The brave is different from others. The brave will not grow old, and will always be the same young as before, but the comrades around him will slowly leave.

The brave man is not a human being. In the end, he is slowly rejected by the rest of the mankind. Finally, the brave man leaves his familiar place alone to find his own meaning of existence.

Along the way, the brave traveled through different worlds and made different friends. Naturally, the seven evil spirits were always by the side of the brave.

The seven evil spirits have been changed by the brave, and everyone hopes that time can last forever.

Until the brave, arrived in a world.

The sparse and ordinary world, there is no war, no chaos, and there is harmony around it.

The brave met a girl.

A very different girl.

The brave man was deeply attracted by this girl.

The girl explained to the brave that she is everything in this world and it is impossible to be with the brave.

The brave said a word and made the girl make a decision to change everything.

"Then, I will stay here until you change this mind."

One day, two days, one month, one year, ten years, ten years, decades, hundreds of years.

The brave followed the girl all over the world and saw everything in this world.

However, in a dark place, there is light, and the world is the same, naturally there are enemies of its own.

Darkness surrounds the whole world.

The brave can leave the world at will, but the girl cannot. The girl is the world itself.

Seeing that the girl was in danger, the brave stood up.

"Stop, don't hurt her."

The brave man alone faces the darkness.

The war has been going on, but the darkness has not faded away. Seeing the girl around him getting weaker and weaker, the brave has no choice but decided to meet that person.

Master of Darkness

Sizzle, sizzle

Wuxian took a deep breath and woke up from the dream, feeling the unusually hot body, rushed to the bathroom and showered all over.

The water flowed from the head to the whole body, and she slowly calmed down Wushou, but Wushou felt that in addition to the water, there was some liquid flowing from the corners of her eyes.


Wuxian easily wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. As for the truth, maybe only he knew it.

Wuxian opened his collar and looked at the prominent tattoo engraved on his chest, always wondering if he had forgotten something.

"This tattoo is from Sakuragi-san, isn't it? Have I finished it for the first time?"

It's just that Wushou can't remember what he has done, whether it is the pledge between Sakuragi-student and himself, or everything that happened during that time.

"It's really bad, this feeling."

But, at least in this way, Wushou doesn't have so much guilt. At least he and Sakuragi Yukari can't remember what happened, and time may have restarted as well.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Xiaoming stood outside the door and heard the sound of the tap inside, knowing Wushou was inside.

"Hurry up, we only went to school for one day. I don't want other people to have such a bad impression of us and be late the next day. I don't want it."

"Got it, I'm out now."

Wu worry quickly wiped his body with a towel, went out and gave the bathroom to Xiao Ming.


As soon as Wushou walked out the door, Xiaoming stretched out his hand to hold Wushou.


"Oh, it seems that you have made the first step, my brother."

Xiaoming stared at Wushou with purple pupils.

"It's you, why did you find me suddenly?"

Xiaoming let go of Wushou's hand and smiled.

"Why resist us? Haven't you already remembered something? Why resist us? We are obviously together."

There is no way to refute it without worry.

"Since we were originally one, isn't it normal for us to come back, don't resist, and accept our kindness?"

"But, I don't know. Since I chose to abandon you, I naturally have my reasons."

Having said this, Xiao Ming did not speak either, lowered his head.

"The reason, I also want to know, we all want to know, but we don't know, only you know it."

"We can wait until you remember everything and tell us your answer."

Xiao Ming finished speaking and walked into the bathroom.

So, who is the next goal?

Sizzle, sizzle

Wushou sat in his seat, looked at Sakuragi Yukari and Akazawa Izumi not far away, and thought for a while.

"Since Sakuragi Yukari is over, I have a very clear goal now. There are only two, Akasawa-san, and Misaki."

Unconsciously, Wushou has already eliminated Xiaoming. Perhaps Wushou has no way to overcome the hurdle in his heart.

"Student Wushou, what's the matter?"

After school, Wushou went directly to Akasawa Izumi who was about to leave.

"Akasawa-san, can you go to a place with me?"

School roof

"Come over for me, what are you doing?"

"Akasawa-san, I like you."


Akasawa Izumi looked at Wushou with a strange look.

"Really, I like you, I hope you can associate with me."

"Wait, I didn't say I like you. Allow me to refuse."

Ah, things are not as simple as Wuxue expected.

Akasawa Quanmi looked at Wushou's surprised eyes, and finally stared at Wushou with contempt.

"Did you misunderstand something? I just gave you a mobile phone, but that doesn't mean that I like you, I'm just helping people."

After finishing speaking, Akasawa Izumi turned around and left. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell Wushou.

"I'm not a superficial woman. If you want to pursue me, at least give me a little sincerity."

After listening to Akasawa Izumi's words, he stood in place and thought.

"Do you chase a girl? I really don't know what to do. I used to like each other, so it was natural. But now, it's really difficult for me to chase someone."

However, retreating here is not a worry-free style. If you don't know, then go and learn.

"Brother, what are you doing reading these books?"

Xiaoming's eyes twitched slightly when Wushou brought back a pile of books about love and pursuits.

"Study, maybe I was really abrupt, I want to learn how to fall in love, let you see the strength of my brother."

"Hey, brother, you have a sweetheart, and you were rejected, who is it?"

"Uh, I can't tell you this, hum, you will know then."

"That's it."

After Xiaoming finished speaking, he left Wushou's room, returned to his room, and picked up a phone.

"Hey, it's me. My brother went to confess today and was rejected. Is that you?"

Hearing the denial of the other party, Xiaoming continued.

"Let’s join forces to kill the vixen in the cradle, and then we can grab brother again, okay?"

Xiaoming smiled with the affirmation of the other party.

"My brother is mine, no one can take it away."

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