Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 536: Dancing with the wind

Bottom lane, Demacia lineup


The blood, sprinkled on the ground, was then directly vaporized by the burning flame.

"Oh, oh, hasn't a stronger person come up yet? I need a stronger opponent, come on, come on."

A huge purple monster, four feet, a hideous appearance, and a huge double-edged halberd dancing in his hand.

Lord of the Abyss, Azgalo

The ground burned by the flames and the dry ground made the soldiers present feel weak and tired, and if they were not careful, they would be burned to death by the flames on the ground.

"Unexpectedly, the enemy's ability is already sufficient to change the terrain of this huge magic circle, and the enemy's ability is already strong enough."

After listening to the information brought by the front sentry, Soraka asked the soldiers in front to come back quickly and began to think about how to deal with the enemy of the second defensive tower.

The huge purple monster, the lower part of the limbs, the formidable power, the unfathomable magic power.

Soraka really couldn't think of anyone to deal with this great devil for a while, but considering that the other party's flexibility should not be as good as he had expected, Soraka finally thought of a way.

"Well, according to the original plan, let him play, and prepare other people to go together, and be sure to eliminate the big devil in front."

In front of the second defensive tower

Just when Azgalo was still distressed and suddenly there was no enemy to deal with, a few figures walked out of the distance to make him interested.

"Oh, someone finally came."

One of the people who came from a distance, along with every place he walked, there was green grass growing, and the originally dry land was full of vitality because of him.

"Bad people, it is wrong to destroy nature."

Jade God, Ion

The sneaky Yordle with a green hat, holding a blowing arrow, smiled and walked into the team.

"Hee hee hee."

Swift Scout, Timo

The rocks and the earth are all under the control of this girl. The girl formed a rock skateboard under her feet, leading her quickly close to the large group.

"Ah, where is the master?"

Rock Sparrow, Taliyah

The strange green energy is like her own hands in this woman's hand, and the light of wisdom shines on her.

"Listen well, everyone, we only have one purpose, to increase opportunities for that guy."

Apocalypse, Kalmar

In the middle, a man in a bamboo hat and a furry came over with a flute, and the breeze blew by his side, blowing away the ends of his hair.

Hayate Swordsman, Yasuo

"Oh, five people? It doesn't matter how many people you come here, you can't beat the great Azgalo."

Azgalo danced the double-edged halberd in his hand, provoking the five people who came by.

"This site looks a bit hot, maybe some plants are needed."

I saw that Ivern injected his own magic power into the ground, and the entire walkway was surrounded by green vegetation. Even with the magic power of the Abyss Lord, there was no way to corrode the ground here again.


The five of them plunged into the dense jungle for an instant, and Azgalo lost their vision in an instant.

"Where, don't be sneaky, come out for a decisive battle."

call out

A blow arrow flew in front of Azgalo's eyes, and a thick ink burst instantly, covering Azgalo's eyes.

"Ahhhh, my eyes."

Azgalo was about to wipe off the ink in front of him with his hand, and a few magical stones hit him on the top of his head, banging on his head, making a few packets.

"Who is it, who is throwing rocks, do you only have this level?"

Azgalo roared, the nearby vegetation was blown down in an instant, and the figures of the other five people were instantly exposed.


The green magic power turned into a ball of energy, smashed into Azgalo's body, and the powerful energy pushed Azgalo into his own defensive tower.

"Cut it, it doesn't hurt or itchy."

Azgalo took the opportunity to erase the ink blocking his vision and rushed to the five people who had not escaped.

"Accept the move!"

I saw Taliyah shed a gravel array, and when Azgalo stepped on it, he could only yell, and the pain bounced on the spot.

"Insidious guy, has the ability to fight head-on."

Azgalo slashed to the ground with a halberd and pushed away the gravel. Before taking two more steps, the hidden mushrooms exploded in an instant, and Azgalo's feet, who exploded again, endured the pain.

"Enough of you, these abilities have no effect on me, you despicable people."

I saw Azgalo trample, all the hidden mushrooms on the ground were lifted off the ground in an instant, and they all exploded in an instant.

"Die, human."

A huge flaming meteor fell from the sky. At the moment, Yasuo jumped into the air and drew his sword with a wave. The huge transparent wind wall blocked all the gravel in the sky. No matter how hot the flames were, there was no way to hurt the people below.

"Hmph, no matter what, hit you little dwarf first!"

I saw Azgalo rushing up to Timo, and Timo ran away, with wind on his feet, running fast.

"Don't run away, little dwarf!"

Azgalo slashed with a halberd, and when it was cut down, a long sword and a sword interrupted Azgalo's attack, making him beat him.

"You are waiting!"

With another halberd in the backhand, Yasuo's sword happened to be stuck, and there was no way to fight back. At the critical moment, two layers of green shields covered Yasuo, blocking Azgalo's attack.

"Go on, buddy!"

Ivern summoned a stone man, punched directly to the ground with two fists, and the whole ground began to shake.

Azgalo was a bit unsteady, trying to stabilize his body, and another sword struck him, Azgalo had to take his weapon to block the attack, and was forced to raise his hands.

"It's now!"

Timo turned around and took another arrow, and the ink once again blocked Azgalo's vision, making it impossible for him to see clearly.

"Master, leave it to you."

Taliyah condensed magic power to Azgalo's feet, a rock burst, which lifted Azgalo up a little bit, but his huge weight prevented him from flying completely.

"You little ghosts!"

"What to do, it's not enough!"

Yasuo's sword flashed a white light, the wind, the wind seemed to be controlled by him.


With a wave of the sword, a whirlwind blew towards Azgalo, along with Yasuo's own sword aura, continuously hurting Azgalo's body, and Azgalo was finally knocked into the air.


Yasuo looked at Azgalo who was knocked into flight, a white light flashed in his eyes, and he walked straight up into the sky.

The wind, the wind wrapped the bodies of the two people, and the wind gave Yasuo strength.

Even if his eyes couldn't see, Azgalo still saw the flashes of light and shadow.

Click, click.


Yasuo took back his long sword. Before Azgalo fell to the ground, Azgalo had broken into pieces.

"Death is like the wind, always with me."

Turning around with a sword qi, a sword smashed the defensive tower in the distance.


After Soraka waited for them to return, he nodded comfortably, looked at the map on the table, and thought.

"Next, there is only high ground, and I don't know how the other roads are playing."

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