Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 630: Playing against the earthbound gods

Sizzle, sizzle

Wu worry looked at Sakuragi Yukari, who was sitting next to him, and his heart had changed a little.

"Student Wushou, do you see the shrine on the mountain?"

"Actually, Sakuragi-san, I have something to tell you."

The first is to be strong, and you don't want to worry about the other party's sudden emotional fluctuations, and then let yourself get into trouble.

"Sakuragi, are you happy now?"

"Hey, Wushou classmate, why are you asking this?"

"Actually I am very happy. Although I don't have my parents to accompany me, I have you, other classmates, and my sister is still by my side. Even if there are more difficulties, I can face other sufferings with a smile."

"So, don't feel that you have any regrets in your life. In fact, you are already very happy."

"I'm very happy?"

Sakuragi Yukari lowered his head, looked at Wushou squeezing his hand, blushed and smiled stupidly.

"Thank you, Wushou classmate, I am very happy."

While speaking, Sakuragi Yukari seemed to think of something, and said to Wushou.

"Classmate Wushou, you and I have actually met, do you remember?"

Wu worry really couldn't remember, so she just shook her head like this.

"It's too much. Obviously we saw it once when we were young. It was near the shrine. At that time, you helped me find my mother's relics."

"Eh, is there such a thing, I don't remember at all."

"It turns out that this matter is so small in your eyes, and that's right, after all, at that time, Wushou classmates were very different and delicious."

Seeing Sakuragi Yukari's body slowly glowing black energy, Wuxian knew that he had messed up.

The first is the strongest.


Sizzle, sizzle

~The second time~

"Student Wushou, have you seen the shrine on the mountain?"

"Sakuragi-san, I actually want to tell you something."

Wu worry grabbed the opponent's hand and said.

"Actually, you and I have met a long time ago, do you remember?"

"So happy, Wushou classmate, you still remember that, yes, I met you once at the shrine. At that time, you broke into my life for the first time."

"At that time, I remember I was looking for something with you. Although I don't know what it is, I think it must be very important."

"Yes, it's my mother's relic, Wushou classmate, you still remember it."

Sakuragi Yukari looked a little excited, with unusual flushes on his face.

"Actually, at that time, I had feelings for you, do you know."


"I think you can accept me, right, stay with me all the time."

No worries, I didn't expect things to develop so quickly, so I hurriedly interrupted the other party and prepared to find a reason to perfuse.

"Student Wushou, you don't like me, do you?"

Seeing Wushou no longer want to look at herself, Sakuragi Yukari's eyes dimmed, and the black energy on her body was looming.

"Well, I messed up again."


Sizzle, sizzle

~The third time~

Wushou feels a little helpless. If you lead the other person toward self-pity, then you can't escape. If you elicit the other person's feelings for yourself, then you can't accept it casually.

"Uh, maybe it's not impossible to accept and try."

Wu worry slowly brought out the other's feelings through the conversation just now.

"Actually, Sakuragi, I am the same, I also like you very much."

Sakuragi Yukari was stunned for a while when he heard Wuxian's words.

"So, even if I win, right?"


A black sharp knife protruded from Sakuragi Yugali's body, and stabbed it into Wushou's body.


Two hands of black energy stretched out from Sakuragi Yugali's body, pulled Wushou's wound, and opened them greatly.


"You like me, you like me, then my body must be ready, accept my return."

The black earth bound the god, staring sorrowfully with sorrowful eyes.

"I want to go back, only here is my home."

The dark energy has been transferred into Wushou's body, but the black energy is quickly repelled out.

"You lied, you lied, once again, deceived me again, why, why, obviously I love you so much!"

The black hand danced in the air, Wuxian found the right opportunity and hit himself with a knife.

Sizzle, sizzle

~The fourth time~

No worries, I didn't expect that what I said casually would cause such a big trouble, and I was really in trouble now.

"Student Wushou, have you seen the shrine on the mountain?"

"Hey, I can't see it, or Sakuragi-san, can you take me to have a look?"


Wu worry thought, since I was not convinced, then I can't leave.

Wuxian waited for the opportunity and was about to leave directly when he went up the mountain. As soon as he turned to leave, Sakuragi Yukari leaned on his shoulders and leaned behind him.

"Student Wushou, where do you want to go, the shrine is on another road."


Sizzle, sizzle

~Fifth time~

Wushou followed Sakuragi Yukari to the shrine. Looking at the living environment of Sakuragi Yukari, Wushou felt a little strange inexplicably.

"Sakuragi-san, it's hard work, live here."

"It's okay, because although there are no relatives in my family, I still have a close relative."


With that, the gate of the shrine was pushed open, and a little girl came out with a strange hat.

"Yugali, I'm hungry, is there anything I can eat?"

The little girl slowly opened her squinted eyes, and saw that besides Sakuragi Yukari, there was another outsider here, and she suddenly changed a lot.

"Ahem, Yugali, don't say anything when a guest comes, don't hurry up and change clothes to entertain the guests."

"Yes, Lord God."

Lord God?

Wushou looked at the little girl in front of him with suspicion, wearing a frog hat, dressed in an untrimmed fashion, and Wushou could smell it. The little girl smelled of alcohol.

"The waste material loli with both tobacco and alcohol?"

Wucao suddenly thought of someone, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

"What are you laughing about, you mortal, you can't come to worship after seeing Lord God, Lord God will bless you and turn good luck."

Seeing that Wushou had no respect for herself at all, Little Lori was trembling with anger, but she was helpless to him.

"Master Suwa, come in quickly, tea is ready."

Hearing Sakuragi Yukari's words, Lori made a cut and turned and walked into the shrine.

"Come in, rude human."

Wushou followed the little Lolita and walked in. Although Wushou had been cleaned up, Wushou still smelled of alcohol. Sakuragi Yukari had changed into a witch costume, which looked particularly attractive.

"Master Suwa, I have already said that it is not good for your health to drink less alcohol in the future."

"I'm a god, so don't worry about Yugali, or worry about the human being in front of you. He is not a good thing."

"Master Suwa, don't talk nonsense, classmate Wushou is a good person."

I have no worries for a while, maybe I really chose the right option, it is correct to come here.

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