
Wushou brought Misaki back to the villa where he stayed together. Looking at the heavy rain outside, he always felt that he had forgotten something and that he had not dealt with important things.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

I don't know if Weisaki did it intentionally. When I came back, I walked a lot slower on purpose. In the end Wushou had to accompany her to get in the rain. Both of them got wet from the heavy rain outside at this time.

"Missaki, you go get dressed first, I'll wait for you."



Wucao can see Misaki behind him through the inconspicuous reflection of the window. He has put all his soaked clothes on the ground, and he leans up from behind.

"I said, go take a shower."

Wushou stretched out his hand and nodded Misaki's forehead behind him, then teleported her directly to the bathroom door in an instant.


Misaki had to give it up and went directly to the bathroom to prevent him from catching a cold.

"what happened?"

Wu worry always feels that something very important is about to happen, very important and very dangerous.


Wushou couldn't help it, so he hurriedly went out to see where his students are now.

When Wushou walked out of the villa, she happened to see Takako Sugiura coming back from the rain at the door.

"Sugura-san, what's the matter, you have to go out in this weather?"

Sugiura Takiko looked at Wushou standing on the stairs, and said nothing, just staring at Wushou with a weird look.

"Uh, Sugiura-san?"

"Akasawa-san, are you okay?"

Not long after, Katsura Sugiura finally said a word.

"She's fine, don't worry, she can definitely stand up again."

"That's good, I don't want to say anything for the rest."

After speaking, Katsura Sugiura was about to leave, but after thinking about it, he stopped.

Wu worry looked at Sugiura Takako's back, always feeling that the other party may be calm, but he is also crazy.

"Teacher, you must go back. Akasawa-san still needs you. She is already very pitiful and needs your care."

After that, Sugiura Takako left.

It's just that neither of them saw it, standing at the turn, Misaki smiled unclearly on his face.

"My pawn, this is you, the last step."

Except for Sugiura Takako, Wushou felt nothing unusual, but Wushou always felt that something must happen today.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong

There is a specially prepared broadcast in the place where you live together to remind students to get up on time and participate in activities.

"Everyone, everyone in Class 3 of the third year, I am Takako Sugiura."

Most of the students are now in the activity room, hearing the broadcast and thinking that something important is going to happen.

"Now I want to tell everyone that there is a very important thing that can change our bad luck."

Zi Zi Zi

Impossible, I have obviously destroyed all the evidence.

Wushou listened to the radio, and felt a little bit bad, but it was strange that he should destroy all the evidence, how could it still be like this.

"Next, everyone must believe in all this, all of this is evidence."

Zi Zi Zi

The radio began to play, a strange recording, about Matsunaga Katsumi, the man who prevented bad luck back then.

"Returning the dead to death is the only way to lift the curse."

However, the recording is not over yet.

What WuChou said, sentence by sentence fell into everyone's ears.

In order to protect the students and avoid this chaos, I have no worries to choose to give up this possibility.

However, just when Sugiura Takako would think that this would help Wushou out of danger, she never expected that after hearing this sentence, the rest of the students were not surprised, ready to take up their own weapons and kill Wushou.

"why is it like this!"

Sugiura Takako just wanted to tell everyone the truth, but he didn't expect to do so, but it hurt Wushou.

"Teacher, run away!"


Flames, smashing sounds, and loud noises lingered continuously throughout the building.

"Student Xiaoqiong Yumi, I don't know what are you doing here?"

Weisaki sat quietly in the room, not planning to move at all, watching the door being pushed open, Xiao Qiong Yumi walked in with a fruit knife in a daze.

"Fujioka-san, it's you. You called on the day my brother died."

"Ah, I was discovered. I told your brother clearly not to stay in the room, but if he stays in the room and continues to play games, then I will make friends with him."

"You demon!"

Misaki smiled, but in Xiaoqiong Yumi's eyes, it was a scornful sneer.

"Your brother is stupid. I was only planning to frame you. Who knew it was your brother who listened to the phone, or you would be the one who died."

"Sure enough, it is you, you are the so-called dead, right, I want to avenge my brother!"

I saw Xiaoqiong Yumi, holding a fruit knife and rushing towards Misaki, but she did not expect that there was a puddle of strange liquid on the ground. As soon as she slipped, Xiaoqiong Yumi fell directly to the ground and slammed forward, just in time. On the table in front of me.

"I said, Xiaoqiong Yumi, are you really going to kill me? At your level, it's still too tender to kill me."

Xiaoqiong Yumi picked up the knife and continued to rush towards Misaki, but Misaki didn't have much to do. He just took the wheelchair in front of him and pushed directly towards Xiaoqiong Yumi.

"Do you think I will be hit by you?"

Suddenly, Xiao Qiong Yumi's body twitched, and she just hit her head, her body was briefly paralyzed. At this moment, the chair directly pushed Xiao Qiong Yumi who had lost her strength and directly hit the window, leading Xiao Qiong Yumi and fell straight down.


At the critical moment, Xiaoqiong Yumi held onto the window, did not fall, watched Misaki walk to the window, squinting at the other person.

"Little Qiong Yumi, do you know? I hate that others face me with a knife, and do you know that I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Before Saki finished speaking, he left directly.

Xiao Qiong Yumi tightly grasped the frame, and then saw that a small bug flew directly on the pole on the window staring at the window, and directly pushed the window down.


With a crisp sound of broken bones, a young life ended.

"Ah, it's classmate Wang Zicheng."

As soon as Weisaki walked out of the room, Wang Zicheng came back with a racket, obviously she didn't know anything.

"Fujioka-san, what's the matter?"

"By the way, classmate Wang Zicheng, I remember that I left your things in the cafeteria, go now."

"Thank you, I will go now."

Weisaki watched Wang Zicheng leave directly, smiled, stood there, waiting for the explosion and screams, and nodded in satisfaction.

"I'm very satisfied with this massacre, so who is next?"

Weisaki bounced out the door, not caring about the poor corpse not far away.

"Everyone who threatens me will die here."

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