Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 546: Heart of Fire

From the moment she was born, the girl lived with a strange look.

Everyone around avoided her, and everyone around them looked at her with strange eyes, privately saying that she was an alien and a monster.

It's because of her red scales and the uncontrollable power.

Even if the girl's father is the king of Demacia, it hasn't changed. Everyone looks at her like a monster.

The girl hugged herself with scales and robe, not wanting others to see her true face.

The girl also wanted to be like other people, who could control her own power and let the people around her not be afraid of herself.

The girl heard that the legendary Zhenbing can help herself and control her power.

The girl left home, left the familiar and unfamiliar city, and embarked on her own journey.

Unfortunately, I met that man.



Swing the sword without any extra action

Attack without any hesitation

There is only one purpose for each attack.

Defeat the opponent in front of you.

While blocking Wushou's attack, Kil'jaeden saw Wushou's angry eyes through the helmet.

"Hahaha, that's right, that's right, that's it, this is how I can give back to my training for you in the first place, and can prove that my approach is not wrong."

Kil'jaeden's hands are black flames, and they can accurately block Wushou's attacks every time, and occasionally he can punch Wushou's body with the sound of bone cracks.

But Wushou is like an unconscious zombie, constantly attacking Kil'jaeden, just to leave a sword mark on him.

"It's too weak. The slave is always a slave. To me, your strength is not worth mentioning."

Kil'jaeden grabbed Frostmourne on Wushou's hand, twisted Wushou's fingers with great strength, picked up Frostmourne with his backhand, and thrust it into Wushou's chest.

"break out!"

The black flame exploded from Wushou, not only exploding Wushou's armor, but also pushing Wushou to the front of the army.

In the distance, watching Wushou in front of her was finally beaten and unable to stand up, the girl gritted her teeth and prepared to go up.

"Little girl, don't mess around."

A huge hand grabbed Long Lolita, and the horns on top of her head were very obvious.

"Give it to you, I know I can't stop you, but at least you need this to fight."

"Go, little girl."

Seeing Wushou fall down again, the surrounding heroes sighed, a little angry, and a little helpless.

A flag flew out of the crowd and stuck in Wushou's side.

"Demacia, there are no soldiers captured, only soldiers who died in battle."

Jarvan IV put on the armor again and walked to the front, standing beside Wushou with his companions who had not fallen yet.

I saw Jarvan IV squatted down, took out a flag, and placed it in Wushou's hand.

"You did your best, my son-in-law, watch us next."

Before the other onlookers had finished digesting the news, Jarvan IV said to his companions behind him.

"I'm sorry, maybe this is the last battle, do you hate me? Bring you up early to die."

"What are you talking about, even if you die, I will walk in front of you."

Galen twisted his arm and grasped the big sword in his hand.

"We have lived long enough. If we die for the sake of the mainland, we are dead without regret."

Xinqiang Zhao stood beside Galen against his unrecovered injury.

"Go on, Demacia!"

Another flag was thrown directly at Kil'jaeden, and Jarvan IV followed the flag to rush to Kil'jaeden in an instant, and slammed it down with a single shot.


Kil'jaeden slapped Jarvan IV's spear with one palm, and directly squeezed Jarvan IV's spear with one hand, pulling Jarvan IV over.


Kil'jaeden hit Jarvan IV with a kick, allowing Jarvan IV to climb and fly outside the circle.

"Cunning madman!"

Galen rushed up and attacked with a long sword, but Kil'jaeden was faster, grabbed the broken gun and threw it directly in front of Galen, grabbed it empty-handed, the whole broken gun was like a bomb, and the blown Galen flew out. .

"Ah ah!"

Xin Zhao also rushed up with his spear, but before he hit Kil'jaeden, Kil'jaeden grabbed Xin Zhao's spear in one hand, making him completely unable to move.

call out


The next second, a bullet-like fist hit Xin Zhao's body, and Xin Zhao's spear was directly released, and then Xin Zhao was kicked open by Kil'jaeden, life and death unknown.


The silver arrow and the iron arrow shot from a distance at the same time, and Quinn and Wayne were both in the corner, except for constantly shooting Kil'jaeden, but it was obvious that these weapons were not threatening to Kil'jaeden.

A white light flashed in front of Kil'jaeden. Although he was very fast, Kil'jaeden still held up a shield in one hand and caught the attack of Lux.


Lacus saw that her trick was caught, but before she recovered her trick, she blasted herself directly in front of her and blew herself up.

"Uh, everyone."

Jarvan IV walked back slowly and saw that all his comrades fell, he picked up a flag on the ground and rushed up again against Kil'jaeden.


Grabbing the flag that was attacking him, Kil'jaeden was making a punch, knocking Jarvan IV to the ground.

"Is this the king? Too weak."

The black energy ball aimed at Jarvan IV on the ground, Kil'jaeden said.

"Die for your own country."


A huge fireball flew from the side and directly pushed Kil'jaeden away.

"Could it be!"


Wuxian pulled out the Frostmourne that was plugged into his body, turned around, and saw the flying dragon standing not far away.


The flying dragon surrounded by flames, in addition to the burning scales on its body, also had a pair of claw sleeves made of Zhen ice on its feet.

"Dragons, dragons in this world? Interesting."

Jarvan IV looked at the familiar flying dragon and shouted at her.

"Don't come here, go back, this battle doesn't need you."


Kil'jaeden stepped on Jarvan IV with one foot, looked at the flying dragon in front of him, and said.

"Are you acquainted? This is good, this is good."


Flying dragon completely ignored the persuasion of the two and rushed in front of Kil'jaeden.


Searing heat surrounded Kil'jaeden and the flying dragon. When Jarvan IV thought he was going to die here, a paw grabbed himself and engulfed himself in his wings.

A huge flame surrounded the three of them, and no one could see what was going on inside.

When the flames dissipated, the flying dragon took Jarvan IV out of the center, and Kil'jaeden stood unscathed.

"Just to save that person, you dare to rush up to fight me like this."

"So, what can you do for the other?"

The flying dragon looked at Kil'jaeden and slowly walked towards Wushou who was still lying on the ground, and his whole body rushed directly in front of Kil'jaeden, constantly attacking Kil'jaeden.

However, the attack of the flying dragon could not even break Kil'jaeden's special shield, and he could only watch Kil'jaeden approach step by step without worry.

"Look, this person is more important, I remember correctly, you are that person, this person's concubine."

The black chain flew out from Kil'jaeden's hand, entangled the body of the flying dragon, and slowly transformed the flying dragon back into its original form and into a human form.

"I said, stop!"

Wu worry once again stimulated his own strength because of anger, and instantly became the second form of Super Saiyan, jumped up and punched Kil'jaeden in the face.

"Hum hum."

I saw Kil'jaeden grabbing Wushou's left hand with one hand, and hit Wushou's joint with the other hand and punched it up.


With a pinch of Wushou's neck, Kil'jaeden said to Wushou in a regretful tone.

"It's a pity that your form has no effect on me, nor can it protect your people."

Throwing Wushou on the ground, Kil'jaeden once again looked at the surrounding heroes and shouted.

"Who else, who else wants to come up?"

Wu worry used his movable right hand to stretch out Long Lolita's face lying in front of him, feeling that the other party's breath was getting weaker and weaker, and Wu worry wanted to take the other party away quickly.

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Kil'jaeden stepped on Wushou, not allowing Wushou to use teleportation to leave.

"If you don't let you see this desperate picture, then the magic just now is unnecessary."

Kil'jaeden reached out to aim at Long Lolita lying on the ground, the black chains on her body became tighter and tighter, and purple and black slowly appeared on Long Lolita's face.

"Stop, stop!"

Long Lolita glanced at Wushou for the last time, barely holding up a smile.



It feels that the world stops at that moment.

What was broken was not only the life of the person in front of him, but also his own world.

Bright red tears flowed from the corners of Wu's eyes, forming two clearly visible lines.


Kil'jaeden saw that Wushou's hair turned completely white in an instant, and strange black lines slowly appeared on the exposed body.


The huge recoil force bounced Kil'jaeden away, and after a few laps, Kil'jaeden finally stabilized his body.

"This is."

Wushou slowly floated from the ground, and white light surrounded Wushou little by little.

"We are, the serpent."

Long Lolita, who had been lying in front of Wushou, also slowly floated up, feeling that the person in front of her really had no breath, and the white energy became more and more violent.

"We have no feelings."

That said.

But the gritted expression on Wushou's face didn't seem to have no feelings.

"You are a threat to us."

The black particles were launched at Kil'jaeden, even if it was a powerful Kil'jaeden, it would not casually accept this attack containing space power.

"An effective attack, but too slow."

As soon as he turned his head, another black particle rushed up to Kil'jaeden again, and the continuously connected black particles continued to attack Kil'jaeden.

"Sinner, don't need to forgive, just obliterate!"

The constant attack, the constant attack on Kil'jaeden, even made the surrounding heroes stay away.

"Enough, really enough."

Soraka and Kalmar stood in the distance, watching the battle in the distance, Kalmar wanted to go out and stop the battle.

"This is the last step, we have already, there is no way to turn back."

Soraka finished speaking, using the last telepathy, to the last person, she said her prophecy.

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