Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 542: Desired leisure

When the Void Army advanced to the Highland Tower, they discovered that there was no so-called goalkeeper in front, only a lone defensive tower stood in front of them.

"What's the situation, why are there no guards here?"

Still, it hides the guards they can't see.

Everyone didn't dare to act rashly, and carefully observed the surroundings to see what they had overlooked. At this time, everyone thought of a very possible thing.

"Could it be."

Everyone looked at the shining red star in the sky and thought of a possibility.

"The enemy's general, is that guy?"

Impossible, if you really want to protect this place, how can you leave here, there must be a problem.

Just when everyone was distressed about this matter, finally a demon slowly walked out of the local base, graciously wandering.

"Ah, I didn't expect so many people waiting for me."

Although the demon's body is strangely yellow, his body reveals a trace of magic power, which makes Malzahar and Karthus feel palpitations on the side.

"Although I'm wrong to say that, you can come as you please, and I won't stop you."

Malzahar and Karthus looked at the doomsday guard in front of them with strange eyes, and couldn't understand what he was talking about.

"You said, don't you stop us?"

"It's free, anyway, I'm not interested in you anymore, I don't care what you are going to do."

I saw the demon really walked to the side of the open space, took out a pillow from his pocket, and lay down leisurely.

"Although we are wrong to say that, why don't you stop us?"

After listening to the yellow demon, he turned around impatiently, plucking his nose with one hand, and said.

"Actually, I already know that the boss above us has lost and this battle is over. Even if Kil'jaeden-sama can win, the war is over when we come back, we will be kicked out, right."

"Moreover, since both of your bosses have been killed by you, naturally I can't beat you. It's better to let you end this battle quickly."

After speaking, the yellow demon continued to lie down, ignoring Malzaha and the others.

Malzaha and Karthus looked at each other, and temporarily believed what the demon said, a magic destroyed the defensive tower, and he could see the crystal hub inside.

"Look, I am not wrong, am I?"

The yellow demon didn't intend to escape, so he just lay on the ground and let them deal with it.

"A rare opportunity, let's have a chat."

Malzaha clapped his hands, picked up a cushion to be next to the yellow demon, reached into the void with one hand, and took out a cup of tea.

"Huh, ha."

The soldiers around took a look and decided to all go back and make some preparations for the future.

"Really, it's rare to have a rest. You actually have a rest here. Can you get a good rest after this battle?"

Karthus sat quietly beside Malzaha, quietly picked up the book in his hand and began to read.

"You are also a weird person."

The yellow devil didn't continue to lie down, sat up, took it out of his pocket, and savored the incredible dessert.

"It's unbelievable. You demons still have an alien like you. If it's someone from your clan, you just rushed to clean us up without saying a word."

Malzahar picked up a dessert and ate it, not caring that they were enemies just five minutes ago.

"No way, in our world, sometimes there is nothing to do. We also find something to spend time. At this time, I generally like to eat and sleep."

The devil stretched out his hand and scratched his stomach, then took his ears.

"Actually, this battle is still a temporary decision. I don't know where Lord Kil'jaeden got the news. The sudden attack on this place made us unable to have a good rest. Obviously, we only finished the fight with the barbarians last time."

The resentment of the yellow demons is very high. It seems that even for these large cult organizations, working overtime makes them feel disgusted.

"Oh, you guys, why can you talk to me so peacefully, although you can indeed beat me, but you don't look like those who will leave opportunities for the enemy."

"Haha, in fact, we also have certain problems."

Malzahar and the others, in fact, have always been in a balance. They don’t want to destroy the balance of this world. Until they know that the Burning Legion will invade their world, they will begin to fight against the creatures of the entire Rune Continent. In fact, they, every day They are all quietly fishing and reading books on the Shadow Island.

Speaking of it, Malzaha misses his life a little bit. I don’t know if the fish is good or not, and whether everyone’s hobbies are still there.

Karthus remembered the tank of fish he had left at home. He said that he forgot to keep the fish food when he went out, and he didn't know what would happen to them.

"It's just that I haven't tried this leisure in a long time, so if I don't pay attention, it's like this. It seems that we are all the same kind of people."

The three of them picked up the teacups and touched one, and took a happily sip.

"Devil, just stay with us. Anyway, we don't have anything to do. We don't need to invade the world. You can get along with us."

"Hahaha, thank you, but it may not work. When Kil'jaeden-sama returns, maybe we have to fight again."

"Oh, are you so confident in your leader? You actually believe that he will definitely win."

"Naturally, Lord Kil'jaeden is a godlike existence. Although I am just a lazy person, I also believe in his strength."

"Oh, then just wait for the result."

The three of them just sat here, watching the battle between the two stars in the sky, the undead, demons, and void creatures, sitting together in harmony to watch the scenery, which surprised those who received the intelligence to watch.

"Is this the Void Demon and Outland Demon that feared in the mainland?"

It turns out that they, no different from themselves, are just ordinary people coerced by war.

Just when everyone was sighing about this, they finally found out what was different about the stars in the sky.

"It seems to be falling!"


The golden stars fell down the sky, and one person fell to the ground at an extremely fast speed, causing a cloud of smoke.

"Could it be!"

Malzaha, Karthus and others felt the point of falling, and saw Wushou's whole body hurt and the state was lifted.

On the other side, red stars slowly descended from the sky and came to the middle high tower.

"Really, you aborigines are quite capable, and they can defeat my subordinates. It is worthy of praise."

The red lightning flashed on Kil'jaeden.

"However, the only reward for you is death."

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