Looking at the attack just now, Wu worry felt that it was too much, but when he saw the monster that fell, Wu worry knew that the attack just now was not enough.

"Boy, that thing is not an ordinary thing, look."

Following the place where the cat is pointing again, Wushou can see that the monster's body is healing, and it will be intact after a while.

"These things are not humans, not monsters, monsters don't have such terrible abilities."

It looks like a god.

At least, this monster feels like a cat again, that's it.

"Boy, your world doesn't seem to be peaceful, so let's go straight away. It's a waste of time to fight with this thing."

Nodded without worry, and felt that he was leaving. After all, if this continues, he must be consumed to death.

"Retreat temporarily."

Just leave without thinking so much.

It was just that, soon, another thing happened and prevented Wushou from taking the next step.

"Boy, what's the matter with you?"

Wushou's eyes widened, staring at the monster slowly approaching, and looking at the other's arm, I always felt that the other party was familiar, much like someone I had met.



No worries squatted down and stared at the coming monster. Sure enough, I had seen this thing myself.

"I've seen this thing, sure enough, this matter has something to do with me."


From the monster's pocket, it fell out, an ordinary flip phone, but Wushou seemed to remember that he had seen this thing.

"Did you call me over?"

Wuxian looked at the monster in front of him, then this thing knew itself, had its own phone, and was still alone.


The monster let out a low growl, rushed over, grabbed the ground with one hand, and lifted up a pile of rocks.

"Boy, go!"

The cat continued to remind Wushou, but Wushou still didn't move, just looking at the monster like this.


The cat returned directly to Wushou's body, intending to directly control Wushou's body.

"Hey, Niu, what are you doing, this person is not your human pillar, you can't be a beast."

"I know, but if he dies, I don't know what will happen to us by then. You guys will help."

The cat puts his chakra into Wushou's body again. It is very simple, just like Human Zhuli, the cat's chakra is directly connected to Wushou.

"Unexpectedly simple."

Outside, the monster’s fist had already reached Wushou’s face, and Wushou’s fist was about to be sent to Wushou in the next second. However, Wushou’s red tail coat instantly wrapped Wushou, and Wushou’s entire body was chakra The package becomes a huge cat.

"It's so simple, can you turn your tail into a beast?"

The rest of the tail beasts felt a little weird, after all, this kid is not a person in their world, so it is incredible that he can be completely connected with them so easily.

"Not only that, but I can feel that I don't have any connection with him. I just borrowed his body to become a prototype."

Outside, the cat scratched it on the monster again, and scratched a big blood mark.

"Did you make it?"

The monster was pushed back by the cat, but the wound on his body soon healed again, as if he hadn't been injured.

"No way, let's get a full-powered tail beast bomb, and try to eliminate it this time."


"and many more."

The worry-free figure appeared in their room.

"Boy, what's wrong, we are going to help you solve this big problem."

"Don't continue, we can go, because this, maybe someone I know, don't really hurt her."

"Huh, it's really troublesome."

The Tail Beast Cannon, which was originally intended to be charged, also stopped, and the cat slapped the monster into the ground again and hurriedly left.

"Thank you, cat again."

"It's okay, after all, we are staying in your body for the time being, so naturally we need to help you."

When Wushou finally left enough distance, the cat was released again.

"Thanks a lot."

Wuxian hides under an unclear eaves, it is still raining continuously outside, and the rain is getting heavier.

Wushou did not continue to go out. After all, Wushou felt that the breath was still lingering nearby. As long as he entered the world of rain again, the monster would appear in front of him again.


No worries, I looked at the door behind me, strange, this door was strange.

Wucao gently pushed the door, and the door was pushed open like this. With strong curiosity, Wucao walked in directly.

In the hallway, I saw a shoe cabinet with three pairs of shoes of different sizes.

A family of three?

Without worrying about taking off his shoes, he walked directly in and saw the ash on the floor. It should have been a long time since the family came back.

Continue to walk into the hall and see some dishes on the table. It seems that the family was in a hurry before leaving and left without cleaning up at all.

Looking around, I didn't see anything like a picture frame, and Wucai noticed that I didn't even see the house number at the door.

When I walked around, the door was not closed, and I could see the changed clothes in the laundry basket.

Wucao didn't find anything in the hall, so he walked directly to the second floor and saw three rooms.

three people? Three rooms.

Wucao did not continue to pay attention, and walked into one of the rooms, and finally found something weird.

I can see the bed, table, and other supplies, but I feel that no one lives in this room.

Moreover, the empty cardboard boxes placed around told me that this room might be more like that kind of storage room.

what happened?

A couple, a child, and a guest room. Isn’t it normal? What is going on?

Wushou continued to look for clues in this house. In the corner of the room, he saw a sleeping bag and a set of quilts.

Travel supplies?

"What the **** is, I don't understand, I always find it strange."

Wu worry clearly came in for the first time, but the strange sense of sight kept coming.

"I know, people here?"


Outside the window, a figure shone in through lightning, and it was particularly obvious when printed on the ground.

"who is it?"

Wu worry turned his head, the figure just now had disappeared, but Wu worry still felt that he was staring at him somewhere with a pair of eyes.

"Come out, I have seen you."

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee."

Strange laughter came from all directions.

"Did you really see me?"

"Don't believe me, I don't believe it, unless you tell me now, where am I?"

The voice constantly interfered with Wushou's judgment, making him confused as to where the voice came from.

"Know, let me tell you the answer."


"I am here!"


With the sudden pain, Wuxian saw that his vision had undergone a strange change, suddenly lowering a lot.


Wuxian looked at him, his lower body, just like just now, standing not far away.

I was cut in the middle.

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