No worries did not fall asleep all night.

It is because today that he and Xiaoming brought back a stone, which was originally an ordinary meteorite. (This is normal?)

As a result, it was completely unexpected that there was still a person inside, and there was still a person with signs of life.

However, if she is a human being, it is a bit different.

Looking at the alien guest on the bed without worries, his light blue hair is combed into two drooping double ponytails, his age is like twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a set of strange clothes, it clearly looks like ordinary fabric, but It can make strange metal percussions.

It was all because of this inexplicable girl who was punished by Xiao Ming on her knees without worry. She obviously didn't do anything, and she was still a victim.

After thinking about it, Wushou is a little angry. If Xiaoming is so worried about this person, why is he putting this thing next to him now, since he is afraid of messing up, how can he stay here with peace of mind.

"Could it be that there is something in this room that I can't see?"

Wu worry raised his head and looked around, but he didn't see anything unusual.

However, in the bookcase that Wushou did not pay attention to, there were a few cameras hidden hidden, and Xiaoming sat in her room, calmly watching all the movements of Wushou.

"In the final analysis, we still have to find a way to wake this person to know the other person's purpose."

Wu worry stretched out his hand and patted the other's face. Sure enough, there was an obvious metallic feeling. Wu worry felt that what he was photographing was not a human face, but a whole piece of steel plate.

"Maybe, this is a robot?"

Wuxian also paid attention to the side. Indeed, I didn't see any human ears, only a headset-like thing replaced the ears.

"Hey, wake up."

Wuxian reached out and knocked on the other's forehead, but there was still no response.

Sizzle, sizzle

"What's wrong?"

Wushou felt a little numb in his hand, as if he had touched some static electricity. He looked at his right hand and found that there was a weird blue lightning in his right hand, swimming at his fingertips.


Without worry, he hurried back, and the whole person fell to the ground, but the lightning on his hand still did not disappear, like a brown candy, his hand was stained with worry.

"What at this moment?"

Wushou kept shaking his hands at the sky, but the lightning still did not disappear. Suddenly a strong suction came from the other side, absorbing the lightning in Wushou's hand.


Wushou looked at the suction, and saw that the robot on the bed suddenly sat up with a blue crystal on its forehead, absorbing the lightning from Wushou's hand.

"Wait, something is wrong."

With increasing suction, Wushou feels that the other party not only has to absorb his own lightning, but Wushou feels that his strength is getting weaker and weaker, as if his physical strength is also being absorbed by the other party.

"Oops, consciousness is going to be taken."

Wu worry felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and soon Wu worry fell directly on the ground, motionless.

"elder brother!"

Although Xiaoming noticed something strange, it still took time to come over. When Xiaoming ran over, everything was over.

"elder brother?"

Xiaoming helped Wushou on the ground, feeling that the other party was still alive, and then heaved a sigh of relief, then looked at the robot still sitting on the bed.

"Energy, replenishment, satisfaction, emergency start procedure, start, start."

Sizzle, sizzle

The body trembled for a while, and the robot sitting on the bed slowly opened his eyes, staring at Wushou and Xiaoming with blue eyes.

Sizzle, sizzle

When Wushou woke up from the delirium, it was already morning, and the whole person seemed to fall apart, and his body was weak.


Wuxian turned his head and saw that the robot he brought back last night was sitting next to him, staring at him with godless eyes.

"Are you awake?"

Wushou wanted to stand up very much, but the body still felt weak, unable to stand up at all.

"Don't worry, I don't have any malice towards you right now. The original emergency energy absorption has ended. Unless necessary, I will not absorb your energy."

Wushou looked at each other weakly and said.

"Who are you and what is the purpose of coming here?"

The robot's head was slightly to the side, and his expressionless face looked at ease.

"You don't remember anything. At this time, I got the information from the current mistress, so since you don't remember everything, I don't have to explain my origin and identity to you."


The robot stared at Wuxian with his head sideways.

"Because I came here with an important purpose. In order to achieve this purpose, I cannot tell you where I came from. The only thing I can say is that I am harmless to you."

"Well, at least tell me, your name."

When the robot heard the question without worry, its body seemed to tremble slightly, but in the end it stopped, as if it hadn't happened.

"This, I can't tell you, I'm sorry."

"Eh, why?"

The robot shook his head and said.

"My setting tells me that I can't tell you my name. My name is in the past tense. The previous name doesn't have any meaning, but I can't tell you to avoid bad influence."

Speaking of it, I just can’t say, okay.

Wushou also gave up and continued to ask, lying quietly on the bed to continue to rest, the body's power was not weakened by the rest of last night.

"Why, I always feel tired, is there any reason?"

Then, the robot said an answer that made Wushou a little unacceptable.

"Because of the mistress's suggestion, avoid the beast in front of you to harm the other poor girls, and decide the daily energy consumption and other problems, and leave it to you."

Wushou first felt distressed because of this trivial matter, and then seemed to hear something strange.

"What did you call me just now?"

"Master, even if the master loses his memory and everything, the master is my master."

"That's it."

Although Wushou didn't know why this strange guy called himself master, since the other party called himself that way, there must be a reason.

"So, can you tell me everything about me."

The robot halted and shook its head in the end.

"It's better to remember all this by yourself."

After speaking, the robot walked out of the room, but Wushou still felt that he still felt his physical strength was slowly losing, and the other party was absorbing his own energy all the time.


Wushou started to be afraid of something. He must not have been a normal person before, otherwise, how could he encounter such a strange thing.

"In other words, Xiaoming, it's not easy."

Since he exists as his "wife", Xiaoming must also have incredible abilities.

"But, am I a man of love, why does Xiaoming want to treat me this way?"

No worries, I started to feel that I was not a good person before.

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