Saving Uchiha starts by flipping the table

Chapter 782: War breaks out in the Pure Land

You kid, please shut up.

The Immortal of Six Paths had a face as wrinkled as a chrysanthemum.

"We did not betray our mother, we must do the same, otherwise the whole planet will become a dead place!!!"

"Although she was our mother, we never felt a mother's love."

The continuous stimulation made the Immortal of Six Paths speak out some of his inner thoughts.

In Kaguya Otsutsuki, they have never felt the existence of maternal love. The mother Kaguya Otsutsuki only gave them life and nourishment. As for the family happiness between mother and child, I'm sorry, I have never felt it.

Every family has sutras that are difficult to recite, even Otsutsuki is no exception.

The Six Paths Sage brothers are not pure Otsutsuki. They have human genes and their emotional concepts are more like humans.

Therefore, they will long for family affection and love, but Kaguya Otsutsuki's philosophy does not seem to have these things.

In addition to giving birth to the Six Paths brothers and raising them successfully, she treats the Six Paths brothers not like mother and son, but more like a boss and subordinates.


Hamura felt that his elder brother's words were a bit much. Although their brothers resisted their mother and sealed her away, and did not feel maternal love from her, their lives ultimately came from their mother and they were raised by her.

As a mother, Otsutsuki Kaguya may not be qualified, but she has fulfilled her obligation to give birth to and raise children.

Even though she is like a cold machine.

It's really embarrassing to expect someone like her to give you the warmth of maternal love.

"I'm not wrong." Immortal Six Paths retorted dissatisfied.

Yan couldn't help but shake his head: "As a mother, I have fulfilled my mother's duties by giving birth to you and raising you. Do you expect a woman from the Otsutsuki clan to give you the warmth of family affection?"

"Okay, go ahead and pretend I don't exist."

Since we are going to break up, then you three, mother and son, continue as if I don’t exist.

In short, this kind of thing is just a matter of mother-in-law saying that mother-in-law is right, and father-in-law saying that public opinion is right, and even upright officials cannot stop household affairs.

Not to mention that the household chores of the Otsutsuki clan are even more complicated.

The fundamental reason is that Otsutsuki Kaguya wants the sacred tree to suck the shinobi world dry. It is true that for the Six Paths brothers, this is home. If they do that, will they still have home?

This is still from a personal point of view, but to go a little higher is to do it for all the creatures in the ninja world.

So the brothers stood up and resisted.

Faced with his son's accusation, Otsutsuki Kaguya said coldly: "Everyone does this."

There is nothing wrong with what she said, because this is how the Otsutsuki clan does things.

To plunder the planet's energy and provide it for one's own growth, compared to other tribesmen, Otsutsuki Kaguya's performance is already unqualified, even at the bottom. For thousands of years, Otsutsuki's people have not been able to convert a The planet's energy has been drained?

If Otsutsuki was running around with a Ten-Tails, the entire planet would be drained of them.

"..." After hearing this, the old face of the Six Paths Sage had blue veins popping out: "Mother, if others can do this, you can do it too. You will destroy the entire ninja world. !”

This is really hard to say.

All in all, Otsutsuki Kaguya does not belong to the native species of the ninja world. She is an alien species. It sounds like an alien. Her thinking must be based on the habits of the Otsutsuki clan.

As for the ninja world... I'm sorry, people in the ninja world at that time even had problems eating. No one would even think about the messy planetary energy.

Trying to reason with Kaguya Otsutsuki using human thinking is completely like talking to a chicken.

"So, you betrayed your mother."


Yes, back to square one.

Seeing the anger level of the Six Paths Immortal rise suddenly, Yan moved his position a little. He was afraid that he couldn't help but laugh out loud. With such a mother, it must be said that the Six Paths Brothers were very lucky.

Although this mother has never been harsh on the two brothers.

The Sage of Six Paths' anger level began to rise. Seeing his son getting angry and getting angry at himself, Otsutsuki Kaguya also got angry.

You betrayed your mother and you are still angry?

what do I do?

Caught in the middle, Hamura felt like he was no longer human inside and out.


After a loud noise, the space of consciousness was shattered, and Yan's consciousness returned to reality.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Bo came to fight in the ninja world.

Yu Bo is very slight, and people with weak perception cannot notice it at all.

Is there already a fight in the Pure Land?

The ninja world is currently peaceful. It is impossible for a battle to break out. However, when a battle breaks out, it can only be said that the pure land has started to fight.

I don’t know if the Immortal of Six Paths singled out his mother, or if the two brothers did it together.

"Sir, we..." The enemy was nowhere to be seen, and Ohnoki was about to ask what to do next.

As a result, before he could finish speaking, a circle appeared at Yan's feet, dragging him into it and disappearing.

" seems to be a space passage."

Everyone looked at Nazuo in unison, and when everyone stared at him, Nazuo said awkwardly: "I don't know what happened, but the space channel just now was not opened by Kaguya Otsutsuki, I can guarantee it!!!"

"It's not Kaguya Otsutsuki who opened the space channel, then who is it?" Senju Tobirama frowned: "It seems that there are not many people in the entire ninja world who are opening the space channel."

Kaguya Otsutsuki is ruled out, Uchiha Madara, the unreliable half-assed one, is ruled out, and Naruto and Sasuke, who are also unreliable, are ruled out. Yan himself would not run away without saying hello. He was dragged in, so he can rule himself out.

Who else is left?

Naruto and Sasuke sighed: "Six Paths Sage can do it."

"Six Paths Sage!!!"

Everyone was shocked.

Six Paths Sage, where will Yan be taken after opening the space channel?

It won't be to help fight.

Those who hold this idea are not wrong.

Six Paths Sage did ask Yan for help.

It was he who opened the space channel, and he didn't leave Yan any chance to refuse, and directly took him away.

In the Pure Land, Yan felt like he was in space, his whole body was light, as if he had lost gravity.


Before he could feel the surrounding environment more, a loud roar broke out in his ears. From a distance, a huge Susanoo and a savage Ten-Tails were fighting.

Hamura, floating in the air, is assisting his eldest brother, the Sage of Six Paths.

The mother and her two children, who could not reach an agreement, directly broke out into a war. Unlike the past, this battle broke out in the Pure Land.

"Uchiha Hiko, we need your help. The Pure Land cannot be destroyed. We need to seal our mother as soon as possible. If not, drive her back to the Ninja World."

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