"Teacher, stop kidding."

As usual, Wushou and Saitama sat quietly drinking tea in front of the TV, when Janos suddenly shouted at the two.

"Jenos, Saitama-sensei is not joking, he has said before, so I don't care so much."

Why Jenos is so irritable, Wuhua naturally understands it. After all, Saitama said that he has become such a strong reason. It is unbelievable that Jenos, a guy who wants to become stronger for revenge, naturally can't accept it.

"But, Brother Wushou, is this all right, Saitama-sensei's powerful cheat."

"That's it. Anyway, everyone has different ways of being strong. I am not like Saitama-sensei. I have my own way to become strong."

"Can you tell me that way?"

Jenos naturally remembered that Wuxu used a certain ability on himself at that time. It was true that he became a lot stronger at that time. Even if the equipment has been upgraded now, it feels that it is not good enough compared to that time.

"Jenos, my method is because of my own particularity. You can't learn it, but I can help you a little bit."

"Really, thank you."

Not caring about the communication between the two, Saitama was still watching TV on his own at this time. At this time, a strange organization appeared about a group of bald men with nothing to do.

"Ah, many Saitama-sensei."

A word of carelessness and carelessness deeply hurt Saitama's heart, because these people are all prisoners, and he is a hero.

"Oops, so my own reputation will also be affected, no way."

After reading it, Saitama directly picked up his own clothes and put them on, and hurriedly went out to teach these prisoners who inexplicably conflicted with his attributes.

Seeing that Saitama finally left, Wuxian quickly stood up and got ready for some work.

"Jenos, don't talk to Mr. Saitama about the next thing, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble."

The last incident made Wushou understand how dangerous this place is. Even if Mr. Saitama sits here, his home will continue to be destroyed.

"You come and help too, sinister man."

Wushou walked out of the room and brought in the insidious man who was eavesdropping outside. This guy was the leader of the original evolutionary house. Now he is the neighbor of two people and is responsible for observing Wushou's growth.

As for the children of the gorilla and the mosquito, the two belong to the subordinate level and have no right to speak and can only accept.

Taking advantage of Saitama's absence, Wuxu completely strengthened and reconstructed the entire building once, and also added the technology of the house of evolution inside, so that the insidious man can better control it.

"That's fine, at least I will sleep a lot in the future."

Jenos didn't need to do it at all, and so did the insidious men. The only thing they had to do was to provide technical control, and the rest was done by one person without any worries.

"This ability is indeed powerful, but compared to the ability to create food, it is slightly insufficient."

After all, machinery is dead, creatures are alive, at least originally alive.

"Jenos, what do you think of Saitama-sensei's reputation as a hero?"

After finishing the work, Wucai suddenly raised this question.

"Teacher Saitama, indeed, Mr. Saitama is clearly a hero, but he is not well-known at all. No one knows."

Jenos also found it strange that no one knew how Mr. Saitama was so strong.

"Because Mr. Saitama was not registered in the Heroes Association, so naturally nobody knew."

"Well, no wonder."

After Janos finished speaking, he looked at Wushou with weird eyes.

"Speaking of which, Brother Wushou, you are the same. You are not a registered hero of the Heroes Association."

"Yes, after all, the teacher hasn't joined yet, so I'm not in a hurry, let's wait until the teacher finds it out."

"I see."

Soon after, Saitama finally rushed back, and the two waited until Saitama himself discovered the fact that he was not well-known.

I thought I would have to wait a long time, but I didn't expect Saitama to ask in a few days.

"Speaking of which, why no one knows that I am a hero, obviously I have eliminated many enemies."

Finally, the hero, who was interested, discovered the fact that he was not registered. The next day, he was ready to register as a hero with Genos, Wuxian.

This is also the first test that Saitama said.

"Listen well, if you don't become a hero, then you won't be my disciple in the future."

Although Saitama had a serious expression when she said this, Wushou didn't care at all, just stretched out his hands and scratched his feet, and Janos was sitting next door, weirdly holding woolen threads to knit things.

"It's a little nervous, OK, you two."

~The next day~

In a certain examination room of the Heroes Association, all three of them took written examinations.

Although it is very simple to remember, Wuxian thinks more about it and completes the written test in a difficult way.

No need to write, you can directly engrave the content of the other party's test paper on your own test paper without worry, it's very simple, but Wuxian is thinking about another way.

I have always analyzed, projected, and strengthened myself, but can it be reversed? After the analysis, I will find a way to destroy the structure and make the original matter disappear.

Wushou holds the ballpoint pen in his hand. The structure has been fully understood, but how to completely destroy its structure is the field that Wushou has not entered.

Wushou has been thinking about this principle, but he hasn't noticed that some people are looking at him.

"Is that him, the man who used to lie down, didn't expect to come to the Heroes Association by himself."

"Yes, and you see, from the beginning, the other party did not write, and the test paper has already written the answer by himself. It seems that it is some kind of magical ability."

At this time, these people saw an astonishing scene. They saw the ballpoint pen in Wushou's hand, suddenly decomposing on its own and turning into a mass of energy.

"what is this?"

Wuxian also thought for a long time. If you don’t know how to decompose, then change his original structure to the most primitive line or circle. It turns out that Wuxian’s idea is correct. At least he has achieved the first analysis. step.

After that, Wushou changed the structure of this energy back again and reconstructed the ballpoint pen in the other hand.

"After waiting for a physical fitness test, we will know whether the actual situation will be better than we expected."

After the written test, there is nothing to worry about. It doesn’t matter what the physical fitness test is, it’s very simple anyway.

"Saitama-sensei, how is it?"

Naturally it is not very good. After all, looking at the snow white on Saitama's face, you will know without worry that these brainstorming exams are indeed too troublesome for Saitama.

"It's okay, just wait until the physical fitness test is done."

No worries can only say so.

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