Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 521: Deep into the ice cave

Where is this place?

Wushou slowly woke up from a coma, clutching his injured head, and looking around vaguely.

He seemed to be trapped in a strange ice cave, and the surrounding area was pitch black, and he couldn't even see where he was.

"By the way, I'm here to find something."

~One day ago~

Wuxian went to meet Ash in person early in the morning, but he didn't expect that the other party finally agreed to his request after a day, and then he would join forces with them to fight against the void.

After successfully completing the union of the three tribes, Bron decided to take Long Lolita to meet the blacksmith first. Wushou just wanted to see if the legendary blacksmith could help himself be a weapon of ice.

"Since we are going to see that guy, then we should hurry up and we still need a lot of time to hurry."

Thanks to Bloom leading the way, they can also ignore many obstacles and troubles and reach their goals quickly.

A volcano closed because of the cold.

"Although the volcano has entered a dormant period, it is still possible to erupt, because the sledgehammer has been using this heat in it to reduce the possibility of eruption."

Wushou and others followed Bulong into the volcano slowly according to the route, and they could feel a strange scorching sensation along the way, and it was clear that they were surrounded by cold ice.

After spending a lot of time, they finally went deep into the volcano. At the bottom of the volcano, they saw a huge stove and a well-equipped blacksmith shop.

A large man who looked like a sheep, like a dwarf, was sitting on a chair, holding a hammer, and beating the iron tool in front of him.

"Yo, Beard, how is it?"

The other party did not respond to Bron, but mechanically beat the iron tool in front of him.

"Don't worry, he is like that, just wait a while."

"Who said that, now I'm just practicing my hands, come on, come to me as a blacksmith, what do you do?"

Aoun picked up the towel on the side and wiped his hand, looked at the three outsiders who appeared in front of him, and asked.

"Oh oh, I brought three outsiders here. It seems that I am asking for something. It is naturally a weapon, right?"

Long Lolita nodded and said.

"Yes, the legendary blacksmith, I need your help to help me build a weapon that can withstand my flames."

Aoun glanced at Long Lolita and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it's okay, this is very simple, I also use fire, naturally know what to do, then the other two, what are you doing here?"

Aoun glanced at Wushou, and before Wushou could speak, Aoun interrupted directly.

"Needless to say, I understand that even if I live here and know what you are, the prophet still has a problem. I just saw the disaster on the surface and didn't see the next enemy at all, causing the crowd to panic."

Ornn sighed, then continued.

"You exist, I think if you are looking for Zhenbing, I can help you with this, but you need to find materials, and naturally this little guy is also."

No worries did not expect Aoun to talk so well, nodding his head, it is considered to have agreed to the other party's request.

"Well, let me tell you two, where Zhenbing is and how to bring it back."

After all, it was a trial given to him by Aoun, so the only ones who went deep into this ice cave this time were Wushou and Long Lolita.

Thinking of this, Wushou finally remembered that Long Luoli was not by her side.

"At that time, what happened, why can't I remember."

Suddenly, the ice wall next to Wushou radiated a scorching heat. Before Wushou could react, the ice wall was melted by the flames. A red dragon came from the other side and stared at Wushou fiercely.

"I remember now."

~Two hours ago~

Wushou took Long Luoli into the ice cave that Aoun said. Not long after she left, Long Luoli suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. The heat accumulated in her chest, as if it was about to explode.

"Are you OK?"

Wushou was about to support Long Lolita, but she didn't expect the other party to push herself away.

"Don't come close to me, why, I should control it, why at this time, **** it."

Long Lolita seemed to be in pain, Wushou wanted to do something, a burst of red energy rushed towards Wushou, pushing Wushou down the glacier and fell down.

"So, this dragon, is it her?"

No worries don't know that she can't control her own power. Now it is herself who is troubled.


Flames spurted from the mouth of the giant dragon, Wuxian pulled out an ice brick from the ground in an instant, and a magical power instantly encircled the entire shield to resist the opponent's attack.

"stop it!"

No worries yelled, but the dragon looked completely irrational, facing the creature in front of him, he had only one thought, destruction.

"Stop it, I don't want to fight with you."

The flame has been rushing towards Wuxian, the ice cubes in his hands have already melted, and something will happen soon.


No worries, I didn't dare to do it, and didn't want to do it, so I had to find an opportunity to stun the violent dragon.


I saw the red dragon spread its wings, and his whole body flew up in the air. One of his paws fell on the ice block in Wushou's hand, and one of them smashed directly.

call out

A giant dragon swung its tail, and Wuzhou grabbed its tail, but the huge impact directly hit Wuzhou with his hand and flew out, hitting the wall fiercely.

"no way."

Without sorrow, he jumped down from the depression on the wall, twisted his arm, and took a breath.


Jie Wangquan

The bright red air surrounded Wushou, and Wushou saw the weakness of the dragon for an instant, moved in an instant, flew directly to the top of the dragon's head, and hit it with a punch to control the intensity.


I still felt too much effort, a little bit of blood was splashed on Wushou's face, and a little even dripped on Wushou's lips.

"Oops, are you okay?"

Just when Wushou wanted to see if he had hurt the dragon, suddenly the dragon violently bite Wushou's leg with a mouth, shocking Wushou.

"Stop, no, shut up, let go quickly!"

No worries, he dared not do anything, and even caused the dragon to bite a wound, and blood flowed into the dragon's mouth.

Wushou also subconsciously licked his lips, a little bit of blood was spotted by Wushou.

Suddenly, Wushou felt a scorching heat in his body, as if something was about to explode.


A heat wave bounced the dragon away, and strange blood-colored lines appeared on Wushou's body, changing little by little, and finally surrounded by a mass of red energy.


When the red energy dissipated, Wuxian turned into a black dragon, with orange-red pupils staring at the red dragon, and the pressure suppressed the dragon.

Then, after no one could control it, the black dragon rushed to the red dragon, his body pressed heavily on the red dragon, and his tongue affectionately licked the red dragon's jaw.

"what is this!"

Wushou, who couldn't leave the cage, couldn't close his mouth in surprise when he saw what was happening outside.

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