees were destroyed for a while.

"Oh oh oh, what's the matter, is it that way?"

Wushou dodges the gas cannon while approaching No.17.

The power of the void

Suddenly, No.17 felt that Wushou was like a tiger ready to go, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"what happened?"

For an instant, Wushou disappeared in front of them, leaving only one clone in place.


In the next second, Wushou appeared in front of No. 17, with one punch, two punches, one kick, and two feet, hitting No.17 body.

Moreover, not only had fists, but Wucao also shot two darts and several sharp stabbings in an instant. Everything was shot in the blink of an eye.

Soon, he didn't react on the 17th, and Wushou had returned to his original position.

"Oh, that's the case. The clone can also switch positions at will, which is really convenient."

Wushou did not speak, but pointed to number 17.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

The other two people only saw the strange red lines on No.17, but No.17 could not see it at all.



In an instant, all the damage just now was fed back to No. 17, and the huge energy directly knocked No. 17 into the air, flying backwards for a long time.

"number 17!"

The other two hurried over to check the injuries on the 17th. As humanoids, the two with protective barriers were hit hard by Wushou's strange attack just now.

"It's okay. He's not dead yet. It was unexpected. This guy is very tricky."

This sentence should be said without worry. The injury just now didn't kill this guy. Even if he couldn't kill him, he should be disabled.

"Unforgivable, he actually beat No.17 like this."

The other two people are also ready to show off, but in the next second, worry-free **** are attached to their foreheads.

"That's it, goodbye, and fight again next time."


The other two couldn't even stop it.

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