Sure enough it started again.

Mr. Saitama has been misunderstood.

Since the last time they dealt with the meteorite incident with them, the inexplicable low-ranking heroes soon made personal attacks on Saitama-sensei. Sometimes Wuxian himself wondered, is it really necessary to protect these humans who follow suit?

Every time I think of this, Wushou does not realize that his thoughts are changing step by step. From the beginning, he planned to take away the energy and leave. It slowly evolved to protect the reputation of Mr. Saitama, and began to blame others.

However, every time Wushou seemed to really want to do something, Saitama would always stand beside Wushou and pat Wushou on the shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm a hero of interest, not a hero for fame."

Every time I heard Saitama-sensei say these words, Wushou's originally restless heart would calm down, but the constant accumulation would explode again at some point.

After the Deep Sea King incident, Wuhua once again realized that his strength was not enough. If he did not continue to grow stronger, he would definitely not be able to defeat a stronger enemy by then.

However, the power that I need now is the energy of Mr. Saitama, and there is another kind of energy that corresponds to it.

It's time to see how that guy has grown up.

However, I have to be discharged first.

Wushou, with his hands scrapped again, was once again granted the right to enter the hospital. Once he was born, he was familiar with it twice. Soon the doctors in the hospital had remembered this hero, and Wushou had even won his nickname without knowing when.

"Alien visitor?"

It really suits his own settings, after all, his external identity comes from the universe, in order to defeat an enemy.

This nickname is okay, at least it doesn't have any strange meaning, and there is no irony in it.

So the only thing to do now is to meet that guy.

However, they have to be discharged first.

Coincidentally, today Jenos and Saitama-sensei both went to meet the old man with silver fangs. Wushou also heard a little bit, not only because this person is the third in the S-level, but also because he is the same person from the past. master.

Flowing Water Crushing Rock Boxing, this move has no worries, of course I have seen it, but without systematic learning, there is no way to learn the essence of this move. Wushou may now be able to come into contact with the martial arts of this world.

After all, more skills are better to deal with possible situations in the future.

"Mr. Wushou, what are you thinking about?"

Speaking of it, this time Wushou is different from last time. This time there is a patient, and the one lying next to him is the certain perverted man who has recovered, but because Wushou is still in the hospital, he has not left.

"Nothing, shouldn't you say that you should go back sooner, after all, it is not good to always escape from prison. Do you want to consider changing yourself?"

"No problem, I am not interested in you anyway."

That's good, I don't want this person to be interested in me.

When Wushou was still thinking about leaving the hospital, he still had to do something, but he didn't expect someone to come to his door soon.

"Sweet prisoners, as well as alien visitors, an emergency meeting at the headquarters of the Association of City A, please come with me."

Well, before my injury is healed, the trouble is coming again.

Moreover, this time all the S-levels were actually called back to assemble. It seems that this matter is big or small.

At this time, the Heroes’ Association Headquarters

Wu worry came to the headquarters with the sweetheart prisoner. This is also the second time he came to the headquarters. The first time was not long recently. At that time, he was just discharged from the hospital.

When I walked to a certain corridor, I just saw a familiar figure.

"Oh, isn't this a tornado? What an accident, are you the first to come?"

This was also one of Wushou’s goals, but after knowing that the opponent’s abilities were pure superpowers, Wushou completely gave up continuing to observe this person, but he did not expect that the opponent was so powerful, he actually became the second in the S rank, except for the legend. The first in the existence.

"It's really unexpected. You came here with the sweetheart prisoner. You were in City Z last time. Did you show up again?"

Surprisingly, Tornado took the initiative to greet Wushou, which was unexpected by Wushou.

"Don't be surprised. The last time you sent you to the hospital was actually Tornado. Because everyone was ready to give up at that time, Tornado said that they couldn't give up, so they continued to treat you."

After listening to the sweetheart prisoner, Wu worry knew that the other party actually saved him last time.

"Don't get me wrong, I just don't think it's worth it to let a hero who thinks about civilians die so easily, and I made the right decision. You are still alive now."

After the tornado finished, he walked in the front, not continuing to pay attention to them.

"Don't mind, Tornado is like that."

Wushou sensed the anger of a few people, let the sweetheart prisoners go first, and waited for them at the door.

After a while, Genos and Silver Fang came with Mr. Saitama.

"Brother Wushou, why are you here? Isn't the injury still healed?"

"It's okay, Jenos, it doesn't hinder the activity anyway, I can walk around."

Wushou also joined Jenos and the others, and went to the meeting room together.

"Speaking of it, I don't know what happened today. It seems to be a very troublesome thing to call all the S-rank heroes back."

Walking to the door of the conference room, ignoring the vignette of the atomic warrior at the door, the four of them entered the conference room together.

After the two heroes were not present, the meeting finally began.

How to say it, this meeting is a bit nonsensical. After all, it is to let these S-rank heroes pay attention. The next big crisis on the earth will make everyone a little baffling. Moreover, the relationship between the S-rank heroes, how to say, is not too harmonious. .

Seeing that these people were about to fight, Wuxian hurriedly inserted a topic to chat with the heroes.

"Everyone, listen to me. In fact, our threat is not only about this unknown crisis, but also about my goal."

The heroes on the scene naturally remember that in the last battle, except Wushou itself, the rest of the attacks would be ineffective. Even the super powers of the tornado were also ineffective. These heroes felt fatigued for the first time.

"However, alien visitors, this matter is your own problem, and people like us can't help you. After all, only you can deal with your enemies."

Tongdi, a think tank, talked to Wushou about this key.

"I know, so recently I thought of a way for everyone to fight against my enemies in future battles."

The last time Jenos attacked, Wucao knew that as long as it was the power blessing he provided, he would be able to attack successfully.

No worries took out a ring from his pocket.

"This thing, as long as you wear it in your hand, you can get the blessings I left behind, so that you can deal with my enemies. I hope you can keep one on your body when you need it, and it can also strengthen you a little. strength."

Wushou just finished speaking, suddenly the whole building began to shake, incredible, this is not an earthquake zone.

"What's wrong, is it!"

The enemy attack, and it's still here.

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