Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 947: Agreement (in)

Ascending elevator

Although the Tear Mole Follower committed suicide, the last opponent to fight still had no sorrow, so in the end, according to the rules, it was decided that no sorrow defeated the enemy and successfully ascended to the second level.

"Player, how is it?"

Nero looked at the shocking wound on Wushou's body and didn't know what to do. The wound in front of him, no matter what he did, would not heal.

"This is a curse."

Wu worry endured the pain and stood up from the ground.

"Players, don't move, the wound will hurt more."

"No, even if I sit, there is no difference in the wound."

No worries about the yellow spear that was shot at that time, it seems that the reason is because of that, but, I didn't expect that BB could directly seize the treasures of the rest of the servants, and then keep his wounds continuous.

"Really, like this, what should I do on the next level?"

The wound cannot be healed, and the trouble it brings is more than simply affecting the state.

At this time, the ascending elevator stopped suddenly, and it appeared that it had reached another floor.

Seeing the surrounding things disappear, Nero leaned close to Wushou, ready to deal with the trouble that might be encountered next.

Second floor

The environment on the second floor is completely different from the first floor just now. If the first floor is a city with lights and feasts, the second floor is dense forest.

Although there are big trees and grasslands around them to block their vision, there are still many very tall buildings nearby, just like the steel giants guarding the forest.

"Players, is the injury okay?"

In addition to saying that there is no problem, Wushou can say something. He can only endure the pain of the wound and move on.

"However, this terrain, it seems that everyone is fighting a guerrilla warfare or a concealed warfare. Player, we have to hide next."

"I see, saber."

Although Wushou's face wasn't very good, Nero couldn't help Wushou for a while, so he could only help him, planning to find a safer place.

"Players, look."

Nero pointed not far away, and there seemed to be a strange hut, which looked very hidden, and it seemed that there was no one in it.

"Now take a rest there, we must find a way to lift this curse."

After the two came to this house, they found something strange.

Here, it seems that it is not uninhabited, but there seems to be a powerful existence living here.

"Are you the new promotion?"

In the shadows on the side, a young girl with long purple hair suddenly walked out. The girl's eyes were calm, as if she met some passerby, she was wearing a completely different costume from this era.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to interrupt. Master Yu is cursed, so I plan to find a place to rest."

The purple-haired girl glanced at Wushou's wound, nodded, and let Nero and Wushou come in together.

"Come in, I might be able to help you a little bit."

"Thanks a lot."

Although surprisingly, Nero would believe the other party, but Wushou also felt that the other party did not show the killing intent, and it seemed that he did not intend to harm them.

"bring it on."

Looking at the medicinal materials and medicines displayed inside, it seemed that the guest was a scholar.

"Just call me Ani."

The girl who claimed to be Ani came over to look at Wushou's wound, and felt the curse force above, which was obviously caused by the follower.

"Although I don't know who you have met, but you can resist the one's treasure once, and you haven't died yet, you are indeed very powerful."

"So, do you have a way to fix this wound?"

Wushou was sweating profusely and looked at Ani, hoping that the other party could give Wushou a satisfactory answer.

"You defeated the servant, the effect of the treasure has not disappeared, then you must have met the administrator, so I can't help it."

Ani looked at Wushou's wounds once, and based on Wushou's words, he had already inferred what kind of enemy Wushou had encountered. It was indeed powerful.

"It is too difficult for that wayward administrator to deal with your wounds. I suggest you give up unless she is willing to help you."

It's strange, after all, that guy caused the wound.

Since Ani himself said that BB must solve this trouble, there is nothing to worry about.

"Damn it, player, don't worry, I will definitely find another way."

Leaving Wushou here, Nero can only leave the hut by himself and go outside to see what a suitable goal is.

"Your followers are really relieved, aren't they afraid that I will do it on you?"

Arnie walked to Wushou and tried to use some magic to solve the suppression of the curse, but it seemed to be ineffective.

"You are wrong, not only Saber, I also trust you."

The hand that was still moving suddenly paused for a while, and then Ani asked.


"Intuition, it's that simple."



Although the wound was still painful, Wushou managed to fall asleep and fell into a dream.

"Unexpectedly, when you are here, you will meet me."

Standing in front of Wushou is the culprit of all this, BB.

"BB, since you can show up here, then you must have something to tell me. Let's talk."

No worries are too lazy to deal with this strange guy, after all, this person tortured himself inexplicably at the beginning, and now he is doing it like this.

"Quickly, I'll just say it, I can lift this curse, but."

Looking at BB's meaningful smile, even though he was in a dream, Wushou still shuddered.


"Hee hee hee, it's simple, you really can't bear the physical wounds, so can you bear the mental wounds?"

Mental wound?

Looking at Wushou's puzzled look, BB continued.

"I can lift the curse, but as a price, before you reach the top floor, you have to dream again every night and have fun with me for a while."

It's that simple?

Wu worry looked at BB with suspicion, not knowing what the other party was thinking.

"Hehe, then are you willing to, anyway, the decision is in your hands, you see, I didn't make any bad ideas."

hope so.

If you want to participate in the battle quickly, then this condition is not unacceptable.

"Well, I agree to your request, you can come to me in your dreams every day, anyway, you can also find me now."

"No, if you really want to affect you, you still need your consent after all, because this is your dream."

"Then, I'll go and lift the curse. See you tomorrow night, my toy."


BB's figure disappeared instantly, and Wushou fell directly into the bottomless abyss.

the other side

"BB, what are you thinking?"

Lilith looked at the BB full of interest, not knowing what bad idea the other party was thinking of.

"I'm just, very interested in that person's memory."

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