Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 954: Rot (table)

Wushou knelt on the spot, staring blankly at the empty hands, with a dull expression.

"Canary, canary."


Is the Alice game that important?

Worth yourself, give your life.

"No worries, cheer up, there are others waiting for you."

other people?

Mercury lamp, young raspberry, true red, green star stone, blue star stone, and rose crystal, Xuehua Qijing, yes.

"Also, they, I want to stop them."

"The fight cannot continue."


Wucao just started, and suddenly found that the surrounding things seemed to have stopped, and there was no activity at all.

"Could it be!"

From the corner of the street where time stopped, a figure walked out.

Huhuhu, huhuhu

The blue, stand-in, walked out of the corner with a carefree expression on his face.

"No worries, long time no see."

The mercury lamp lay behind the substitute, smiling and looking at it without worry.

"Or, should I call you, Father?"

"This kind of thing doesn't matter, Mercury Lamp, are you planning to come back?"

"As long as you abandon that nasty guy, I will come back."

What the mercury lamp says is naturally really red.

"How is this kind of thing possible? You are all my important dolls."


The Mercury Lantern suddenly yelled, froze in shock.

"They are all important dolls, yes, but true red is more important, true red is more cute, true red is worth watching all day long, isn't it?"

No matter what it is, Zhenhong will always occupy an important place in Wushou's heart. If they really make a mistake, Wushou will not blame Zhenhong. If it is true that everyone has an accident, it will definitely be true red if someone finds it alone.

"Why isn't it me, doesn't my father like me?"

"My father has always been eccentric. Everyone hates real red. Even the young berries are no exception."

The Mercury Lantern looked worry-free, and the uneasy heart was going to be released all at once.

"The Rozen Maiden has only one purpose in creating, to become a perfect Alice. Even if your father is different, our purpose has been decided since then."

"I want to defeat everyone and become Alice."

After speaking, Wushou was directly entangled by his substitute, and the mercury lamp and rose crystal directly attacked Zhenhong and the young raspberry.


Wushou wants to control his substitute, but he has full consciousness of his own. As long as there is any obstacle to the mercury lamp, even Wushou himself cannot control the substitute.

at this time

Zhenhong looked at Wushou suddenly standing still, thinking about what happened, suddenly the rose crystal and mercury lamp appeared directly, and the target was herself.

"Go to hell, it's red!"


Black feathers continuously shot out from the mercury lamp, and directly attacked around the real red and young berries.



The crimson petals also flew with the control of the true red, blocking the attack of the mercury lamp in front of him.


Green vines stretched out from the ground, and the young berries tried to stop the mercury lamp.

"Mercury lamp, don't fight, no worries, very sad."

"You who have no combat power are not qualified to say such things."

With a sweep, the mercury lamp directly bounced off the attack of the young berries, and the target concentrated on dealing with the real red.

"Mercury Lamp, you can't beat me, you should be very clear."

Zhenhong and the Mercury Lantern flew into the air, and the two threw objects at each other to attack each other.

"I really can't do anything to you for a while, but another person won't be so lucky."


The purple crystals surrounded the young berries, scared them not to move.


"Cherry berries, indeed as expected, useless."


The huge crystal directly hit the young berry's foot, and suddenly smashed the young berry's right foot.


When Zhen Hong wanted to go back, she was entangled in a mercury lamp.

"Wait, it's red, don't be distracted by the fight."

In a world where time has stopped, Wushou feels that the magic power on his body is constantly declining, and Mercury Lamp and the others are really hitting True Red.


Looking at the stand-in who was haunting him and not giving himself away, Wushou decided to find a way to recycle this thing instead of letting the mercury lamp mess around.


However, it does not seem so simple.

On the other side, watching Wushou's figure disappeared, the mercury lamp knew that the time had stopped and was about to end, so he had to hurry up.

"Rose Crystal, don't waste time, settle the young berries early, come up and destroy the real red with me."


Young Berry looked at the rose crystal standing in front of him in horror. He just wanted to stand up and escape, but he had lost one leg and couldn't run.

"Don't go!"


Rose Crystal grabbed the young raspberry, and the crystal held the young raspberry's right hand to prevent her from walking.

"Stop, don't fight!"


Rose Crystal grabbed the young raspberry by the hair, grabbed her, and said.

"You who are weak, are not qualified to say such things."

"No, no worries, it will be sad."

Rose Crystal paused for a while when he heard what the young raspberry said, and then attacked without hesitation.

"My father, will forgive me, because we are all his, dolls."




Reached out and took out the Madonna Rosa of Cranberries and Canary, Rose Crystal smiled.

"These two, soon."

The rose crystal flew directly into the air, preparing to deal with the true red with the mercury lamp.


Seeing the blue butterfly return to his hand, the mercury lamp knew that he and the rose crystal had no chance to destroy the true red.

"Forget it, let's go and come again next time."

Seeing the Mercury Lamp and Rose Crystal leave immediately, Zhen Hong did not chase them, but came to the young Berry's side.

"why is it like this!"

Seeing the body of the young raspberry slowly turning to ashes, Zhenhong didn't know what he could do.


Wushou, who finally broke free from the power of the substitute, just thought that time would stop, and he should be able to catch up.

But it seems a little different.

After Wushou returned here, he found that the mercury lamp and rose crystal had left.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

In just a few minutes, I lost two, the most important family members.


No worries anymore, he spit out a mouthful of blood, just fainted and collapsed.

"No worries!"

the other side

Xuehua Qijing, who got the Holy Grail, slowly felt the power of the Holy Grail and smiled satisfied.

"That's it, that's it, eliminate those few people, and then, in this world, create our world, a world of only two people."

Xuehua Qijing held up the Holy Grail, a little, a little bit into her body, not caring about the pain the Holy Grail brought to her.

"Don't want to beat me, I, I want to eat you, for my dream, this kind of thing is absolutely beyond to show you."

The Holy Grail slowly sinks into Xuehua Qijing's body, constantly giving the other party endless magical powers.

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

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