Savior! Redemption in Another World!

Chapter 38 - Transformation Magic

After being led to a magnificent mansion, Lord Arthun said his farewells. He was a busy man after all, so it's not as if he had much free time.

Teresa approached me after we had each settled into our respective rooms.

Hers was the master bedroom of the house, whilst mine was an extremely fancy other bedroom. This feels, nice.

"I think we should head to the Continental Adventures Union right away, that way you can get some information about the adventuring business before deciding the sign up for not. If you end up wanting to, I'll happily be your sponsor." She said, opening the door without knocking.

You're lucky I'm still a kid in this body damn it!

"I agree, it's always good to get information first before agreeing to something," I say, stretching and preparing to head out.

Turning towards my doorway, instead of her royal garments, Teresa was instead dressed as an adventurer, worn-out leather armor and all.

What happened next is what truly shocked me about this whole encounter.

"The Lord's light is bright and blinding, so I call upon his dark side to shield thine eyes. Place a false body and false face so that I may brave even the darkest skies. Alter Ego." As she uttered these words, she pressed upon her face and chest. Mana, a type I've never felt before, flowed out of her hands and then directly back into her body.

Teresa's skin lightened to a more pale tone, as her horns receded and hair changed into a dull brown. The person I knew as Teresa was no more, replaced by a human with similar facial features and a smaller, well, endowment.

"Are you going to change or stay in your normal form?" Human Teresa asked, talking as if transformation was something I could do as easy as I breathed.

When she realized the look on my face was one of shock, Human Teresa looked upon me perplexed.


"Are you saying you've never heard of or used Transformation Magic?" She said, shaking her head. After explaining the reason for my shock, Teresa merely shook her head. "Transformation Magic is a pretty basic skill for demonoids trying to blend into human society. It's not tiered like the other magic and can't really change much aside from the addition or subtraction of horns and tails, as well as the changing of skin and hair pigment, but just that is usually more than enough to integrate into society. A good amount of humans discriminate against us on those factors, so this magic was invented to help remedy that." Teresa explained.

Well, they probably didn't teach me it in Taf since I was a human, so Transformation magic may not do much for me. I mean, it's not like I had to pretend to be human or anything.

"I guess that makes sense, humans are fickle creatures. I wonder what would happen if I used transformation magic?" I think out loud, glancing over to Teresa.

"Don't ask me, to my knowledge not many humans have ever used it. Mainly because they can't really learn it without getting all buddy-buddy with a demonoid tribe who mistrust humans." Teresa says whilst shrugging. Well, I remember the incantation, so I guess I'll give it a try.

"Are there any rules or anything to follow with it?" I ask, standing up before casting it. We moved to the living room to talk since we weren't heading out right away.

"Not that I know of. All I know is that for demonoids, we only have one 'human' form. It's just whatever comes most naturally to you." Teresa says, looking up at me, her eyes filled with curiosity. I would be interested in this too if I were her.

No time like the present I guess!

"The Lord's light is bright and blinding, so I call upon his dark side to shield thine eyes. Place a false body and false face so that I may brave even the darkest skies. Alter Ego." I recite, as a new type of mana floods my system. I could feel my legs are arms begin to hurt, as every muscle and fiber of my being seemed to change from this spell. It was a pain I don't think I've ever experienced as if I was stretching every part of my body.

Opening my eyes after what felt like a minute-long transformation, I could tell I was substantially taller. Much taller than the eight-year-old body I was inhabiting before.

Looking around, the world seemed, different from this height. Not just different, a bit blurred as well. Probably due to the spell, since these are basically whole new eyes in my head.

Glancing down at Teresa, her eyes were wide with shock.

"Well, it worked didn't it?" I say, my voice coming out in a different pitch and way than what I was expecting. It was weird but familiar at the same time. Like putting on an old coat.

I guess the spell turns me into what, an alternate form based on my mental age? I was certainly taller, had a deeper voice, and my muscles felt akin to my muscles on earth, if not a bit stronger.

"Y-yes. Yes, it did. You just look so, different. Can you still cast magic like that? Let alone move around like that?" Teresa said, standing up. Huh, usually I would have to be looking up at Teresa, but in my new body, I was towering over her.

"Teresa, weird question, but how tall are you?" I asked, stretching my arms and legs a bit. It's been a while since I was in a physically grown body. Looking at my arms and hands, I got the same foreign yet familiar feeling I had listening to my own voice.

"A bit taller than five feet flat, why?" She says, poking and prodding at my body.

I'm assuming everyone would have this feeling, since yeah these are my hands, but they're not the hands I'm used to.

Wait, these ???????????? my hands.

Placing my hand out, palm forward, a cold sweat yet excited grin breaks out over my face.

Funneling a bit of mana through my arms hurts like normal, but the spell Wind Pellet goes through just fine.

"Antonio? What's gotten into you?" Teresa asks, as I break away from her poking and prodding and run to the nearest bathroom, the one in my room.

Flinging the door open, Teresa follows me in with a worried look on her face, yet something indescribable is welling up within me.

Looking in the mirror, the person who stares back is not a grown-up version of Antonio Icefield.

Staring back at me is ????????.

A wild grin shoots over my face, as I nearly yell in pure unadulterated joy. The face before me, the body before me, is the one and only.

The body I lost seven years ago.

I was back, as Vincent DeCourville.

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