No blood, no screams, no screams.

There are no winners and no losers in the battle between the brave and the dark. Maybe both are winners and both are losers.

The brave failed, the darkness became stronger, and the brave could not stop the spread of darkness.

However, the darkness let go of the world very humanely. In order to coerce the brave man from making any fierce behavior, the brave man reluctantly chose to ignore it.

Next, darkness continues to erode these worlds, and the brave has no choice but to choose to save everything he can.

But no matter how hard the brave tried, the darkness was still wreaking havoc, and the brave couldn't continue to endure it.

The brave decided to sacrifice everything he had to prevent the erosion of darkness.

A barrier, a barrier that separates darkness and light, protects light from being swallowed by darkness, and protects these worlds from being controlled and destroyed by darkness.

However, the brave didn't want anything that he knew would follow him to destruction. The brave released everything around him in order to protect them.

The brave who sacrificed everything, sat alone in that world, and looked at the girl who had recovered and smiled.

However, the girl could not continue to laugh, because the brave would soon disappear.

"It doesn't matter, I will come back. The current me cannot stop the darkness, but the future me will definitely be able to."

The girl watched, the brave in front of her slowly turned to ashes and wept bitterly.

The girl links the world to the entire barrier, turning it into the last key of protection, protecting all of this.

Everything came to an end.

Sizzle, sizzle

Wushou woke up from his dream, looked at his hands, and slowly calmed down.

"That's not me, it's just a dream."

Wuxian kept reminding herself to get up from the bed and go to the bathroom to wash up to refresh herself.

Boom, boom, boom

Xiaoming took the crutches and walked out of the room step by step.

"Xiaoming, good morning."

Wuzhou took Xiaoming to her seat and helped her sit down.

"I will do whatever I want, as long as you like it."

"I heard you all last night."

Wuxian's hands that were still active, stopped.

"It's amazing, it turns out that in another world, I am your sister."

"Xiaoming, listen to me."

Xiaoming stretched out her hand without sorrow, and continued talking.

"Listen to me, since you just strayed into this world, just a passer-by, then just leave it like this. I don't need you, and the other me will definitely need you more."

"No, seeing you like this, how could I leave directly, I can't."

"Hear me out."

Xiaoming drank loudly without worry.

"I know myself very well. She must be anxious now. Her favorite relative suddenly disappeared in front of her. How does it feel? It must be crazy. Please, go back quickly, or she will be crazy."

"At least, let me take care of you for a while and make your life better, so that I can leave with peace of mind."

Xiaoming already felt Wushou's determination, she would not continue to force Wushou to leave, and she really wanted to find someone to rely on.

Da da da

Wu worry helped Xiaoming walk around.

School, this matter is no longer the scope of worry-free thinking. Whenever, worry-free will be ready to clean up, the school of this world.

"No worries, you don't need to do this, I can go by myself."

Naturally, Xiaoming was not so cheeky as to call Brother Wushou directly, so he could only call it that way.

"It's nothing, I'm just worried about you falling down, and don't you walk well?"

Wuxian also understands that if you really want to get out of this dream world and move on, then you have to face your heart, the choice you should make.

"No worries, I don't need you to accompany me, I know very well here, just go, I want to go back to school."

No matter how Wushou persuaded him, Xiaoming was determined to go back, and Wushou couldn't help it.

"Well, I'll go shopping for groceries, go home to make preparations, I'll pick you up, and wait for me."

After speaking, Wu worry released her hand that was holding Xiaoming, leaving something in her hand with the ability that Xiaoming could not detect at all.

"Go, I will protect you."

Listening to Wushou's footsteps drifting away, Xiaoming squeezed her hand and muttered to herself.

"I'm just a substitute, yes, just a substitute, I can't have any ideas."

After Wushou really finished shopping and went home to prepare, he always felt uneasy, so Wushou immediately moved to the vicinity of Xiaoming.

At this time, the school

Xiaoming was blocked in the corridor. It was obviously surrounded by students, and even teachers passed by occasionally, but these people turned a blind eye to them, instead standing aside, watching all this in silence.

"Hey, blind man, why are you suddenly late today? It is obvious that we see you embarrassingly passing by at the door every day, and we kick you every time, but if we can't do it today, we always feel a little uncomfortable."

After speaking, one of the group suddenly stretched out his foot and kicked away the crutch in Xiaoming's hand.

"Blind, don't think you are a good thing, you are just a thing nobody loves. You can come to this school because of your poor life experience, you asshole!"

Leading a girl who was dyed in colorful, stretched out her hand to grasp Xiao Ming's technique, and yanked upwards fiercely.

"sorry Sorry."

Xiaoming has no ability to resist except for apologizing. The person in front of her is a rogue girl who suddenly turned around in the city. It is said that because she can't stay in Kyoto, her family throws her down, hoping that she will change, but it seems useless.

"Blind, people like you, I used to deal with them casually, and people like you are only worthy of my shoeshine."

After finishing speaking, he pressed Xiaoming's head, pressed Xiaoming to the ground, and knelt on the ground.

"Can't you see it? My shoes are right in front of you, all because of you. My shoes are a lot dirty today. Give me a good polish, or I will leave a shoe print on your face."

Can't cry, can't cry.

Xiaoming bit her lips tightly, remembering what her dead parents said, no matter how difficult life is, she can't cry in front of outsiders.

"Wait, what is that?"

The rogue girl saw that there seemed to be something on Xiaoming's hand, and when she took a closer look, she saw that Xiaoming's ring finger was wearing a silver ring.

"Hey, I didn't expect you blind man to have jewelry at home. I'm so lucky. Give it to me."

As he said, the other party stepped on Xiao Ming's arm and lowered his body.


Xiaoming probably thought of who gave this ring to him, hurry up and hug his right hand with the other hand.

"No, that can't be given to you."

"Let go, you blind man!"

Step on

One kick after another, he kicked Xiaoming fiercely, but Xiaoming just grabbed his right hand and refused to give it to the other party.

"I'm impatient to live, isn't it?"


Hearing the loud shouts of students around and the strange popping noises, Xiaoming probably guessed what it was.

"Can't give it to you!"

"let go!"


Ticking, ticking

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