
Poseidon waved his trident into a huge sea vortex.

"Spartans, take me this trick!"

The huge sea vortex was aimed at the ground where Wushou was standing, and Wushou jumped directly into the air. The Olympic sword in his hand was aimed at the vortex as a sword, and the red flame split the whirlwind with one blow.

"Poseidon, how can you cowardly beat me?"

Huge water elemental snakes rose on the surface of the water, and Wushou, who aimed at the ground, bit directly on them.


Wuxian put away the big sword, took out his double swords, jumped on one of them, and rode the other side close to Poseidon.


Huge tentacles stretched out from the surface of the water and kept attacking Wushou who was standing on a high place, but every tentacle would be directly cut off by Wushou's double swords.

Khacha, huhu

The flames crossed the chains, and the red flames formed a huge vortex, pushing away the tentacles that surrounded him.


Poseidon picked up the golden trident in his hand and pierced it directly at Wushou. Wushou used incredible power to entangle the surrounding trident with chains, and hit Poseidon’s chest with a shock. Shattered the protection of the chest.

"Do not!"

Poseidon built a wall of water in time to separate himself from Wushou. The huge wall of water even made a crisp sound of cutting, which even the two women standing on the coast could hear.

"Can't go there, it will be cut in half."

However, how could Wushou be afraid of these things, draw the Olympic sword and aim it at the water wall as a sword.

A trident pierced directly at Wushou, and Poseidon naturally knew that Wushou could break his defense, and the attack was already ready.

No worries, naturally guessed what Poseidon did.

"what is that!"

The golden armguards emitted a dazzling golden light and bounced off Poseidon's attack with a single move. Not only that, Wuxian also grabbed Poseidon's trident and pulled himself into the huge figure of Poseidon.

The two women saw that Poseidon was standing on the sea like this, motionless. After a while, the whole figure suddenly began to shake, like a blow. A water column flew out from behind, and the huge figure was also due to the master’s departure. And fall down.

Guru Guru


The middle-aged man covered in blood hit the coast and lay on the ground embarrassedly.

"This is, Poseidon, Poseidon?"

Wushou also returned to the coast at this time and walked towards Poseidon who fell on the ground.

"Listen to the Spartans, I know who you resent, but I don't think it has much to do with me, does it?"

"Of course, as long as you tell me one thing, Zeus, where is it?"

Poseidon also wanted to stand up and said to Wushou in a contemptuous tone.

"Ha, you still want to defeat him, don't think about it, he has hidden the mountain, and didn't even tell me that you can't find him."


No worries here is not to listen to his nonsense, stepping on Poseidon's finger.

"I have no time to listen to you, tell me, Zeus, where is it?"

"I don't know, I really don't know, forgive me, for Athena's face, let me go."


Wushou lowered his body as a punch, and hit Poseidon's face fiercely.

He grabbed the other's hair and brought it in front of him.

"Never, mention her in front of me, you are not worthy."

After that, Wu worry kicked Poseidon over, punched Poseidon again and again.


Poseidon hurriedly greeted the water on the sea, wrapped his worry-free arms, and hurried to the beach by himself.


Wuxian broke free all of a sudden, took Poseidon's foot with one hand, and fell behind him severely.

Poseidon's eyes were a little blurred, and he could no longer see what was in front of him.

"Poor God."

Wushou squeezed Poseidon's head directly with both hands. Poseidon was still struggling for the last time, but it was useless.

A huge twist.

The two women couldn't even bear to watch what Wushou did. When Wushou finished everything, they kicked Poseidon into the sea.

After a while, a huge wave rushed to the ground. Just when the two women thought things were getting troublesome, the wave suddenly stopped and stayed in the air like this.

"What's wrong?"

I saw Wushou holding a golden trident, facing the direction of the waves, and hitting it directly.

"go back!"

The waves receded into the sea in a worry-free direction, as if nothing had happened.

"Like, the real sea god."

Erica and Liliana looked at what Wushou did just now, and finally determined, Wushou killing God, what exactly they got.

"It's not a simple power, it's the power of God."

Liliana and Erica looked at their bodies full of blood without sorrow. Although most of the blood was not his, they looked extremely hideous.

"This is only the first one. Soon, the next one, and the next one, I will kill it for my revenge."

The golden trident turned into a tattoo carved on Wushou's arm.

"Wang, are you okay?"

Liliana and Erica approached Wushou carefully, for fear that each other would become murderous.

"It's okay, it's just that I'm a little tired. I'll take a break. It's a shame that I didn't get the information I wanted."

After Wushou and they returned, Liliana and Erica hurriedly reported what happened at the time, as well as the new abilities that Wushou had acquired.

"The king's purpose, is that Zeus in the end? It's really scary. If they really fight then, I can't imagine what the world will be like."

"However, we haven't been to the few sea disasters today. We didn't expect that the king would help us block it. It seems that the king is also a bit kind, at least not forcibly persecuting innocent people."

In the end, everyone decided.

"Continue to support the king's behavior, there is a source who is willing to protect the king of mankind, and the combat power is so terrible, our status will also be detached."

Erica and Liliana would have guessed so.

After the meeting, the grandfather and master of the two men found both of them at the same time.

"Grandfather, I know what you want to say."

Erica smiled confidently.

"It's not just the people around the king. I was the first person to contact the king. It's natural to stay by the king's side."

On the other hand, Lily, who has no political acumen, has no idea what her master said.

"Lily, for our Bronze Black Cross, that matter, please, and the king seems to value you very much, your chance is here."

While speaking, the master even picked up the handkerchief with some relief and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"It's great, find a good person to trust."

Liliana didn't know what they needed to do until they left the headquarters.

"Hey, girl, I think you can take me to meet someone."

The casual demon who appeared in front of Liliana.

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