Savior! Redemption in Another World!

Chapter 46 - Clash Of Titans

"I-I'm very sorry if I insulted you ma- your Ladyship." Vanessa's calm tone and face finally fell into a state of disarray.

I don't know how important or large of a country Elarus is, but Teresa's name carries some serious weight that I never considered.

Truly a useful asset to use in the future.

--- Point of View: Teresa Delarus ---

There have only ever been three other people who started off at C-rank, all of them are S-class now.

I need to grab onto this asset right now, feed what's easy for me now and collect the benefits later down the line.

Truly, he'll be a useful asset in my future vision of the kingdom.

Now that my introduction with the receptionist has gone my way, I can push my advantage.

"Worry not, I understand not being familiar with the alternate forms of royalty, but due make a mental note to not belittle someone you don't recognize, you never know who your audience could be. Now, I assume you believe me to qualified enough to sponsor the boy correct?" I say, slowly seeping more and more mana into my voice.

"A-absolutely you're qualified your Ladyship, b-but his processing has already been taken care of. All we're doing is waiting on his certifications and cards to be inscribed. We can't change fundamental information anymore." The woman says, cowering further into her seat behind the desk with every word.

"Then why question my status? Why not lead with that information?" I ask, ever-increasing the mana in my voice and emanating off my body.

"Well- I, you see-" She stammers. Whilst the Mythril is hot and all.

"Were you using that opportunity to chastise both me and my bodyguard? As a way to cement yourself above us by talking down, as if to say I was not worthy to sponsor a candidate such as him? Tell me, what was your name again?" I say, specifically making my tone sharper, whilst I silently use my left hand to cast a simple spell, turning the mana in my voice and off my body malicious.

Gestured casting usually can only be used for the most basic of basic spells, below even the Plebeio tier, but by observing the brat I've been able to change what used to be a spell that needed to be cast before negotiations into one I can use like this.

Truly, if nothing else, the boy is a natural savant of magic, genius being too light of a word.

As soon as Hostile Takeover took effect, the sliver of color and resolve the woman had left seemed to disappear. Both surprisingly and not, the brat was unaffected.

"N-n-no! I would never look down on you or your bodyguard your Ladyship, I simply didn't foresee something like this occurring." She stammers out, flinching as I open my mouth to reply.

"You didn't 'foresee' this? So are you saying if I had not revealed myself, you would have simply not told Antonio or myself this information? I will not ask again. What is your name?" I say, which appeared to be the last nail in the coffin, as before the woman could stutter anything out, an older scholarly type burst into the reception office.

"What is going on here! Vanessa, why have you halted Antonio's acceptance? I demand you re-enable it!" He said, yelling at the woman, Vanessa, before realizing the situation.

"Not only have you halted the acceptance of a brilliant scholar, but it also looks as if you've even upset a foreign diplomat! You're lucky she hasn't taken your head!" The old man says as he wheels Vanessa out of the room with a simple gesture.

Hmmm, even the lower members of society within the Magic Kingdom are being taught gestured magic. Truly, Elarus needs reform if we plan to keep up.

Dispelling my mana and Hostile Takeover was a simple matter, as I turned to address the new face in the room. He seemed to recognize me, so that's a start at least.

"I'm assuming based on your words I do not require an introduction," I say, giving him a very small noble curtsy. If he can recognize me at a glance he must be some type of noble.

"It's only natural I keep tabs on powerful people coming into the city, my deepest apologies for whatever Vanessa may have said to you, your Ladyship." The older gentleman said, giving me the standard noble bow of the Magic Kingdom. "My name is Archmage Severus Hydrus, leader of the Sanmara branch of the Continental Adventurers Union."

At that name, I could almost feel my blood freeze in place.

Severus Hydrus, the six-headed demon of the Magic Kingdom. The commander who, in Elarus's last conflict with the Magic Kingdom, wiped out over two hundred royal mages with a platoon of fifteen alongside him.

What's his connection with the brat?

--- Point of View: Antonio Icefield ---

"Evening, Severus," I say, waving towards the familiar and friendly face.

I'll have to ask Teresa how she warped her mana like that later, but for some reason, she seems caught off guard.

"Ah, hello again Antonio. I came here to see why my assistant was slowing down your acceptance process, I never would have imagined you were associated with the royalty of Elarus." He said, his voice sounding slightly dejected.

"It's nothing of the sort, Lady Teresa is simply my employer of current. I've been acting as her bodyguard up until now, so she offered to sponsor my position in the guild once we reached town. However, I was accepted before she had a chance to speak up, so she was attempting to rectify that." I explain as the slightly tense atmosphere around Severus drops.

"Ahhh, well Lady Delarus you are free to sponsor the young scholar as a backer, yet due to the nature of his acceptance, we cannot list you as his benefactor. As I'm hoping Vanessa had already explained, his processing is complete. All we're awaiting is his card to be inscribed and the information to be sent to the guild brokers." Severus explains in a calm tone, yet for some reason, Teresa is anything but.

"Lord Hydrus, I do hope you're not allowing personal political affairs to affect the Continental Adventurers Union. I scouted and brought Antonio to the union, as well as facilitated his ability to take the examinations. Surely that qualifies me as his benefactor, no?" Teresa asks, her voice and tone slightly sharp.

Oh, it's politics. I didn't know Severus was a nobleman, I probably should have been speaking more formally to him. Well, I guess it would be weird to start now.

"Of course, that would qualify you, your Ladyship. Yet, it remains a fact that you did not consult with the union or fill out the proper forms before sir Icefield took the examinations and shared his scholarly knowledge. To undercut his abilities and merits and allow you to sign your name under his would be an act of politics, whilst I am simply following union protocols. I do hope that you weren't aiming to throw your name around and intimidate our staff into complying with your demands." He hit the nail right on the head.

I mean, I've seen the whole thing go down, that was 100% what Teresa was going for.

"I would never dream of it, Lord Hydrus. I was simply hoping to rectify a mistake, nothing further. However, even as royalty, I respect the role and protocols of the Union. If it is truly impossible, I apologize for disturbing you and Antonio's processing. We shall await his Union Identification here with no further troubles." Teresa says, the argument falling flat. But I've met Severus and people like him, there's no way that sleazy academic is gonna let it end there.

Academics are too snobby by nature, I should know, half of my old friends were those types.

I wonder how Darrel and the lot are doing actually?

Better to not think about it.

"Apologies for your Ladyship, but unless you have official business with the Union, it's standard procedure to not allow you to stay. Antonio is free to wait, as he is the recipient of the identification, but having nobility, let alone royalty, waiting and observing union workings is strictly prohibited. It is the same for all higher social classes in every nation, as a candidate for the throne of Elarus, I assumed you would have already known this common rule." There it is. Teresa looks even more upset and flustered, whilst Severus has an almost comically smug grin.

Classic big-headed academics, I called it from the first pitch.

"Antonio, I will await your return at our abode. I would encourage you to stay until you receive your identification, otherwise, you will have to wait for it to be delivered." Teresa says, re-casting Alter Ego and leaving in a fit of poorly masked anger.

"Your card should be done within a few hours, apologies for the long wait, but your information is unique as well as cumbersome to enchant. Not to hold that against you, to start off with the licenses and certifications you have is impressive, to say the least." With those parting words, Severus left me to my own devices in the waiting room.

--- Point of View: Ego ---

Sitting around the board, I could almost feel that witch's eyes pierce into me as she explained the current situation.

"Very sorry, Lord Avarice, but it appears my rook was able to defeat yours. I tried to tell you that spreading your divinity so thin would cost you, yet you still chose to appoint five emissaries. My two have served me quite well so far." The Witch of Acrimony laughed, as Avarices golden form was now filled with silver and bronze.

His appearance was usually that of a humanoid golden statue, wearing an expensive golden suit. Yet, cheap metals now perforated his usually perfect skin.

What a fool.

"Also, Lord Ego, I heard about your Queen dying in her sleep. That must have been a rough one," She cackled turning her gaze over to me, sparking a feeling of indignation.

My usual glorious form was now filled with cracks, and its usually brilliant black sheen was nowhere to be seen.

"No need to worry Lady Acrimony, my second emissary, my pawn, is more than enough to wipe this entire field," I say with a small chuckle.

I wouldn't be me if I wasn't confident.

That being said, my hubris may have gotten the better of me for this domain. I used most of my divinity on Mariah, only to have her be poisoned and killed in her own bed-chamber.

Now, I'm trapped in this precarious situation.

It's nice that I retained a large chunk of my influence, yet that means my wildcard is on a very long leash, to the point it may snap at any moment.

I could either give him power and rein him in, banking on him truly being a diamond in the rough, or keep him unrestrained and use the rest of my influence in this domain on bringing in and giving blessings to a third emissary.

I never thought I would need to count on Vincent, I basically brought him here for my enjoyment. I gave him nothing and spent basically nothing on him.

With that considered, I may be better off bringing in another to clean up the mess left by Mariah. Yet, the boy is growing at an insane rate, even without any blessings.

"If you're so confident, why not tell him that his precious family is currently getting his ass kicked by Terry?" Acrimony said with a chuckle.

I swear, one day I'll find a way to wipe that smug look off her face.

"And send a boy to face a man? Surely you'd love nothing more to see them fight at full power, given your a battle-hungry witch." I say, a cocksure grin falling across my face.

Yet, as soon as I said that, the board began to change once again.

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