Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 580: Perfect alice

Sitting in the workshop, working quietly and worry-free, suddenly felt a little bad mood.


Wu worry remembered what Cang Xingshi said to him just now.

"My father, can you let the sisters give up the Alice game and decide on a real Alice."

"Simply speaking, I can't decide Alice, it's Luo Zhen's decision."

"No, my father now must be able and able to decide who is Alice in the end, or reach the highest level and make the real Alice."

Wuxian leaning on the chair, knocked his forehead with a headache.

"Perfect Alice, how is it possible, Luo Zhen can't ***** Lisi, how can I make it?"

At this time, an immature but special idea appeared in Wushou's mind.

"Perhaps, the game of Alice cannot be said to determine who is Alice, but only when everyone gathers together is the real Alice."

The six Rozen Maidens, the six maidens that Wushou knows, all have different characteristics, and each characteristic is particularly attractive.

"Put together the strengths of the six of them, maybe it is Luo Zhen's so-called Alice, although one is missing, it's okay."

Just do it, don't worry, prepare to do something, just like Luo Zhen back then, make your own Rozen Maiden, your own Alice.

"The nobleness of the red, the innocence of the young berries, the cuteness of the canary, the calmness of the blue star stone, the liveliness of the emerald star stone, the arrogance of the mercury lamp, all of these must be integrated into a doll, but it's really too Difficult."

Wushou really couldn't think of any way to integrate everything he thought of into one person.

At this time, Wushou remembered his former companion, merged everything, and became an old friend of other heroes.

"Nothingness is everything, maybe this is a good idea."

Wuxian took out the drawing, grabbed the pen and started drawing, writing and writing, Wuxian put his thoughts in it, and began to waste sleep and food again.

It was not until Xiaoming came back from school that Wushou was still working and interrupted Wushou, and Wushou knew that so long had passed.

"Thanks a lot."

"Brother, what are you doing, are you thinking about a new doll again?"

"Yes, this is to fulfill everyone's expectations, so I decided to complete Alice in my own heart."

"When it's finished, remember to let me see."

"Well, look forward to it."

Wushou returned home with the drawings, and agreed with Misaki that he would continue to work, and then returned to the room to start working.

Wushou slowly fell into chaos, even if he didn't notice it, he was already a little confused and wanted to complete his doll wholeheartedly.

I don’t know why I want to complete this doll so eagerly. It is because of my self-esteem. It may also be because of Cangxingshi’s words that inspire Wushou sympathy. I hope that the Rozen Maiden can live peacefully, not because of this vainness. Sacrificed his life for the war.

Behind Wushou can not see, a pair of black hands control Wushou's body and keep moving.

late at night

Still working overtime, Wuxian didn't notice a strange look behind him.

"That's it, that's it, hurry up, hurry up, bring me into this world."

Wushou began to feel a little uncomfortable, as if something was controlling him behind him, and slowly Wushou entered a dream state.


Wushou climbed directly on the table and fell asleep. When Wushou fell asleep, a strange green vine protruded from the ground, and the green vine slowly walked onto the table of Wushou, slowly changing the drawings in Wushou's hand. .


Wushou suddenly turned over, and the vines on the ground suddenly moved. After seeing that Wushou did not respond, he slowly continued to rewrite.

No worries just like this, without knowing it, slowly being changed his consciousness by this unknown thing.

It was not until Wucao noticed that he knew what he had done, and it actually hurt everyone in this way.

I don't know how long it will take Wushou to find out.

Wucao continues to find that he seems to have strayed into a forbidden zone. As long as he does something, he will find that he has more and more thoughts and routines, just like an explosion of inspiration.

Wushou hasn't noticed it all the time.

Until that day comes.

Time began to leap forward, Wushou's age has reached thirteen, but the story hasn't happened yet.

Why, because during this time, a very important thing happened that changed Wuxian's thoughts and life.

That day, it was still raining, and I sat quietly in the shop without worry, waiting for Xiaoming and Cangxingshi to return.

However, I didn't expect Xiaoming to come to the store by himself without bringing the Cangxing Stone.

"Xiaoming, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Xiao Ming's face was not very good, Wushou was a little worried.

"Brother, is it my real brother?"

Wuxian stayed in the same place for a while, not knowing what to say about it.

"Brother, you really are my brother, right?"

Seeing the changes in Xiaoming's eyes when the sale started, Wuxian knew that this matter could no longer be concealed, so he nodded.



Wushou is a little confused.

"Why, you are my brother!"

Xiaoming looked a little strange, talking non-stop, talking non-stop.

"Xiaoming, calm down, this matter is very complicated and it concerns many of us, so I didn't say it."

"Go away!" Seeing Wushou preparing to come forward and talk to herself, Xiaoming suddenly pushed Wushou away, her fingers trembling constantly.

"why why?"


"Why, you hand my brother, not my other people, can only be my brother?"

"Naturally, I am your brother. I'm sorry. I kept hiding from you before, but I won't. You will always be my sister."

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha."

Xiaoming is a little strange, Wushou feels that there is something wrong.

"My brother, my brother!"

Xiaoming took out a knife from his pocket and pointed it at Wuxian.

"Xiaoming, calm down, put the knife down, let's talk about it."

"My brother, my brother."

A strange tear flowed from Xiaoming's face.

"I have won. I know very well that I have won."

Xiaoming kept repeating some words, making Wucao a little scared.

"Xiaoming, calm down, put the knife down, I can talk about this matter, I can't get through with myself, but I will love you in the future as a brother."


A knife was inserted deeply into Xiaoming's stomach.


Wushou hugged it quickly, but it was still too late. "I don't want to be your sister."

Xiaoming grabbed Wushou's hand.

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