Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 591: Xuehua Qijing

This is, Super Saiyan, the third form.

Wushou clenched his fist tightly, felt the unmatched strength in his body, and a self-confidence emerged spontaneously.

Can win.

As for Ye Ye at this time, seeing Wushou gaining more powerful power, he did not give up because Wushou might not be able to win, but looked at Wushou with great interest.

"Congratulations, but do you think this can defeat me?"

"Maybe, but I can't think of a reason for my failure."


Boom boom

The tentacles centered on the location of Yeye, spreading to the surroundings, and constantly protruding from the ground. The crimson tentacles target is the worry-free over there.

The crimson tentacles did not penetrate Wushou, but instead affixed them to attack Wushou, but a golden shield appeared on Wushou's body to block the tentacle's attack.

The red tentacles did not give up attacking because of this incident, and kept pasting them, completely surrounding Wushou.


The crimson tentacles emit a strange red light, a series of explosions continue to occur, and even a crimson flame vortex is rolled up.

Naturally, Ye Ye would not think that such a simple move could defeat Wushou. Sure enough, when the smoke dissipated, Wushou stood in place intact, and even the shield on his body was not damaged a little.

"It's like a turtle shell, but how long can you last?"

The tentacles behind him are attached with golden energy, which brings a certain threat to Wushou.

"Oh, but can these things hit me?"


The tentacles behind Ye Ye attacked Wushou from all directions. Wushou just chuckled, approaching Wushou very fast, every tentacle almost hit Wushou, but in the end he passed by.

"One second."

The blue light condenses on Wushou's hands, and Yeye has already seen Wushou's purpose.


A red light flew to the sky, and the energy of the sky was aimed directly at Wushou on the ground, like a meteor.

"Two seconds."

Although the meteor was aimed at Wushou, Wushou's speed was faster, and these attacks did not even hinder Wushou's advancement.

"Don't think about it, do you think I would be defeated by you so easily?"

The thunder and lightning centered on night and night, forming a circle after another to shield the outside, and the dense thunder and lightning spread around, like a huge spider web.

No worries are like not seeing these attacks. The loopholes aimed at the power grid rushed in directly, jumped over the loopholes in the power grid, and aimed at the night and night in front of us.

"Three seconds!"

The azure energy is getting denser and denser, and every night is scared to release the six powers from his body, aiming at the worrisome who rushed over.


Teleportation, Turtle Qigong

However, Wushou's attack was not released this time, and the energy threatening Ye Ye just stopped behind Ye Ye, and Wushou did not continue.

"What's the matter, are you afraid of hurting your so-called daughter?"

Although Ye Ye was a little scared, she seemed to be fearless. After all, she was connected with those six loli.

"I know, you can't do it, even if your own life is threatened, you don't plan to do it."

Ye Ye talked to attract Wushou's attention, while his hidden tentacles slowly approached Wushou from the ground.

"Hmph, after all, they are your half-lengths, how can you not hurt them, right?"

Seeing that he was about to succeed, every night smiled, as if he had a chance to win.


Suddenly, Wushou dissipated the energy in his hands, pinched Ye Ye's neck with one hand, and Wushou's tentacles behind him were directly kicked off by Wushou.

"I know, I knew it early."

Tears flowed from the corners of Wushou's eyes and slowly dripped to the ground.

"They, can't come back anymore, they have been digested by you, and I will never see them again, but I am still imagining that you have a way."

Wushou held back the sorrow, wishing to tear away the enemy in front of him, even if the opponent occupies Ye Ye's body.

"But, I still have to thank you, thank you, let me meet them, let me enjoy, this time."

The golden energy flows into Ye Ye's body along Wushou's hands, forming a huge riot energy.

"Goodbye, everyone."

~Explosion~White light~And, liberation~

Darkness, darkness surrounded Wushou, and the voices of six loli, little by little, came into Wushou's mind.

"My father, we will not regret it."

A pair of small hands stretched out from Wushou to wipe away Wushou's tears.

When I looked up, I saw six loli standing in front of him, looking relievedly at ease.

"My father's gentleness and everything about my father have been in our hearts. Even if we leave my father, we will not forget you."

The six loli nodded and held hands with each other, forming a circle around Wushou.

"Father, we can't stay, but we will give you hope and love our sister."

The six loli turned into a crystal jewel and flew to Wushou's hand.

"My father, remember all this, as long as you have this feeling in your heart, you can definitely make your own Alice."


Turning back to the original, worry-free, watching the night falling to the ground, only the remains of the night, squatted down and picked up the remaining head.

"Yeye, I'm sorry."

"Why, why, don't you become one with me?"

Perhaps everything in Ye Ye has been eroded by this darkness long ago, and now speaking to Wushou, there is still the remaining darkness.

"I can't. There are many people waiting for me. I can't be defeated by you."

Every night the remaining head made a miserable laugh.

"You don't understand, you don't understand anything, it's obviously their fault, it's all their fault, you are mine and mine!"

The darkness may finally run out of energy, and the last wreckage also turned to ashes and disappeared.

"I was wrong, maybe, maybe, I really shouldn't have believed in you, and even wanted to trust you. This is my fault."

No worries, I patted my pocket and felt the crystal gem inside. I decided to go back to that small town. Of course, there was production, my own Alice.

After traveling long distances and sleeping in the air, I finally collected everything without worry, and returned to the town. However, I didn't go home or visit them. Instead, I hid alone in the mountains, away from the crowd, for the next ceremony.

Click, click, rustle

Carefully wipe off the traces of hands and feet, carefully sew the long skirt in my mind, carefully polish the joints and skin, and carefully comb.

Silver-white and slightly golden long hair, the white gothic dress is carefully woven with a lot of white rose patterns on it, white headband, white boots, no eyeball on the right eye, instead of a white rose eye mask replace.

A doll that looks exactly the same as the six daughters, Alice without sorrow.

Incorporate gems into the doll, and wait for the resurrection of the doll in front of you without worry.

I saw Lori sitting quietly in front of me, slowly opening her left eye, and the golden pupils greeted Wushou completely.

"Good morning, my father."

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