Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 966: Reset (table)

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"what happened?"

Just when everyone thought Wushou would continue to remember everything, the power over there finally came out.

"This is!"

At this time, Zhen Hong could see from the outside world, golden circles of light falling from the sky, one by one on Wushou's body.

"what happened!"

Xuehua Qijing and Zhenhong were still beating you to death just now. Sudden changes at this time caused both of them to stop.

"Could it be!"

Both of them saw that after the golden light trapped Wushou, Wushou was pulled up bit by bit, as if to take Wushou away.

"Don't think about it!"

Sudden third-party forces want to take away Wushou, Xuehua Qijing and Zhenhong will naturally not let them succeed, and quickly join forces to attack those apertures at the same time.


The golden light rushed away from the attack of the two of them, and even used a strange force to confine Xuehua Qijing and Zhenhong in place.


Feeling the movement outside, the seven people who stayed in Wushou's body finally couldn't bear it, and they all shot together, using their own strength to resist the outside energy.

At this time, another force in the sky also joined the battle, and suddenly defeated Wushou's aperture.

However, the other party's purpose has been achieved.

"Damn it, it's locked up."

The seven looked at the new lock suddenly added and said helplessly.

"But it's okay. When the other half comes back, the lock is meaningless, it's just a matter of time."

Seeing Wushou return to the ground, Zhen Hong and Xuehua Qijing finally calmed down.

"My father!"

Xuehua Qijing lay on Wushou, thinking of what she had done just now, everything that happened just now, made Xuehua Qijing feel desperate again. If it hadn't been for the black light to break those apertures, Wushou might disappear to them again. before.

"It's really red, enough."

Xuehua Qijing hugged her without worry, and didn't plan to let go.

"Fighting is meaningless. Even if I defeat you, if your father disappears like just now, then victory is meaningless."

"Same, I think so too."

But everyone.

At this time, Xuehua Qijing felt that she touched her head with a hand on her head.

"As long as you know, Xuehua Qijing."

"My father!"

Xuehua Qijing looked happy and worry-free, but at the same time she felt a strange pressure.

"My father, I, did a lot of wrong things."

"It's okay, as long as those things are still there."

Young berries, mercury lamp, emerald star stone, black star stone, canary, and more.

Of rose crystal, the Virgin of the Rose.

The six Madonna of the Roses broke away from Xuehua Qijing and coiled around Wushou's hands.

"No worries, can you revive them?"

Zhenhong looks forward to seeing no sorrow, if it is no sorrow, it can definitely be done.

"Of course, it's really red, but not here, let's leave this world first."

Alice game, there is no need to exist anymore.

"Also, we need to end one thing."

Holding Zhen Hong and Xuehua Qijing in her arms, a force connected everyone's Madonna Rosary together, and a black door opened in front of them.

"Let's go back."

Wushou led the two into the gate, and the gate disappeared in an instant.


A city surrounded by darkness, a city upside down.

"The field of n."

The world of Rozen Maidens.

"Finally home."

Zhen Hong has returned to this world, but for Xuehua Qijing, this is the first time she has come here.

"Finally know the way to get here?"

In the big square, the rabbit stood in the middle of the fountain, jokingly looking at Wushu.

"So, what are you doing here this time?"

"Liberate this place, here should continue to act as it is, not fall into the control of darkness."

"Oh, is it so?"

The rabbit looked at Wushou, not knowing what Wushou was thinking.

"You are ours. You have always been. The more the world occupies, the stronger our advantage. Do you understand?"

"I understand, so you should go, you don't need you here."

"No, this is my place."

Want to do it?

However, when Wushou thought that the other party was about to do it, the rabbit actually stopped.

"Hey, you fellow, it seems that you really intend to do it. Obviously we are all doing it for your own good."

The rabbit shrugged, walked to Wushou, and took out a chess piece.

"Take it, you need this thing."

After speaking, the rabbit is ready to leave.

"and many more."


The rabbit hadn't reacted yet, but Wushou rushed over and hugged each other.

"Wait, what are you doing!"

The rabbit was so scared that he hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull at Wushou's face, and he was not calm.

"What are you doing, why are you doing this, isn't it!"

The rabbit stared at Wushou with wide eyes, as if he had seen something.

"No, I guessed right."

Subconsciously, Wushou stretched out his hand and squeezed the rabbit's ears and said.

"Is it lonely?"


"You know me, you knew me a long time ago, that's why I did it just now."

"I'm sorry, I still haven't recalled what relationship we had between us, but I will know in the future."

The rabbit calmed down a little, and then broke free of his worry-free embrace.

"Ahem, you don't think about it, don't get so close to me, you pervert, you've been like this since before."

A trace of regret flashed in the rabbit's eyes, and then he walked into the darkness.

"When you remember, come back and find me, or don't mess around."

As the rabbit leaves, the whole world is shaking, and the darkness is slowly fading away.

"My father, this is."

"The world, we must restore our original consciousness."

The chess pieces in Wuxian's hand slowly turned into white light and merged into the world.

"In this way, the world will return to its original appearance."

Then Wuxian saw that by his side, the body of Xuehua Qijing, who was really red, was slowly becoming transparent.

"This is?"

Although Wucao already knew the result, it still felt a little bit painful.

"You should continue to experience according to the original world, I am not your real father, nor your real master, so go back."

"No, no!"

Seeing Xuehua Qijing disappear directly, she can only bite her lower lip tightly without saying anything.

"No worries, the last request."

"Say it."

Zhen Hong tried not to show anything, and walked to Wushou, hugging Wushou.

"Is there any chance to meet in the future?"

"Of course, it's red, but you don't remember me at that time."

"No, absolutely not, absolutely, no."

Zhenhong finally couldn't help it, her tears couldn't stop, and her emotions finally broke out.

"No, no worries, I still want to, obviously still want to, continue to tell you."


With the disappearance of the true red, the whole world fell into whiteness.

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