The endless grassland

It is as if I have not walked on this grassland for a long time, Wushou's body is trembling, walking on this grassland step by step.

"Have you finally come back?"

Wu worry turned around and looked at the dark figure behind him.

"I don't want to leave here, let me stay here quietly, I don't want to face the darkness outside."

Wushou just sat on the grass like this, not wanting to care about everything outside.

"Idiot, everyone needs you, not only me, but you, everyone outside, everyone needs you, don't put the responsibility on the person who shelters you from the wind and rain."

"This time, let me protect you."


The black smoke surrounded the entire center, and everyone felt that two people inside were bound to die, except for the two outside.


Kil'jaeden originally wanted to leave, but suddenly felt something strange.


In the place originally surrounded by black smoke, a blue light rose from the sky, and the entire continent was trembling because of the burst of power.


Kil'jaeden opened his mouth in surprise and looked at the figure holding a person in the blue light.

Zi Zi Zi

He obviously didn't do anything, but the surrounding heroes could feel that the hope that had been lost has returned.

When the blue light dissipated, Wushou stood there just like that, and the injuries on his body had disappeared.

"In the end what happened?"

Kil'jaeden had no worries about returning to normal in front of him, and felt a little strange that he was actually scared.

Wushou first ignored Kil'jaeden, walked to the Yodel crowd, and handed the blacksmith Loli to Lulu who had just recovered.

"Take care of her, good her, I will solve that trouble soon."

Lulu nodded mechanically and caught the blacksmith Lori.

Wushou walked to the opposite side of Kil'jaeden and had not yet started fighting, but everyone saw that a strange line of tears shed from the corners of Wushou's eyes.

"Come on, my friend."

call out

Thunder and lightning

In the next moment, Wushou had already hit Kil'jaeden with an uppercut, and the surrounding heroes and Kil'jaeden did not see Wushou's movements.


Kil'jaeden steadied his body, I clutched the chin hit by Wushou, and gritted my teeth.

"What's the matter, even if it is an instant movement, I can respond to a momentary fluctuation of magical power, but even I can't resist the attack just now, like."

Like lightning

Lines like lightning appeared on Wushou's body, and his original black eyes turned light blue.

"Next blow."

Shoo, boom

Moving at a super high speed, even shattering the standing ground, Kil'jaeden had already sensed the arrival of the enemy's attack, but his body could not keep up with the reaction. This punch was still accurate to Kil'jaeden's left cheek.

"Cut, you guy, even if you suddenly awakened some power, your power is still not enough to hurt me, I'm Kil'jaeden still invincible."

Kil'jaeden controlled the magic of darkness to surround himself, and no matter where he attacked, he couldn't hurt himself.

"Hahaha, what are you going to do like this, didn't you find it?"

Wushou stretched out his hand, and the blue thunder and lightning was like a hand, reaching out to the dark energy.


No frown frowned, but he continued to bear it down. Dark energy followed the thunder and lightning to her hand, dyeing his right hand black.

call out



Kil'jaeden watched, his worrisome right hand easily passed through his energy, punched his right cheek, knocking out one of his front teeth.


After rotating and tumbling two or three times, Kil'jaeden stopped and looked at the power of Wushou's right hand. In addition to shock, there was still incredible.

"How is it possible, how can you use my power!"

"This matter, I don't need to explain it to you!"

There were two scorched black marks, Wushou had already arrived in front of Kil'jaeden, his hands like countless fists.

Thunder Machine Gun

Puff puff puff

Kil'jaeden had no backhand strength, so he was hit by Wushou's combo. Even if he wanted to leave, Wushou would directly pull back to his own body and fight with the clones.


With his final punch, Kil'jaeden rolled into the distance, his whole body was scorched by lightning.

"How is it possible, how is it possible!"

Kil'jaeden stood up tremblingly and shouted to Wushou.

"How can you have such a powerful force, who are you!"

The mighty thunder and lightning condensed in Wushou's right fist, and the power of indomitable power aimed at Kil'jaeden in front of him.

"I just."

Kil'jaeden hugely transformed his whole body into a black giant, and he punched Wushou where he was standing.

"I just."

Wuxian jumped on Kil'jaeden's fist and ran up along his arm, surrounded by blue lightning, forming a lightning ball.

"I just!"

Wuxian jumped to Kil'jaeden's chest and raised his fist as a punch.

"Guardian of the world!"

Thunder and lightning flooded Kil'jaeden's body, constantly destroying everything in his body, and the whole person was wrapped in lightning.



A strong light obscured everyone's sight, and they couldn't see anything.

After the dazzling white light dissipated, the remaining heroes watched Kil'jaeden's body slowly turn into particles and disappear in place.

"Is this your new power?"

Wuxian raised his head and saw Kil'jaeden's eyes flashing with a dark light.

"Soon, we will see you soon."

Kil'jaeden, disappeared.

"Have you won?"

It was won, just.

Wushou knelt on the ground, thinking of what he sacrificed for this victory, it felt painful.

"What's the point of this victory."

No, it still makes sense.

There are also things you can do.

~One day later~

Just as the entire continent was immersed in an atmosphere of sadness, Wushou and his men were concentrated in the hall of Shadow Island.

Looking at Bing Lolita lying quietly in the ice coffin, Wushou stretched out her hand and separated her long sword carved in her soul.

"Wang, so you will."

"I am not your king now."

No worries, stopped Cthulgard, who was seriously injured but had not healed, and placed the long sword on Bing Lori.

"In this way, you are not my little girl, but the king of the undead legion, forget everything about being a human being and continue to live."

Frostmourne melted into Bing Lori's body, transforming everything about her, including her memory.

"This is the last time, Cthulgarde, help me take care of her and take her back to your world."

Cthulgarde lifted the coffin with magic power and nodded to Wushou.

"Yes, my former king."

Wushou looked at all the heroes of the shadow island who were still watching his own shadow island.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, Mordekaiser and Cogas have disappeared, and I am no longer your king."

Malzahar and Karthus had actually guessed it, after all, when they saw Wuxian again, the power of the void and the undead had disappeared.

"Our king, where has he gone?"

Wuxian stretched out his hand, and the blue lightning flashed.

"It turned into a part of my new power. At the last moment, I didn't even greet me, defying my ideas and awakening my power alone."

"Then you are still our king, and you have been recognized by them as our king."

All the heroes knelt down, facing no worries.

"Here, it will always be your territory. We have been waiting for you and waiting for you to come back."

"I know."

There is one more place.

Far away, Demacia

White flowers floated down in the air, and Jarvan IV, who was already lame on one foot, walked in front of the team on crutches, followed by soldiers who died in battle, one of the most obvious, the bright red coffin.


Suddenly, a familiar person stood in front of the team, holding a pure white dress in his hand.

"What are you doing here?"

"I bring hope."

Wuxian walked to the red coffin, let the person put down the coffin, and put the pure white dress inside.

"Look, the white dress suits you well, I hope you can get your happiness."

The dragon's blood was completely integrated into Long Lolita's body, causing the scales that she could not control to retract.

"You will be reborn, whether you remember me or not, I don't care."

Wuxian walked to Jarvan IV, explained the last few things to him, and left.

On the other side, a small village of Yordle.

Clang clang

The blacksmith Lori was still beating the iron sword in front of her in a rhythmic manner as usual, and suddenly the store door was opened and a bell rang.


The blacksmith Lori patted the dust on her hands, wiped her hands with the apron around her waist, and looked up at the door.


The hammer in his hand fell to the ground, Wushou walked straight to the blacksmith Lori, lowered her head, and hugged her tightly with both hands.

"Sorry, can you continue to wait for me?"

"This time, how long do I have to wait again?"

Wu worry stretched out her hand, don't open the bangs on the blacksmith Lori's forehead, and kissed her on the forehead.

"Wait for me, as long as you are still waiting for me, I will definitely come back and fulfill our agreement."

When the blacksmith Lori blinked, the worry-free figure disappeared, as if everything just now was an illusion.

"I'm waiting for you, idiot."

Giants Peak

Wushou stood alone beside the Giant Mountain, looking at Soraka and Kalma, who might have been waiting here for a long time, and asked.

"You knew it a long time ago, didn't you?"

"We just predicted this possibility, just to see if those girls have the courage to sacrifice for you. Obviously, they are all brave men."

Soraka and Kalma said to Wushou who didn't know what their expressions were.

"If you want to blame, blame us, don't hurt others."

"You also said that they are voluntary. What can I do to you."

"This is the world they love, how can I hurt their world."

The dark portal appeared in front of Wushou.

"When everything is over, I will come back and protect this hard-won peace."

As Wushou enters the tunnel of time and space, the journey of this world is over.

As Wushou moves in the space-time tunnel, a strange fluctuation attracts Wushou's attention.

what happened?

As if to be pulled over by some strange existence, Wuxian hurriedly used his energy to stabilize his body.

On the other side of the space-time tunnel.

"Well, what's the matter? I remember that I have used all the materials, so why can't I summon it?"

"Is there something wrong?"

In the dim corner, the two girls looked at the strange magic circle in front of them and talked.

"Impossible, we have obviously started the summoning according to the regulations, it is impossible not to be summoned, and you can see that the link has already appeared."

~In the tunnel of time and space~

"What's the matter, is this pulling force the enemy?"

No worries, I don’t know who can take him away forcibly. He still has a lot to do, and he can’t be taken away just like that.


Super Saiyan Second Form

Boom boom

Seeing that the magic circle in front of them didn't move, the two girls began to worry about whether they had done something wrong.

"Cut, no matter what, increase your efforts, and you must fight the summoned beast to force it out."

The tension began to weaken.

No worries when he thought that this attack was over, he didn't expect another person to come back.

"Who is it? You can move around the world like me."

The strange man who flew over, dressed in a strange costume, had a strange weapon in his hand.

"The enemy, or the devil!"

For the devil, Wushou now has no good feelings, especially the devil with horns.


The azure energy directly aimed at the demon in front of him and attacked, but he didn't expect that the demon had some ability, and he actually bounced off his attack, and his tortoise-style qigong didn't hurt the opponent.

"Energy immunity, or what?"

Looking at the demon in front of him, he seemed to be still stunned. No worries, he didn't give him any chance to rush directly in front of the devil 7*, and hit his chest with three punches.

"Unexpectedly weak."

Obviously the tortoise style qigong just now didn't work, but the fist actually worked. It seemed that it was just a demon immune to magic.

"Sorry who told you to meet me here!"

With the most powerful fist, he blasted the devil's head with one punch, and Wu thought he had solved the devil.

But I didn't expect that the gravitational force that had already disappeared suddenly increased its strength again, preparing to pull itself out of the space-time tunnel.

"Oops, careless, is it the devil's world on the other side?"

Wuxian is already prepared. If something outside suddenly attacks him, he should move away instantly, and then think of a solution when the time comes.

The huge black hand drew Wushou into this off-track world.

"Accidents always happen frequently."

God in the dark space, looking at the world Wushou fell into, shook his head helplessly.

"Bad boy, this person has no time, just for that little greeting, wasting our time."

The ball of light swayed constantly, slowly fainting a pale figure.

"It doesn't matter, he still has to find a way to control the new power, this world is fine, just waste a little time."

On the other side of the dark space, a trace of black air slowly penetrated here, but was quickly dissipated.

"It's just that how long can I hold on? I'm old too, it's time to stop."

God looked without sorrow, and hoped that he could complete his mission in the end.

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