Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 798: First sight

West Asia, a war-torn area

"Speaking of it, what did the uncle think, why did he ask me to come here to experience life, do you really think that war is the place to test men?"

Because of his age, Snake finally used his previous relationship and entrusted his worries to the previous employment group. After all, they are all acquaintances, which can be believed.

It's just that Wushou seems to be highly regarded.

~Three hours ago~

"Oh, is the kid so big back then?"

The former captain, now the captain of the mercenary group, looked at the child standing in front of him and said.

"Hmph, the snake guy, at first adopted you for some unexplainable reasons, and now he sent you to this **** again, I can't figure out what that guy is thinking at all."

The head of the group looked completely unconnected with youthfulness, it should be said that he was young and carefree, and said,

"Actually, I really don't want to receive you, but since the snake said that you have learned all of his skills, it proves that he sent you here because he wanted to see blood. I will naturally not refuse, so you have to be psychologically prepared."

With that, the head took out a map.

"Look, we have just taken over a strange mission recently. It is said that there is a strange killer here, who said that he is a powerful guy who claims to be a **** of death. The reputation is already very high, and it may become a legendary existence in the future. Our mission this time , Is to find the person's body of death."

"Reaper, killer?"

The head nodded and said.

"Although I wanted to refuse at the beginning, the other party gave too much money. This time we just found out the other party’s true identity. We don’t need to do other things. It is best not to conflict with the other party. After all, the other party is a killer. The ability to hide breath is better than ours, so you are the key person."

"As for us, I won't go this time. After all, it's still a bit dangerous."

~End of Memories~

Wuxian leaned near a certain broken building, and looked at the building not far away, and had his own thoughts in his heart.

"The goal of the **** of death is the leader in the house. If I can sneak in, then I will naturally know the true face of the **** of death."

No worries put on a special stealth suit and prepare to sneak in.

Outside the building

Slowly approached the outer wall, jumped directly over the wall in one step, and entered the building for an instant while the sun was blocking the sentry.

Except for the sound of patrolling footsteps, there were no other sounds. It seemed that there was something in the target this time.

However, no matter where these people are, there is no way to escape the worry-free induction.

After resting for a while, with a glance at both eyes, an orange pattern appeared beside Wuxian's eyes.

"One, two, and three are all patrolling according to the normal rules. As for the room, it's the target."


Wushou sensed a very special existence with a weak aura. Wushou thought it was a small animal at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it was impossible. That person might be the **** of death.

Even one's natural induction can only detect this degree, so if it is an ordinary person, he can't detect his position at all.

Sure enough, the **** of death slowly approached the guards who were patrolling, passing by, the guards had already fallen down, and Wushou also sensed that the opponent's life reaction had disappeared.

"Oops, so he will reach his destination faster."

No worries, hurry up and get closer to the destination.

Before the **** of death arrived, Wushou finally came to the target's room, on the ceiling, holding his breath completely, waiting for the **** of death to approach the only entrance.


There was no footsteps or strange murderous intent, but Wushou still sensed through the fairy mode that there was a person near him.

Then, Wu worry saw a vague guy appearing in front of him, like a vague black shadow, no wonder the patrolmen didn't see this guy at all.

Wushou didn't stop the other party from continuing to go deep, and Wushou walked in after the target life reaction inside disappeared.


The **** of death turned his head to look at Wushou, unexpectedly he ignored the kid.

"You are the **** of death, right?"

"Oh, boy, knowing that my name still appears here, it seems that the person who came to me has a backing."

The **** of death did not relax his vigilance because of his worry-free appearance, after all, being able to get close to him without knowing it was already very powerful.

"My goal is just one, to know what you are like. Now my mission is over, so I came out to meet you."

"Oh why?"

Although the snake is indeed very powerful, this person is more like a powerful stalker than a snake, and the snake relies on technology and its own qualities, and this person looks more like a special skill.

"I want to learn from you, just to learn your skills, and have no idea about the rest."

"Study, find me?"

This is the first time that Reaper has encountered it, and some people want to find themselves to learn assassination skills.

"Huh, I'm sorry, I never thought about teaching you."

"It's okay, anyway, my task is completed. See you if you have a chance."

After Wushou finished speaking, he really left like this, and didn't plan to stay here at all.

"Weird kid."

After Wuxian returned to the camp, he completely painted the appearance of the **** of death on paper according to his own memory.

"Well, it seems that you have indeed been recognized by the snake, since you have completed the task so perfectly."

The head was very happy, and patted Wushou's back, but with a bit of force, Wushou frowned a little exaggeratedly.

"Hahaha. After all, you are still young, so naturally you can't bear this. It's okay. You will start working with us tomorrow. After all, the purpose of the snake is to let you see blood."

This day is over.

Wuxian lay on the bed, thinking about whether it was too risky to appear in front of the other party. After all, the other party is a real killer. If he really has any intentions towards him, then it will be in trouble.

However, it doesn't make sense to think so much now. It's better to think about what to do here this holiday. After all, I have to maintain school days and accompany Xiaoxi to finish reading.

At this time, the head of the group has already given the pictures collected by Wushou to someone, and someone has already paid for it.

"Is the news reliable?"

"Reliable, this portrait is absolutely correct and will not be wrong."


On the other side, a mad scientist wearing a white lab coat began his own preparation plan.

"Doctor, the target has left Japan, do you want to implement the arrest plan?"

"No, let the target continue to grow. After all, his age is still a bit young, and his backer is still a bit powerful, continue to observe."

The doctor looked at the message on the screen and laughed inwardly.

"I really look forward to it. This may be a major reform of mankind."

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