In the end, the engagement ceremony was held as scheduled, but everyone did not have the joy at the beginning, especially this time the protagonist, Wushou and Rebel, Aisia and others.

"Sorry, I have something wrong, and I need to hurry up."

Aisia and Rebel naturally knew what Wushou wanted to do, they just said a few words, pay attention to safety, and let Wushou leave the devil world alone.

"Asacher, I know you are here, come out."

After returning to the human world, Wushou knew that someone had been following him all the time, even if he came back here by other means, that person would still be following him.

"Another world god, long time no see."

The uncle came over from behind and said the first sentence.

"Sorry, my kid caused you trouble, after all, that guy came to test your abilities by himself."

Asacher said, it should be the White Dragon Emperor who appeared at that time.

"White Dragon Emperor?"

"Yes, but."

Asachel felt that the familiar magic in Wushou was definitely right.

"Wali, that is, the White Dragon Emperor, he is a descendant of humans and demons. He was already a powerful existence, but compared to you, it doesn't seem to be enough."

Asacher looked at Wushou in front of him, and sweat couldn't help but burst out from behind him.

With the addition of the power of the gods in the different world, the gods are more foul here.

Asacher believes that as long as he gives Wuxie a little time, he believes that the future achievements are definitely not low, and even enough to shake the world.

"Stop talking nonsense, you should know why I am looking for you."

"Naturally, I want to go to the site of fallen angels and smash the stone pillars, right? I know, after all, the wedding has made such a big mistake, you naturally have to solve those people sooner."

"But, can I give you a suggestion?"

Wu worry glanced at the uncle, wondering what the other party was thinking.

"You should know that the three realms are no longer able to withstand the war, so I hope that the three parties can sign an agreement. Everyone does not need to maintain the false peace now. Together to establish a real peace is what we expect."

"So, I hope that I will become the restraining force of your three forces. After all, the legendary Red Dragon Emperor plus the gods of the other world is enough for all three parties to weigh my strength."

"Yes, so I hope you can agree to my request."

No worries looked at Asachel again, but he didn't expect this guy to really yearn for real peace.

"However, I am now the son-in-law of the Devil Family, and I have something to do with the angels and their holy swordsmen. Don't you fallen angels worry about this?"

Asachel did not expect Wushou to be so direct, coughing slightly, and said.

"Naturally, I have thought about this, so you should know Himejima Juno, right?"

Naturally remember, Lias's family, the queen.

"She belongs to our fallen angel, um, my beloved daughter, for some reason, she is now having trouble with her family."

So that's how Asacher planned.

"I know, then I promise you, take me away quickly, we don't have much time."


Asacher came to the site of the fallen angel with no sorrow. As expected, as soon as he entered, he saw the towering stone pillars not far from the sky.

"Thank you, Asachel, let the people around you disperse. After all, after you draw them out, the battle is inevitable."


Wu worry came directly to the bottom of the stone pillar, looked at the stone pillar in front of him, and calmed down.

Waiting for me Mithra

Asura's power transformed little by little, and entered the stone pillar.

Boom, boom.

The stone pillar began to tremble irregularly, a little rubble fell from above, and the entire space of the fallen angel was trembling.

"Has it started?"

Standing on the high platform, the White Dragon Emperor muttered to himself while looking at the stone pillar not far away.

At this time, Wucao noticed that a strange light came on his arm, as if he wanted to tell him something.

"Stupid boy, how can this work."

Slap, slap

Two young fighters, standing in front of them, there was a strong man, but the man's eyes didn't seem to see clearly.

"You two, if this is the case, how can we protect our gods and continue to cheer for me."

The man directly picked up the two teenagers and fell to the ground. They fell into gold stars and their faces were bruised and swollen.

"Master fool, we are still children, how can this method work!"

One of the short-haired youngsters couldn't help cursing. As soon as he finished speaking, the man lifted the young man and threw it into the sky.

"The fool is you, and you are the future of our God Capital. If you don't work hard now, what should you do if you are beaten to death, it is better for me to kill you now."

Watching the teenager fall directly to the ground, rolling around in pain, the other teenager didn't complain about anything, and focused on training.

"Yes, that's how it should be. At a young age, you won't die so easily."


This is.

Click, click

The stone pillars began to crumble, and none of the gravel falling from the sky hit Wushou's body. A stone statue fell from the sky.


Smoke and dust are everywhere, the surrounding air becomes turbid, and the vision is blurred.

The stone statue falls in front of Wushou, a man who is not angry and prestigious, and the sword on his waist is eye-catching.



In the onlookers Asacher, and Wali, did not expect to hear such a sentence.

The master of the gods, how strong is it then?

Both of them looked at Twilight at the stone statue in front of them.


Even cracks appeared on the stone statue. Before Wushou could say anything, the stone statue suddenly exploded, and the sword was out of its sheath, aiming at Wushou's eyebrows.


"Nice response."

Looking at the worry-free in front of him, the man suddenly caught his improperly prepared attack and said approvingly.

"Okas, I'm not here to fight with you, give me information, we don't have to fight."

The things just now, although Wushou didn't know what memory this was, it was definitely important to Asura. Wushou felt that his energy was a little out of control.

"Asura, I didn't teach you anything like this. Avoiding war is a coward's behavior."



Obviously the knife was still caught by himself, but the invisible blade suddenly scratched his chest, exposing a big mouth.

"The attack just now is really invisible."

Neither Asacher nor Wali saw what was going on with the attack just now.

Very shallow, have you been merciful?

No, the other party is not that kind of person.

Wu worry looked at Okas in front of him, and saw that the other person opened his eyes, but it seemed a little different.

"Okas, are you invisible anymore?"

"Hmph, Asura, for me, I can't see, what's the difference, I couldn't see clearly before, I can teach you this kid, and now it's the same."



Wuxian squatted down quickly, and the huge wind pressure suddenly split the mountains in front of him with a single knife.

"Come on, Ashura, I have nothing to say with you, let's fight!"

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