Riding a bike with Loli, I think it's very happy no matter how I think about it.

However, this loli is just a five-hundred-year-old vampire, and she seals her own memory if she doesn't agree with her. There is no lady fan sitting in the front shopping basket, her feet swinging in the air.

"Xiao Ren, pay attention, there are other people nearby."

Seeing that some of those people suddenly looked here, Wushou was also a little embarrassed, and quickly reminded Xiao Ren.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Ren raised his head and looked at Wushou unkindly.

"A lot of people are watching and paying attention, OK?"

Without worries, he lowered his head, but he could still see something through a strange corner.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Xiao Ren's expression getting more and more weird, Wushou didn't want to continue paying attention to him.

"It's okay, they can't see it."

Fortunately, after a short while, there was no one outside, and Wushou didn't think about it so much.

It took a lot of time to finally get home, obviously just going out for a walk, but Wu worry always feels that the whole person is very tired, and the energy spent today is really exaggerated.

"My master, can you tell me, what on earth did you think just now?"

Xiao Ren got down from the basket, walked to Wushou, raised his head and stared at Wushou.

"My master, have you misunderstood something? I am a vampire. Even before, I am not your belongings. I am just pure. At this time, I am still with you."

"I will be with you during this period of your life, but in the future, I won't."

After Xiao Ren finished speaking, he was about to go back to the shadow, but Wu worry pulled the other side in a hand.

"Xiao Ren, really dissatisfied, because of what I did."

"Of course, I am your half-length, and I will stay with you in the future. What are you doing lately, flirting with your sister, and hooking up with this new doll? In my eyes, what is the situation now?"

All in all, it is dissatisfaction.

No worries, I can’t say some comforting words. After all, actions have always been more useful than words.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

He wrapped his hands around Xiao Ren's back and hugged him tightly. After all, he would definitely struggle. If he really walked away, then he would definitely regret it.

"Uh, uh!"

She couldn't speak, Wushou felt that the other party's hands still wanted to push him away, but soon stopped, and his hands dropped like this, swaying feebly.

Feeling that Xiao Ren was finally quiet a lot, Wu Wu let go of Xiao Ren and said with a smile.

"Don't think about other things, I will stay with you in the future, no matter where you go."


The door was suddenly pushed open, and the sound attracted Wushou's attention. Turning his head, he saw Yuehuo standing at the door with a kitchen knife in his hand.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Uh, huh?"

Wushou turned around again, Xiao Ren, who was still in his arms, had disappeared, and he had gone back before he even noticed it.

"I heard a strange sound just now, so I walked out of the kitchen. I didn't expect to see you brother here."

Hey, the kitchen is far from the door, how can you hear it.

Wucao didn't say this sentence, but waited for Yuehuo to continue speaking.

"Brother, what were you doing just now? Why are you standing here, half-bending, talking to other people?"

Yuehuo looked around carefully and did not see anyone else, but what the sound was just now.

"Brother, have you forgotten something?"

Yuehuo walked to Wushou, and the knife flickered in front of Wushou.

"I can and can tell if others have lied. Brother, you deliberately perfunct me last time, I know, but now you are perfunctory, isn't it a bit too much?"

No worries did not speak, except for a few laughs, what else could he say.

"Yuehuo, I'm hungry, go eat."

As soon as he was about to leave, Yuehuo pulled himself, his eyes fixed on Wushou.

"Brother, are you sure you didn't lie to me, no one was with you just now?"

Wushou seemed to think of something, could it be that Xiao Ren's hair stayed on her body again.

"No, you think too much."


A silver light flashed, Wuxian watched Yuehuo wave it over with a knife, and cut off the blond hair sticking to his hand.

"Brother, do you want to continue to explain, what is this?"

Yuehuo looked at her maliciously, her eyes dimmed completely.

"Yuehuo, you misunderstood, I don't know where this one came from."


The knife was pressed tightly against Wushou's neck, Wushou swallowed a sip of water, and looked at Yuehuo nervously.

"Brother, was this the same person last time in the bathroom? Who the **** is she, I think I should see it, right?"

"Uh, no need, Moonfire, don't care about so much, go back."

Wushou wanted to just change the subject, but it was obvious that Yuehuo was unwilling.

"Brother, do you treat me as a fool?"

"Hurry up, tell me, who is that person?"

Wuxian finally didn't say it, because doing so was bad, Wuxian just hoped that his two sisters could live peacefully.

"Sorry, I can't say anything for you."

"That's it."

Yuehuo decided to take the knife back and walked back to the house.


"Don't get me wrong, I haven't forgiven you yet, but since you don't want to say it, then the reason may be the same as mine."

same as me?

What the **** is Yuehuo talking about?

"Yuehuo, what are you talking about, why didn't I understand."

Yuehuo did not look back, but just said to Wushou.

"Brother, in fact, I know very well that you will lose your memory because of that incident, yourself, escaping."

Myself, escaping?

Wushou listened more and more confused, what on earth Yuehuo was talking about.

"Brother, don't worry, what happened before will just pass away. Just do that. Don't think about restoring your memory. Even if you don't restore your memory, your elder brother will still be your elder brother. This matter will not change."

Next, there was a weird lunch. The atmosphere was weird. None of the three people spoke, so they ended quietly and left quietly.

Going back to his room without worry, looking at the hanging ornaments on the ceiling, remembering what Yuehuo said just now.

"My amnesia was not only arranged by Xiao Ren, but Yuehuo also knew what had happened to him."

Avoiding something, what is very important, requires both yourself and the people around you to choose to forget.

If Xiao Ren didn't want to remember, and Yuehuo didn't want to remember, then this matter must be very troublesome.

If Wushou wants to know the truth, then besides Xiaoren, Wushou has a second choice, or other insiders.

"Maybe, I'm going to meet that person."

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