
No worries suppose to leave this endless loop, the only way is to find the conditions to enter this loop.

Although it was late, Wuxian couldn't rush now. He could only sit in the same place and think about how to leave.

"Xiao Ren, Xiao Ren."

There is no reply, it seems that Xiao Ren is still reluctant to talk to himself.

"Xiao Ren, now I need your help, come out quickly."

Seeing Xiao Ren still reluctant to walk out of the shadow, Wucao sighed.

"Xiao Ren, this is what you forced me."

After speaking, Wuxian put his bare hands in front of him, closed his eyes, and slowly used the projection.

Although we used projection to project impossible food and energy in the previous world, it was only possible because of the support of the big tree representing life.

This time, Wuxian wanted to find a way to guide the power of that tree.

Count yourself, for the first time actively using the power of that tree.

Wushou is very clear about the shape of the doughnut, but the internal structure and those things can't be copied by projection.

There was nothing but an iron-colored ring.


Wuxian dropped the hoop in his hand and continued to think in place.

Perhaps because of the intent of no worries, two strange patterns appeared on the palms of both hands, one round and one crescent.

"Well, this is."

No worries closed his eyes again. This time, I don't need to think about its structure and internals. The only thing to think about is the body and the prototype.

"Doughnuts, donuts."

Little by little white light condenses on Wushou's hands, slowly forming a shape, forming a ring.


The white light solidified after a meal and formed a most common donut, but for Wushou, this was already a great improvement. He did not rely on the power of the big tree to create something by himself.

"This is also the first step."

Wushou felt that the chakra of the body was consumed a lot, perhaps because he did not master the use of this yin and yang escape.

"Xiao Ren, Xiao Ren, come on."

The purpose of creating this thing is for Xiao Ren, as long as he can leave this place.

It's just that Wushou didn't expect that Xiao Ren stretched out his hand to take the donuts directly from the shadow, and never thought of coming out to help.

"Hey, hey, Shinobu, don't be like this."

Xiaoren refused to help, why?

No worries did not continue to look for Xiao Ren, but thought of another possibility. Xiao Ren was not unable to help himself, but was unwilling, like.

"This thing, this cycle, is also made by people who know me."

Moreover, he actually knows the way to leave.

If so, that's enough. At least I have tried to leave here, and Xiao Ren didn't help himself, so the way to leave is certainly not difficult.

"So, what is the change?"

From the beginning, Evil was in a forest, and then he appeared in a room. Then, at the beginning, he could touch the invisible wall. Finally, the surrounding forest became denser and denser, and he couldn't even see the road.

"The only change, what is it?"

Physical strength, not right, and I am not too tired.

Time is possible, but it should be cyclical and gradual. The changes in the forest now suddenly change after a period of time.

His brain was thinking about this, Wushou's eyes paid a little attention to the surroundings, and he noticed that the forest was slowly dispersing again.

"It has changed, why?"

What has changed in myself, and why has this place changed again.

No worries did not continue activities, because he has not resolved how to leave here.

If it is related to yourself, then what is the only thing that changes.

No worries about thinking about it, the only one that I have changed during this period of time seems to be that.

I want to go home.

The thinking just now also temporarily distracted my thoughts, and I did indeed, with the decrease of time, the purpose of going home became more and more obvious.

Wuxian tried to continue thinking about going home, but as expected, the surrounding forest began to thicken again. This weirdness was a monster that hindered his purpose.

Now that you want to understand what the principle is, then you have to think about where the weird body is.

With the passage of time, my purpose becomes stronger and stronger, and the weird ability becomes more and more obvious, so it is obvious that weirdness is by my side and constantly affects me.

It's just that Wushou can't see that weird figure.

If you can't see it, it means that it's not that the other party is invisible, but you really can't see it.

Then, it may not be oneself that is affected.

"Xiaoren, is that you?"

No worries think of a possibility, Xiao Ren may see this so-called weird, but because the purpose of the weird is the same as Xiao Ren, it keeps hindering himself.

As long as he has any thoughts that he wants to leave, Shinobu will know, so he will increase the idea of ​​a certain purpose, so that the weird power will continue to increase.

Thereby affecting the peers and not allowing one to leave.

"Xiao Ren, come out, since you are this weird influencer, you need you to deal with this weirdness."

However, Shinobu still didn't want to come out.

"Oh, no way."

No worries can only sit down, quiet, calm, sitting.

"Although I don't know who you are, can you show up and let me see your body."

Wushou wants to chat with that weird girl, no, we should say weird girl.

Why Wu worry thinks of girls, because Wu worry always feels that even if the world he knows is weird, there may only be girls and nothing else.

"Want to eat something?"

Wu worry did not pause, speaking to the air in front of him.

"I know that you are helping Xiao Ren to make trouble for me, but you are wrong. I also have a family member and I have to go back to take care of it."

The other party still didn't show up.

"Show me and let me see what you look like, maybe I can think of something."


A voice came from behind, the voice was very green, like a child.

"Yes, you also know me, maybe I will think of something when I see you."

Wuxian turned around and saw that the people who appeared were beyond Wuxian's imagination.

"Well, what's the matter, Mr. Araramu?"

Double ponytail, big mountaineering bag, very cute girl.

"Bajiu Temple, really night?"

"Well, Mr. Araramu, you still remember me?"

Unbelievably, the ontology encountered in another world is exactly the same as the girl I see now.

Wushou smiled and said.

"I don't remember, I just know."

As he said, Wushou suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged the weird girl in front of him.

"What do you think, let go!"

He kicked his feet directly to Wushou's chin, but Wushou did not let go, but directly led the girl around in circles.

"Hahaha, hahaha."

Seeing the girl dizzy due to excessive rotation, Wushou finally put the girl down.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why, I always think I should do this."

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