So dazzling

Wu worry feels the sun shines on his face through the window, but Wu worry clearly remembers that there is no window in his room to shine the light on his face.

When Wushou woke up, he found himself lying in a strange room, surrounded by strange colors.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi

Ticking, ticking

Blood slowly seeped in through the cracks in the doorway, and the entire floor was infiltrated by blood.

"Brother, one inch of harem, one inch of blood, you should understand this truth, right?"

The blood rose slowly, like a huge lake.

"Brother, no matter what you will do in the future, you must remember this sentence. In this world, you have only one choice."

The blood slowly surrounded Wushou, and the whole person fell into the blood, unable to breathe.

"Uh ha!"

Wushou woke up from his dream, looked around, and found that he was lying in his own home, surrounded by familiar furnishings and familiar furniture, everything was so familiar, Wushou finally felt relieved.

"Brother, are you awake?"

Xiaoming walked in with a plate, Wushou seemed to see sparkling knives on it.

"Xiaoming, what are you doing in here?"

"Help you clean up, because do you think you are at home now, so you are safe?"

"Xiaoming, what are you talking about?"


Xiao Ming directly took out the silver road from the plate, and pierced in Wushou's body directly.


"Brother, brother, can't you see it? My purpose."

Puff, puff

Every time a knife is drawn, what is brought is the next knife, which is more ruthlessly inserted. Wu worry can do nothing except watch all this happen.


"For you, for you, everything I do is for you."

Pain occupies Wushou's brain, and slowly Wushou faints again.

"Uh ha!"

Wushou woke up again, but this time it was not lying at home, but lying on the ground. If Wushou remembers correctly, this is the school infirmary.

"Is this a dream or reality?"

No worries, I just know that I need to wake myself up a little bit, look around and know the time now.

The sun is about to go down, and there is no worries about seeing some students leaving together through the window, maybe it's time for school.

Dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the infirmary.

"Come in."


The person who walked in was the squad leader of the Wuxian class, Sakuragi Yugari, the woodpecker-bound god.

"Student Wushou, are you better?"

"Sakuragi-san, how do you know that I am here?"

"Your sister told us that you were a little uncomfortable, so stay here."

Sakuragi Yugali walked in, then stretched out his hand, closed the door, and even locked it back.


"Now, classmate Wushou, I heard that you joined a strange love game, right?"

"How would you know?"

"She and I are good friends, after all, I like her the most, so I will tell her everything, and she will tell me everything."

Sakuragi Yugali rolled up his sleeves, and a black woodpecker tattoo was engraved on his arm.

"She said that although she doesn't like this game, she prefers another game, and hopes Wushou classmates can play with us."

"If I say rejection, what would you do?"


A black finger quickly wiped Wushou's face and directly inserted it into the wall beside it.

"If you talk nonsense, the next target with this finger is your head."

"Well, tell me first, what is your game?"

Sakuragi Yugal took a knife to Wushou and said.

"Student Wushou, your abilities are basically useless in this world. Leave this knife to you, so go and resist. Remember, this knife can only hurt some people, and you can only use this knife. Go against those people, or yours will explode."

Inexplicably, Wu worry took a knife to fight against something he didn't know yet.

"Wait, what does it matter, what do you want to do?"

"Hey, classmate Wushou, I just give you something and play a game with you by the way."

Sakuragi Yugali walked to Wushou's side, and Wushou's hand held the knife tightly and made a blood stain on his hand.

"Look, this knife can be used against us specifically. If you plan to deal with us, you can use this knife."

Until Sakuragi Yugali left, Wushou still didn't know what the purpose of the other party gave him this knife.

"Maybe, just give me a weapon that I can resist."

In other words, I dug a trap for me, and when I hurt them, I was killed by them again.

No worries, I don’t know.

Wu worry thought that he was the only one to see him today, but he didn't expect another person to come to him soon.

Dong dong

"Come in."

Opening the door and walking in was Sakuragi Yukari's good friend, Izumi Akasawa.

"Akasawa-san, what are you doing in here?"

call out!

I saw Akasawa Quanmi throw a cell phone to Wushou.


"Take it well, or don't blame me if something happens in the future."

After speaking, Akasawa Izumi left.


Sizzle, sizzle

When Wushou came back to his senses again, he found himself standing near the station, holding an umbrella in his hand, standing here alone.

"Am I?"


The rain fell slowly.

Ticking, ticking

Wushou stood there aimlessly, completely ignorant of what he wanted to do or what he was doing here, Wushou didn't even remember what he had to do here and what he needed to do.

"I, like a strange puppet, controlled by others."

"Ah, the rain is really heavy."

A person rushed in in a hurry, twisted the excess rainwater on his clothes, and looked "very surprised" without worry.

"Ah, brother Wushou, I didn't expect to meet you here, it's a coincidence."

"Misaki, what are you doing."

"Hehehe, what are you talking about, I just happened to be here by chance."

Weisaki sat beside Wushou, watching the heavy rain outside, and was silent for a moment.

"Brother Wushou, do you still remember everything about us."

"Sorry, I don't remember at all."

"That's right. Brother Wushou didn't know it at that time. He was obviously my brother, but he was very naive, like a child."

"We were also children back then, Misaki."

Weisaki smiled, but from Wushou's point of view, how strange it was.

"Brother Wushou, Big Whale likes you very much, and so do I, so this rain is my gift to you and my own."


Several thunders suddenly sounded, but none of this frightened Wushou. On the contrary, the person sitting next to him made himself even more scared.


"Hush, enjoy this rain."

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