Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 53: Departure, Romania

"No, Dang Ma can't agree to her." Tifania objected, after all, if Dang Ma and her contact for a longer time, sooner or later she will think of this woman.

"But, the ring of the elves." Dang Ma's current goal is only the ring of the elves, without considering that much.

"Uh, okay." Tifania knew there was no way but to let Louise follow them.

Successfully took the ring back to return it to the water elf. The water elf looked at the three of them, smiled speechlessly, and left.

"So, where are we going now, are we still going to Romania?" Dang Ma said to Tifania, after all, this was their original destination.

"Well, I'm going to see the pope anyway, so let's go."

Louise nodded silently, walked to Dang Ma, and struck Dang Ma's hand.

"Hey, what are you doing, Dang Ma is mine." Tifania walked to the other side, took Dang Ma's hand, and stared at Louise.

In this way, when Ma was caught between the two women, he hurried slowly to Romania.

On the other side, the Kingdom of Golia

Tabasa succeeded in taking back his throne and killing his father, but he was controlled by others in a blink of an eye.

"Are you satisfied? Julio."

"It's a great help. Next, let's use Golia's army to try his capacity." Julio looked at Torrestine in the distance.

"Damn it, please inform Louise quickly." Chuluk, who was hiding in the dark, saw what had happened.

Seeing Chuluk had left, Julio smiled.

"Come on, another messenger of nothingness."

Back to Dangma

Dang Ma didn't know why, the closer she got to Romania, her heart became more and more restless, as if something was going to happen.

"Dang Ma, look." Tifania pointed to the distance, and a person ran over.

"Heirs of the Void, we have been waiting for you for a long time. It's really time for you to come. Goliath's army is coming. We need you."

"As Ma, we need to help them." Tifania suggested.

"Well, let's go."

Follow the messenger to the front of the war, seeing that the two sides have not yet started fighting. When Ma came forward, hoping to stop you from fighting.

"Stop it, why are you fighting?" Dang Ma hoped that the two sides could stop fighting.

However, everyone ignored the numbness and fought directly.

When Ma stood between the two armies at war, watching the two sides fight desperately for victory.

"Dang Ma, leave there quickly." Dang Ma looked far away and saw Tifania and Louise beckoning, hoping to leave the place.

Death, screams, and chaos are all over this battlefield.

Seeing countless people dying in front of him, Dang Ma was stunned.

"Why, they have to fight each other, obviously they don't have any hatred, just listen to the above orders."

Seeing that Dang Ma was perplexed by this matter, Louise could only use her own understanding to explain.

"This is for my own honor, as well as my family."

"It's like you are for us." Louise stood beside Dang Ma, holding his hand.

"And me." Tifania also walked over.

"Thank you, I understand." Dang Ma is no longer confused about this, because he knows what he needs to do.

"Even if I am an enemy, I have to protect those around me."

"Yes, this is what I should do."

When hemp again uses the power of no.

"I'll be back when I go."

Dang Ma jumped up and jumped into the two armies.

"End everything."

"End everything."

"Everything is reduced to nothingness."

Everyone present can feel that something is coming. To reap their lives.

When Ma burst out of countless tentacles, it would entangle everyone within a radius of 10 meters from him.

"This is, advice."

Because of Dang Ma's intervention, everyone stopped attacking.

"Golia's army, leave, I will let you go."

Seeing the tentacles gradually approaching, the trapped people swallowed a mouthful of water.

"Retreat, we retreat."

Seeing that Goria's army was finally leaving, the Romanian defenders were relieved.

"Hero, go back with us, the enemy will be back soon."

Everyone knew that they wouldn't just count it, so they went back to see the pope first to understand the situation.

When Ma people followed the messenger to the church, they finally met the legendary pope.

How should I put it, looking at the pope, Dang Ma felt that her right hand was enduring the pain.

"Welcome you, users of nothingness."

The Pope looked like a kind old man, but Dang Ma always felt that he was a hypocritical person.

"My Lord Pope, please help me, my servitor has lost his memory." Tiffania didn't expect that Louise would do this when she came up. Let her stunned for a moment.

"Oh, I can't solve this problem. You will solve this problem sooner or later." The pope obviously knew what was going on, but he didn't point it out.

"Compared to this, we need your help, heirs of nothingness."

"My Pope, please say it."

"I hope you can help me stop the demons in the ancient volcano."

"Devil?" Dang Ma and everyone felt very puzzled.

"I'll explain." Julio, who was standing next to the pope, stepped forward and explained.

"In ancient times, the successor of nothingness sealed a demon in the ancient volcano with his own power. The prophecy once said that when the successor of nothingness reappears, it will be the day when the seal of the devil is lifted."

"So, we need you to help us protect this world." The pope bowed to everyone.

"We can't stand it, my Pope." Louise said in horror.

"It doesn't matter. Except for this matter, I hope you can prevent the attack of Lower Goliath, even if it is by force."

"Then we understand."

"Please, everyone."

After Dangma and Louise left, the Pope and Julio were discussing.

"What's wrong, will he really not recover?"

"Actually I think he will recover his memory soon."

"Is that so, then I hope the plan can be carried out faster."

"Don't worry, they can't detect it."

When Ma and Louise followed the messenger to the lounge, they discussed about the Kingdom of Goria.

"As a result, it is better to call directly to the imperial city as before." Louise proposed.

"Yes, it can at least reduce casualties."

At this moment, someone rushed in from outside the door.

"Churuk, why are you here?" Louise was surprised to see Chuuk rushing in.

"Louis, please, save Tabasa."

"What's going on, explain."

"Actually it is..."

Through Chuluk's explanation, Dangma and the others understood the anomaly of the Kingdom of Gloria and the identity of Tabasa.

"Dang Ma, now we have another reason to go to Goliath." Tifania explained.

"Understood, then we will go to help Tabasa sooner."

"Thank you." Chu Luk said to the head.

"No, you helped me after all." Louise said, as if thinking of something, but she didn't think of it again.

"Then, let's set off early and go to Goliath."

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