A new virus invades the entire world

Natural disasters or man-made disasters, related news reported that the outbreak originated from a small town.

There is no cure, the mortality rate continues to rise, and humankind is gradually dying

The patient is contagious, but there is a huge prevalence all over the world, as long as you breathe, it will be infected?

Only two weeks after the outbreak, the whole world was plunged into a panic. A new type of disease swept the whole world, especially in island countries, where more than half of the people have been infected.

After exhausting all methods, there is no way to solve this disease. The infection has nothing to do with the patient. As long as it is still on this earth, it may be infected.

At this time, humans set their sights on a certain small town, which is said to be the source of the disease outbreak, and everything started here.

"Has the news spread?"

"Yes, this guy is wanted all over the world, and those people have been specially monitored by the state."

"Where is that little girl?"

"Unfortunately, it seems that she has not changed, but simply neutralized our toxins."

In the dark room, two men in lab coats were talking.

"No way, the target is still that guy. Only finding the real rough stone is the key."

at this time

"Everyone pay attention, find this child, this child is the culprit of all this, as long as you find him, you can find the antidote."

Television, the Internet, and all communication systems are all playing a photo in a loop, a picture without worries.

"The situation is more exaggerated than I expected."

Ever since the device was activated, I had a foreboding that the whole world would be in chaos. I didn't expect this commotion to be on such a large scale that the whole world wanted me.

No worries can expect that as long as oneself is caught, so-called experimental research will be inevitable. Even if this crisis is solved, No worries will not have to think about a stable life in the future.

After confirming that Xiaoxi would not be arrested for research, Wuxie had already put Xiaoxi back and hid in the mountains alone. After all, the so-called most dangerous place is the safest.

So that's it, this is the purpose of the other party.

Wucao has always wondered why the other party wasted so much time dealing with himself, there is obviously a more convenient way for them to catch themselves, so as to cooperate with their experiments.

That's right, I will resist, so the other party wants to accept their experiment voluntarily, so I have to force myself to activate the device, even if it doesn't allow others to gain the ability, this is enough to cause a commotion, and then the purpose is Own.

"The disease is also caused by them."

"It's really cruel to experiment with them in order to force myself."

Well, there is only one answer now.

No worries to cooperate with the other party's experiment, let them come up with the antidote, otherwise the death of the entire world will be attributed to themselves.

~After half an hour~

Wushou sat alone in a conspicuous seat. Within five minutes, a group of people had come to Wushou and grabbed Wushou back.

"Doctor, I hope you are very clear about what you are doing. This matter is very important. It is related to the destruction of the world."

"Of course I know very well, don't worry, the antidote will be made soon, and then we will be safe through this difficulty."

Wushou was locked in a strange room, just like those police interrogation rooms, and a huge reflective glass wall next door kept watching him.

"I'm surprised. Since you guessed what I thought, and since you decided to come to me as experimental materials from the beginning, why should I cause so much trouble to invite you over?"

Although I don't know where the sound came from, this guy must be the guy who helped me make the restriction device.

"I just want to tell you that whatever you want to do with me is useless. It is impossible for you to get any information from me, and quickly release the antidote, otherwise they will really die in vain."

"No, no, they won't die in vain. In order to force you over, this is really time consuming."

Intermittent sound

"But you don’t have to worry. When I understand the reason your body has gained superpowers, I will become stronger, and the new things I recently researched will definitely come in handy, but unfortunately, you are not a guinea pig in this experiment. The other is more suitable."

"who is it?"

The voice paused briefly and continued.

"A person you know very well, I think you have met, and you know him."

At this time, Wu worry remembered that thing three years ago.

"Reaper, is he your target?"

"It was just a pending choice at the beginning, but I didn't expect that his apprentice would contact us. I hope we can help solve this guy. We are naturally happy."

Apprentice, I didn't expect that guy would find an apprentice. It seems that what I said at that time has affected him.

"It's okay, just do what you want, just remember not to disturb my family."

Next, there is a strange research experiment. No matter how the researcher takes the sample, there is no way to get any worry-free data, just as the sample disappears directly from the moment it is taken.

In the end, it has become how to study the source of the use of worry-free ability and the driving process.

"I'm surprised, you are actually here."

One day, it happened to be a day to study physical data, but Wushou unexpectedly saw the **** of death who was completely restrained.

"Boy, I remember you. I didn't expect you to be caught here, but it's strange that you don't have any restrictions."

Grim Reaper greets Wushou like the neighbor next door, and observe Wushou.

"After all, I am a little different from you. I am voluntary. When they can't find out anything, they can leave naturally. You should have been arrested?"

"Naturally, you are in big trouble outside, but the antidote has already been given out, at least you won't continue to die so many people because of you."

No worries, he chatted with the **** of death a few words, and then left each other. Anyway, the two are here, and sooner or later they will know each other very well.

Just as Wuhua thought, these people later did not need to continue to study their own sources of abilities. Instead, they all joined the research of the crazy doctor. It seems that the experiment has made progress, but there is no development on their side.

Sizzle, sizzle

"Well, it seems that the experiment still hasn't made any progress. Although antimatter research is getting better and better, there is still no progress in superpower research here. Apart from collecting his complete data, there is nothing else."

The doctor has been suffering from this problem for half a year, and there is nothing, and he has no reason to keep Wushou in this research institute.

"The country will take over him. After all, since there is no result, it is also a choice to treat it as a powerful weapon."

"No, you have to find a way to keep him here, no matter what means you use."

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