"For the first time, because of Xiaoming, I summoned the Monkey's Earthbound God."

"The second time, because I left suddenly, summoning a second earth-bound god, spider."

"The third time, in order to prevent the spider from appearing, I first pleased Xuehua Qijing, which resulted in the appearance of the woodpecker."

Wu worry is thinking about other countermeasures at the same time, but Wu worry always feels that he might have to spend a lot of time here. (life)

"All right!"

Wushou stood up suddenly, making the three women startled and looked at Wushou strangely.

"Student Wushou, what's wrong with you?"

Wushou stood up suddenly, walked to Sakuragi Yukari's side, and said.

"Sakuragi, are you free tomorrow? Can you accompany me to a place after school?"

"Eh, eh!"

Sakuragi Yukari blushed and looked without sorrow.

"Uh, no problem, see you tomorrow."

Then, in the surprised eyes of Sakuragi Yukari and Akazawa Izumi, Wuxian took Xuehua Qijing's hand and pulled her to stand.

"Student Xuehua, after school today, can you wait for me? I have something to tell you."

"Of course, it doesn't matter what Wushou classmate wants to say."

Afterwards, in Akasawa Quanmi's eyes looking at the scum, Wuxian walked up to her and held her hand.

"Akasawa-san, can you take me around this weekend? I want to get to know this well."

"What are you doing, let me go!"

Akasawa Izumi broke free, then turned away from Wushou.

"Hmph, let's talk about the mood of this lady."

"Then say it, see you after school."

Wu worry hurriedly cleaned up, and left the rooftop, leaving the three girls in a daze.

"Which person does he feel?"

The three girls were also chaotic for a while, and were completely unclear about what Wushou planned to do.

After Wushou ran down the stairs, after listening to the sound for a while, he realized that the God of Bound did not appear, and went down the stairs to deal with Xiaoming with peace of mind.

"Xiaoming, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as Xiaoming was about to go up the stairs, he saw Wushou walking down.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Wuxian put it on the other's shoulder, pulling Xiaoming away quickly.

"Xiaoming, I've actually wanted to say something for a long time."

When Wuzhou took Xiaoming to the empty place, Wuzhou held Xiaoming tightly in his arms and straightened out the opponent's bangs with his hands.

"elder brother!"

Xiaoming looked at Wushou with an unbelievable gaze, wondering if Wushou was moved by herself, and finally wanted to confess to herself, even planning to break through the confinement of the world.

"Actually, I want to tell you."

Before Wushou could finish speaking, a voice interrupted the conversation between the two of them.


"Brother Wushou, what are you doing?"

Wuxian turned his head and looked, only Misaki appeared to the side with two bentos, but the two bentos had fallen to the ground.

"Misaki, why are you here?"

"I still want to ask, what do you want to do?"

Boom, boom!

"You guys are brothers and sisters."

Boom, boom!

"It's wrong for you to do this."

The voice is getting closer, and Wushou has already felt the strange scorching heat.

"No, I'm the same, maybe, but I'm not the same, not the same."


The wall behind him fell down, and a huge black whale appeared behind Misaki.

"woo woo woo woo!"

"Brother Wushou, why!"

Booming, the huge water column rushed over directly, the water directly corroded Wushou's body, and time restarted again.

Sizzle, sizzle

~Fifth time~

Wuzhou took Xiaoming to a corner with no people, looked around and found no one else, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Brother, what do you want to do?"

Xiaoming originally thought that Wushou really wanted to confess to herself before pulling herself away, but seeing Wushou avoiding people while finding a position, Xiaoming knew that the other party didn't hate him for saying those things.

"Xiaoming actually listen to me, this matter is very important, because I believe you, I decided to tell you."

"I'm so happy, brother, you really think of me as the most important person, tell me, I won't tell other people."

Dong dong dong

Strange sound

Dong dong dong

Strange footsteps, there is a strange sound of wood crashing.

"We are asked to take good care of you and don't want you to come here casually."

"However, you are still really too much, actually treating us like that."

"Even if it's your father, you can't forgive him."

Wushou looked up at the ceiling and saw two familiar and unfamiliar young girls (Lori) floating in the air, looking blankly at Wushou.

"Cuixing Stone, Cangxing Stone?"

"Ah, how would I know your names?"

Wushou didn't think so much yet, a dark green light surrounded Wushou, Wushou only saw his body slowly shrinking, and finally fell to the ground.

"Sorry, my father, we are all poor people under control."

~The sixth time~

Wushou took Xiaoming's hand and prepared to leave, but he hesitated.

"Xiaoming, I want to tell you one thing."


Wushou patted Xiaoming's head and said.

"No matter what happens to you in the future, you are still my favorite sister. I will take care of you for the rest of my life."

After speaking, I left alone without worry.

"That's okay, right?"

Wushou stood outside the school, looking at the five women who were unidentified and brought bad luck to him, and began to think that it would be better for him to stay away, so that he can, can?

No worries or even can't figure out what he really wanted to do. Originally, he seemed to have a purpose, but because of what happened, he forgot.

"It doesn't matter, I go home first. I always feel that I can find my answer at home."

Boom, boom, boom!

At the moment when Wuxian left the school, the sky suddenly turned a crimson, and a huge whirlwind even swept the entire town.

"What's the matter, I shouldn't step on the thunder, what is the situation?"

A huge magic circle appeared in the sky, drawing out an incredible rune.

What came out of the magic circle was a deep black giant bird with crimson lines looming on its body.

"Earth binds God, but this sense of oppression."

The crimson light flashed, and Wu worry always felt that the red light seemed to be getting closer, getting closer and closer, no, it was moving, the red light was moving.


The red light passed through the building and white clouds in an instant. All the light hit the ground, causing a big explosion.

"In the end what happened!"

~The seventh time~

After dealing with everything without worry, he stood quietly at the school gate.

"Could it be that I am restricted here?"

Wushou can't believe it, but if I'm really restricted here, why didn't I respond when I wasn't in school before.

"Because, am I going to school now?"

No worries, guess what.

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