Wow, wow

The rain is getting heavier

Wu worry looked at the monsters walking around outside, trying to hide his position. After all, according to Maya's intelligence, the monsters outside not only have sharp hearing but also have strong eyesight. If you are not careful, something will happen.

"Hey, don't stay there, come up quickly, what on earth do you want to do?"

Maya sat aside, opened a bag of potato chips, and ate slowly.

"Mahya, haven't you thought of leaving here?"

There was a boom, thunder covered the conversation between the two, but Maya's eyes gradually dimmed as he could see.

"Everyone has thought about leaving this place, but this is not as wide as you expected."

Maya stretched out his hand and gestured in the air.

"This small town is like a small part of the world. We can't go anywhere except in this small town."

"What's the meaning?"

Maya gestured again.

"The whole town is like being covered by a glass cover. Everyone can't get out, can't do without, they can only stay here."

Masha looked through the window and looked at the lighted building in the distance, and continued.

"Obviously we are here, watching these people, living our lives, and we are trapped in this place."

As she spoke, Maya seemed to be out of control.

"I want to get out of here."

"There must be a chance, there must be."


"My master, why do you want to come back?"

In the world surrounded by darkness, Shinobu sat in the middle, holding a katana in his hand.

"Xiao Ren, you must know what is going on in this situation."

"My master, why don't you think about it, what is the real identity of the person in front of you?"

"I don't need to care about this now, tell me, what's the situation in this world?"

Xiao Ren smiled and put the knife on Wushou's neck.

"My master, pay attention to your words, the current you, even I don't want to stay by your side, be careful that I kill you with a single blow and restore the original true body."

"you will not."


Wushou reached out and grabbed the samurai sword in front of him, pressing it against his throat.

"You don't know how to do it, I know very well that even if Shinobu will torture and hurt me, he will never kill me."


The katana gradually stabbed, and blood flowed down.

"Before, my vision was not broad enough, but now it's different. Kill you and I will gain my original power to see the outside world."

"Really, then you can try."

Wu worry closed his eyes and waited for the other party to continue.

Xiaoren looked at Wushou, wishing to cut the opponent's throat with a stab, but his hand just couldn't move.

"Tell me, Shinobu, what is going on in this world?"

"Want to know?"

Shinobu looked at Wushou with no expression on his face, and continued.

"Let me remind you first. The truth is that you may not be able to accept it. Even so, do you want to leave?"

"I want to leave, tell me, the truth, what the **** is it?"

Xiao Ren closed his eyes, as if thinking of something interesting, and continued.

"Since you want to know, then naturally you want to give me a tribute. You should know, what do I want?"

"In this world, is there still such a thing?"

"Naturally, you should know where to find what I want."

After speaking, Wushou felt the gravity of his body change instantly, and his whole person fell directly into the darkness.


"Hey, wake up, wake up."

Feeling someone shaking herself, Wuxian slowly opened her eyes and saw Maya sitting next to her, slapped her face in the next second.

"Hey, big pervert, get up quickly, the rain has stopped."

Wuxian stretched out and looked out the window. It was true that the rain outside had stopped and the monster had gone away again.

"It just so happens that we bring our backpacks and we go outside to collect some things and come back. After all, there will be not enough food in a few days."

After speaking, Maya squatted down and continued to pack things.

"Mahyo, is there a dessert shop in this small town?"

"Yes, why are you asking this?"

"I want something, maybe so, we can get out of here."

"Eh, really?"

Maya looked at Wushou with a puzzled look.

"I'm not sure, but I think it should be possible."

"Oh, well, I'll take you there."

The two took their backpacks and left the school cautiously, leaning against the commercial street.

Step on, step on, step on

There are weird footsteps all around, and they obviously haven't seen anyone, but Masha and Wushou know very well that on the other side of the world, many people are active here.

"Be careful, look."

Maya sat down with Wushou and pointed to the other side. Indeed, a weird monster was standing aside, not knowing what to do.

"Be careful, you don't know when the other party will find us, hurry up to get the things, we go back."

The two cautiously avoided the surrounding monsters, and finally came to the dessert shop that Maya said, but it was strange. Wushou always felt that the surrounding scenes seemed to have been seen somewhere.

The two went straight into the dessert shop that was not closed. Although Wushou knew that Maya had been in this world for almost three years, no matter how Wushou looked at it, this thing seemed to be changing all the time, like an incredible force. What is changing.

"You see, the things here are like being connected to the other side. The same food and the same materials are all undergoing incredible changes. The only difference is this place. Not many people are here."

"Well, this is it, let's go."

No worries took the box and packed the things, and was about to leave with Maya.

"Wait, you listen."


"Could it be!"

Zizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizi Zizi

"Hurry up, what the weather is like, I haven't tried it before, and it rains several times a day."

Ma Xiao and Wushou hurriedly left the dessert shop, but it was not long before they ran out before the rain fell.

"Damn it, hurry up, or you'll be caught."


The two had no choice but to hide in a house with the door open. Not long after they entered, some inexplicable noises came from outside the door, like a mass of things squirming on the ground.

"Quiet, we are not in school now, there is no place to hide, if we are not careful, we will really die here."

The two have always kept quiet in the house, trying to suppress all the sounds, but they may have forgotten that a sound will not disappear even if it is suppressed.

咚咚, 咚咚

"I'm sorry, Maya."


There was a knock on the door, and the monsters had found the location of the two.


Wu worry grabbed Maya's hand and ran upstairs, just as if there was no other way out.

"No, there is one more."

Wushou looked at the window over there and continued.

"Mahya, hold me tight!"


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