"Yinhe, you go."

Burning earth, scorched earth.

"We still have a chance. As long as we wait for one day, we can definitely defeat that weird man."

"give up."

The man looked at the wreckage around and said.

"There is nothing, what else do I have to do, the things that I want to protect are no longer there, even if I destroy the monster, these people no longer exist."

"We have no way to destroy the enemy. We are too weak. We can't even protect the things we protect. What a hero."

The man, gave up the galaxy and committed suicide by himself.

The Milky Way is lost

What is the point of being too weak, too weak, and unable to protect the human being.

If you are too weak, then you will become stronger and stronger, and protect everything you want to protect, as long as you become stronger.

The idea of ​​becoming stronger is deeply rooted in the galaxy's mind, and it has also changed some of the galaxy's thoughts.

However, Lukiel is not here, and the Milky Way cannot grow stronger, because the two are one, as long as the two merge again, they will become stronger.

Then, in your own heart, you can cultivate a vicious self again, and you can become stronger, right?

The idea of ​​the Milky Way began to twist, slowly, slowly, being swallowed by the darkness, and changed by the darkness.

Until he lost his initiative and was dominated by viciousness.

Finally, the Galaxy felt that everything in the past was due to human beings.

So, if there are no human beings, don't you need this kind of change?

The Milky Way had acquired this idea, and it was deeply rooted in his mind.

"So that's it, is this all about you?"

After reading everything in the galaxy, Wushou felt the despair and pain of the other party, but Wushou could also feel that in the deepest part of the other party's heart, there was still a little of his own consciousness.

"Galaxy, I will not lose. I am different from you now, and I also have things I want to protect."

The dark light pushed the purple light back little by little, and for a moment Lukiel's power surpassed his former self.

"Idiot, you will be like me sooner or later, disappointed in humans. I was too naive. I felt that the continuation of life should be continuous inheritance. No, life should be eliminated directly. Malignancy does not need inheritance, and goodwill does not need time. Just stop at that moment."

The idea of ​​the Milky Way is the same as that of Luke El.

"Yinghe, if I was the one I used to be, I might agree with you, but now it’s different. I have experienced a lot and met a lot of powerful people. Their experience tells me that the meaning of life is to continue to inherit and pass on my own Experience and knowledge are taught to the next generation to make them stronger. Create a better world instead of blindly choosing to destroy."

"Your idea has fallen behind, and I will not agree. I will defeat you here, absorb everything from you, become stronger, and then destroy everything."

The purple light continued to intensify, pushing it back bit by bit, and the Milky Way didn't seem to use its full strength yet.

"Why don't you use that power, as long as you use that power, wouldn't it be easy to defeat me?"

Naturally, Yinhe knew that the opponent could always use natural power, as long as he did so, he was actually not an opponent at all.

"I will not rely on the power of my partner. Here, I will use my real power to defeat you!"

"Hahaha, you really have changed, become arrogant and reckless."


I saw the centipede elder suddenly emerge from the ground and hit Wushou's back directly, making Wushou a little unsteady.

"Hahaha, I have cooperated with the Weird Association, I want to destroy you, and then destroy everything with them."

No worries did not use the remaining power because of the appearance of the centipede elder, but continued to maintain the laser. After all, if it was not blocked this time, then the earth would not be able to keep it.

"Why, why don't you give up, you can't beat me by yourself."

"Yes, why?"

Boom, boom

The centipede elder kept attacking Wushou behind Wushou, but Wushou didn't pay attention to the weird person behind him, and still resisted the attack firmly and dealt with the Milky Way in front of him.

"I can't lose, especially I can't lose to you."

"Boy, don't always ignore me!"

The centipede elder finally couldn't stand it any longer, and he bit straight over, aiming at Wushou's head.

The opportunity is here.

Sizzle, sizzle

The orange thunder and lightning fell from the sky and hit behind the centipede elder. The huge recoil blasted the opponent directly to the front, and the centipede elder flew directly to the middle of the confrontation between the two.


The centipede elder was directly involved in the space in the middle, and was crushed to pieces by the huge energy in an instant.

"You are crazy, you are actually using my power, have you forgotten?"

"I haven't forgotten that my original purpose is this, and this is also the purpose of my coming here, without leaving any regrets."

Some strange cracks appeared on Lukiel's body, and the black on his body began to fade slowly, and pure blue appeared in some places.

"If you use my power, you will be destroyed or absorbed by me. What are you thinking about, in order to defeat me, don't you even need your own existence?"

"Ah, you are right, I may be really crazy."

Ding Dong, Ding Dong

Light green dots surround Wushou little by little, calm and peaceful.

"To deal with you, only your own moves can defeat you."

Seeing the light green light, the Milky Way seemed to shake a little, and I remembered something.

"Stop, stop, I don't want to change back, don't change back to the cowardly self."


Lukiel yelled at the Milky Way.

"You used to be stronger and more dazzling. You used to be the opponent I admit. Now you are just a monster with a skin on it!"

The light green light passed through the laser and flew to the Milky Way in the direction of the laser, completely unstopped by the twisting force.

"This is!"

The Milky Way looked at the light that surrounded itself, warm and miss.

This is a move that I have decided to forget, because as long as I use this move, the once closed heart will wake up again.

"Really, am I wrong?"

Wucai seems to have seen it, the Yinhe's original consciousness, greeted herself at the other party.

"Alright, after all, you are the only one to leave. It is too unfair to you."

The light that was still in confrontation slowly tended towards the galaxy, and the kind heart awakened again. The galaxy, who felt that there was no way to turn his head, had given up struggling.

"Let's go one step ahead, goodbye. The other half of me."


The violent energy hit the galaxy, no explosion occurred, no collapse occurred, just a simple decomposition, the body of the galaxy was broken down into colorful particles, and disappeared in this universe.

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