"Haha, haha."

Wushou hurried back to his home. The first step was to make it clear to Xiaoming that he would wait for himself at home, and he would return soon. The second step was to ride a bike to Misaki's house and bring him out.

Not long after I brought Misaki out, I saw the pitch-black giant appearing not far away, and when I saw Wushou, he walked straight over.

"The target is me, why?"

Wucao didn't have so much time to think, so she could only continue to rush home with Weisaki. When Wushou came back with Weisaki, Xiaoming's expression was a bit wrong when she saw Weisaki.

"Xiaoming, there is no time to explain, follow me, hurry up."

After Wushou left the house with the two girls, he looked at the dark shadows outside and talked to them.

"Stop it, no matter what happens, don't look back, run, keep running, and go to a safe place."

"Brother, what are you going to do?"

Wu worry turned around and looked at the giant who was coming.

"His goal is me."

After speaking, Wushou nodded to the two foreheads and rode away the giant on his bicycle.

"Hey, hey, I am here!"

After seeing Wushou, the giant kept his eyes on Wushou, and the whole person slowly moved closer to Wushou.

"Follow me, monster."

No worries on the bicycle, I don't know why this monster wants to chase him, what he did.

But, at least, no worries to protect his most important person.


A blue laser hit Wushou, and Wushou couldn't control his bicycle, and fell to the ground.

Wushou held his bleeding forehead and looked at the giant not far away. He wanted to stand up, but he felt that his foot had been sprained.

"has it ended?"

Looking at the slowly approaching fist, Wushou closed his eyes.

~The fourth time~


No worries rushed to the emergency brake, stopped aside, and almost fell to the ground.


Wushou rode the bike to the other side, but the giant hadn't given up yet, the lasers above his head kept attacking Wushou, Wushou could only avoid these lasers carefully, and slowly pulled away.

"What am I going to do?"

"I can help you."

"who is it?"

A strange voice came into Wushou's ears, as if to say something.

"I can help you."

"Who are you?"

"I can help you, that's enough, isn't it?"

"How can you help me?" Wushou's right hand slowly showed a strange bracelet with words that he couldn't understand.

"As long as you bring this thing and shout at the sky, the line I give you, then you will transform and gain the power to defeat monsters."


A laser hit Wushou in front of Wushou, smashing Wushou's bicycle to pieces.

"No worries, no time, hurry up."

Wushou quickly got up from the ground, raised his right hand, and shouted to the sky.


Then, nothing changed.


Wu worry thought whether he had yelled something wrong, and continued to yell, but he still didn't change anything.

"What the **** is going on, hello, hello!"

call out!

The blue laser suddenly penetrated Wushou's chest, causing Wushou's body to burst directly.

~Fifth time~

"You lied to me!"

Mystery Voice asked strangely.

"What are you talking about, it's the first time I met you, and this is the first time I talk to you, why should I lie to you."

"Anyway, you are lying to me, even if you shout at the sky, you can't transform yourself."

"How is it possible? Didn't I say it? It's useful to shout at the computer, otherwise it's useless to shout."

"What, you obviously didn't say it."

"What are you talking about, say it again, we meet for the first time."

Wuhua didn't want to finish talking with him, and hurried to a place where there might be a computer nearby.

No worries just like this, leading the giant into the small town, the damage is already incalculable, but it doesn't matter.

When Wushou finally found a computer, he yelled at the computer again, and found another important thing.

"Why is it still useless, you lied to me again!"


A huge fist aimed at Wushou's house, and this punch directly crushed Wushou.

~The sixth time~

"I don't believe you anymore, you lied to me again, you still can't transform even if you yell at the computer."

"Have you misunderstood something? I didn't say that you have to go back to your home for a computer, or I can't lend you the power."

"What, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Wushou can't wait to remove the ring on his hand, but thinking that this is the only way to help him, Wushou has to bite the bullet and rush to the giant behind him, and must step over him before he can go home.



With a simple and neat kick, there is no worries that people and cars will become fragments.

~The seventh time~

Wucao avoided the stepped foot in time. Not long afterwards, a gravel flew in front of her eyes and got stuck in the wheel, causing Wucao to trip directly to the ground and step on the other foot directly.


~The eighth time~


Wushou avoided stomping, avoiding the gravel, avoiding the other foot, and finally walked behind the giant.

"Well, go ahead!"

call out!

The blue laser shot from behind, piercing Wuxian's chest at once.


~Ninth time~

call out!

The blue laser flew over at an extremely fast speed, Wuxian walked directly to the other side, avoiding the laser's attack.


Wushou's speed is getting faster and faster. Wushou has to be careful of the gravel on the ground and the deep pits on the ground, because if he is not careful, he will fall directly and start again.

When Wushou finally arrived at his home, he rushed into the warehouse and looked at the pile of cartons in front of him. Only then did he remember that he was very busy during this time and didn't have time to put everything in order and sort things out.


No worries look for it, look for it, and when that fist hits it directly, No worries still can't find where.

~Tenth time~

"Impossible, why not here!"

No worries to find a complete warehouse, and found that the computer I was looking for was not here. Did I already take it out?

At this time, Wu worry thought of a possibility.

"Xiaoming, can it be!"

It’s just that Wushou has no time to confirm now, his fist is already close to him, and Wushou has nothing to do except close his eyes and wait for the re-emergence.

~Eleventh time~

No worries opened the door of Xiaoming's room, and he saw an old-style computer in it. I didn't know what Xiaoming wanted this computer for, but he needed it now.

"Hey, just point to this computer, right?"

"I'm not hello, but I have a name, please call me the ace agent, Gullit."

"Huh, ace agent, then all right, my name is Wushou, please show me more!"

Wu worry raised his right hand, the ceiling was suddenly smashed open, and the figure of the giant was exposed through the skylight.


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