Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 795: Childhood sweetheart

"Is it a more remote housing area?"

After listening to the real estate agent, he wondered if the foreigner in front of him was joking.

"Yes, it's better to be relatively remote, there are no people nearby, and it doesn't matter for high-end villas."

Snake has his own considerations. After all, he was a little famous. In case it is troublesome to meet an acquaintance, it is best to go to a small or high-end community, so that it will be more convenient for you to do anything in the future.

"In that case, I will introduce this to you."

In the end, the snake chose a house very close to the school, and there were no neighbors nearby, and there was a big mountain near the school, so it would be more convenient to do what he wanted in the future.

"Well, that's it."

After everything was set up, the snake finally remembered a very serious problem.

"I really don't know how to take care of children."

Seeing that she was lying on the bed without any worries, the snake felt that she still needs to find someone to help take care of it.

Although Wushou does not need others to take care of it at all, it may be too strange to look special, so Wushou also tries its best to maintain the same growth as the baby in his memory.

However, Snake also considered that if Wuxian accidentally used superpowers as before, then it would be revealing his identity, and the follow-up would be very troublesome.

"Boy, it looks like you are in trouble."

The snake turned his head and saw an older woman standing behind him.

"Oh, hello old lady, are you my neighbor?"

Strange, Snake clearly remembered that there was no one living nearby, so how could there be a person.

"I don't live here, but my temple is on the mountain, so I occasionally walk here."

That's why there are temples on this mountain.

Snake remembered this silently, and asked the old man.

"Old woman, what are you doing here?"

"I just saw a stranger who wanted help."

The old woman glanced at Wushou beside the snake and said.

"You want someone to help, don't you?"

"Indeed, but I can't just find someone to help me take care of him, he is an important person to me."

"Hehe, don't worry about this, I'll help you."

The snake didn't believe the other party very much. After all, it was too strange that he suddenly appeared in front of him and offered to help Ming.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay to leave it to me, you can go nearby and ask what kind of person I am."

After speaking, the old woman left.

The snake didn't agree for the time being, but planned to go out tomorrow and ask who this old woman is.

the next day

"Well, the temple on the mountain?"

The hawker thought for a while and said.

"Oh, that old woman is actually very nice. Recently, his son and daughter brought her a granddaughter, but because of her busy work, she gave the granddaughter to her old man to take care of her. Since you can't take care of children, it is better to ask her to help. She is a good person. ."

I asked many people and said that the old woman is a good person, so the snake decided to let the other person take care of it.

After figuring it out, the snake came to the mountain with no worries. After searching for a long time, he finally found the temple. No, it should be said that the shrine is right.


Before entering, the snake heard the cry of some babies. It seems that those people are right, there is indeed a child here.

"Oh, it's you."

The old woman just went out with her granddaughter on her back, and saw the snake coming with no sorrow.

"Old lady, I'm sorry to doubt you at first, but I do need your help, and I will stay here to help you do some rough work."

"Hahaha, it's okay, then you can bring your luggage over, and your family will live here."

In this way, the snake lived in this shrine with no worries.

Snake knows from life that the family's old surname was Tojo, who used to be a famous nobleman in some ancient times. Now it has declined, but it still maintains the ancestral precepts left by the ancestors. Someone must serve as a witch in this shrine.

Originally, the old woman had been in charge, but now she has a granddaughter, which will fall into her hands in the future.

But Wushou always feels that this shrine is weird, just like something is affecting this shrine. It's like shelter.

Time has passed for six years

"You Jiang, you Jiang, where are you?"

Wearing a small maiden costume, little loli running around in the shrine, short purple hair, two short pony tails, running on the aisle.

Little Lori ran to the corner and just saw an uncle with a black turban approaching.

"Uncle Snake, have you seen Youchan?"

In the middle-aged snake, the scum on his face has increased bit by bit. The old legend has changed, but when you look closely, you can see the sharp light of the past in the eyes of the other party, just like a snake.

"Oh, that brat, he's been in the lobby recently, haven't you seen it?"

"Really, I'll go take a look."

Little Lori finished speaking and hurried to the lobby, leaving the uncle sitting in the aisle alone, looking at Baiyun.

"Has it been six years?"

At this moment, in the hall of the shrine, I sat on my seat with my knees bent and closed my eyes, adjusting the energy balance of the body.

Although he has mastered the use of natural energy, Wuxian has never really learned how to use this energy. After all, he used to use it as fuel. Now this long period of emptiness, Wuxian naturally has to learn by himself.

"Youchan, are you here?"

Hearing someone calling himself, Wuxian withdrew from the original state of meditation, and looked at the little Lolita who came out of the door with annoyance.

"Xiaoxi, what's the matter?"

"Hehe, it's okay, I just want to play with you."

What can I say without worry, after all, this little loli is only looking for herself because of her loneliness.

"Xiaoxi, don't you go to school, don't you want to go to kindergarten, don't you plan to go to elementary school?"

Little Lolita, known as Xiaoxi, sat beside Wushou and said with a smile.

"Worry sauce, you are, don't you go to school?"

"No, I am not interested in this myself, and I don't think anything interesting will happen in school."

"Eh, no, go to school with me."

After all, for Xiaoxi, apart from her mother-in-law and uncle, he is the most sorrowful person. After all, they are the real family members whom he has known since childhood.

"Yes, no worries, you should also go to school instead of staying at the shrine and doing nothing."

The uncle walked in in time. Although Wushou is special, the uncle hopes that Wushou can live an ordinary life, rather than avoiding contact with others because of his own ability.

"Uncle, the point is still because you are lazy?"

The uncle smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

I couldn't bear Xiaoxi's entanglement, so I went to see it for a few days without worry, if it was really boring, just come back and forget it.

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