Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 812: Old knowledge

What are you doing?

Do what you think is right


Picking up the strengthening device on the ground, Cole looked at the monster behind him and said.

"It was wrong the first time. I brought everything. Naturally, it should be ended by me, so that human beings can continue to survive."

"But then you will die, I will die, and everyone like you will die."

The corners of Cole's mouth were slightly raised, his eyes were clear and he looked at the monster.

"I should have died, and I did it. I killed myself."

"With me, it should be a full stop."

Sizzle, sizzle

"I am ready to deal with your arrival."

Slap, slap

"Wake up, worry about sauce, wake up."

No sorrow lying on her own bed, because of Xiaoxi's interruption, slowly opened her eyes, then turned around, and continued to close her eyes.

"Worry sauce, wake up, I'm going to be late, the opening ceremony."

Opening Ceremony?

Wuxian opened one eye and looked at the calendar hanging on the wall, marking today's date.

"Has school started?"

"Yes, worry, get up quickly, or you'll be late."

Wuxian stretched out her hand to support Xiaoxi beside her, sat up from the bed, stretched her hands up, and moved her muscles and bones.

"I see, you go out first."

Wu worry stood up with a yawn, opened the door, and saw Xiaoxi and Eri sitting at the dining table waiting for themselves.

"Eri, why are you here?"

Eri Bai gave a carefree look and said.

"Don't you know, Xiaoxi and I are still in the same class. I guess you didn't check it, so I came to go to school with Xiaoxi today."

Although the point is not this

Eri naturally wouldn't say it, and neither would the two of them care.

"Forget it, since you're almost late, let's go."

After all, Wucai already knows where he is allocated, so naturally he doesn't need to care too much about other things.

After returning to school, Wushou parted ways with the two and walked towards the mountain road alone.

Hey, look, it's him.

That's right, the second in the whole year, but because of violation of school rules and was assigned to E class.

However, he is only second in grade now, and he will definitely not be in the future. After all, he is in class E.

Class E of 3 years, a special division of Junqiu Middle School, is located on the hill of Xiaoxijia Shrine. It is isolated from the rest of the world. There is only an old classroom there. There are basically no other teachers serving, except for the head teacher.

In Class E of the third year, most of them are students with poor grades, and there are students with special violations like Wushou.

For them, coming to the three-year E year means that they have no chance to go back and will always be here, allowing the rest of the students to trample on their dignity.


Although Wushou didn't see anyone on this mountain road, Wushou still keenly felt that there were many strange things around to monitor him. It seems that the country has a deep enough understanding of Wushou, and it is clear that Wushou is for the country. How important is it.

After walking for a long time, I finally came to this isolated teaching building. It was actually an old building with a runway. The entire three-year E class was as simple as that.

Sha Sha Sha

Although it is not very clear, Wucao still noticed that in the forest, there are still many people watching him nearby. It seems that he is really protected by the highest level of protection, so he is so worried about himself.

After changing his shoes, Wuxian walked into the classroom. It seemed that I had arrived very early, but no one had come to school early.

"After all, everyone has given up studying and is assigned to this class, just like entering hell."

Wuxian didn't care too much, looked at the seating chart above, Wuxian just found a place to sit down.

It's quiet, and I always feel that I haven't been sitting in a place so quiet for a long time, especially when there is no one around.

In fact, how can Wuxian remember that the reason why there is no one now is entirely because the students are still checking the sorting of classes with a fluke mentality.

Waiting and waiting, Wushou fell asleep.

It's him

Yes, the second grade, but was assigned here because of beating the senior

Oh, it's really pitiful, but it seems that this person should be very friendly.

What are you talking about, he was a poor man who was wronged and imprisoned, maybe not as friendly as you seem to be on the surface.

"Classmate, worry classmate, wake up, class is over."


Wuxian squinted his eyes and looked at a certain female teacher standing in front of him, but always felt that this person seemed to have been seen somewhere.

The female teacher looked worriedly at Wushou, and finally stretched out her hand and shook in front of Wushou's eyes.

"Sorry classmate, wake up, class is now."

"Oh, oh, teacher, hello."

Wushou seemed to remember, this person seemed to be a staff member of that research institute, and seemed to be a researcher in charge of Uncle Death.

Part-time job, or come over to monitor myself.

No matter what it is, it has nothing to do with Wushou, after all, he doesn't worry about this guy at all.

The female teacher also did not expect that her own experimental samples appeared here, and she was still her own student. Although she was not responsible for her, she knew exactly what Wuxian could do.

"Class is in, worry about classmate."

"I see, teacher."

The female teacher also went to the podium and prepared her own lecture. As for the name, Wucai didn't listen to it at all, and didn't care about it. After all, she didn't know how to attend class.

Wu worry still feels very sleepy. I don't know if it was because Xiaoxi woke up too early today, or because of this classroom, Wu worry slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

The class E students in the surrounding three years saw Wushou's performance and took it for granted, because Wushou has always been like this, even if they sleep, they can fully answer the teacher's questions.

"Hey, wake up."

Hearing the familiar voice, Wushou finally opened his eyes and saw Teacher Wujian standing in front of him.

"Teacher Wujian, what are you doing here? Hasn't the last semester been over?"

"Come with me, I have something to tell you."

I looked around without worries, only to realize that school was over and all the students were gone.

"Teacher Wujian, what's the matter, do you still call me some technique?"

Teacher Wu Jian didn't speak, but moved on with no worries.

Walking, Wuxian came to the classroom office.

"No worries, you should remember, what do you need to do in the future?"

Join the country as a member of the national special forces.

"I remember, so what are you trying to say?"

"Although you may feel a bit nonsense, but I'm here to remind you that soon the world will usher in a huge trouble, and you are a member of the country, remember to lift the crisis for the country."

"Trouble, do you know something?"

Teacher Wujian paused for a while and said.

"The country believes that those tentacles will break out again, and this time is a world-class crisis."

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