Savior! Redemption in Another World!

Chapter 57 - Skeletons In Closets

Thankfully, Ivy was the first one to be asked questions, giving me a few precious minutes to fine-tune my lie.

"Alright, your full name and full race." The other union worker said.

He was a dreary-looking man, with a five o'clock shadow and bags under his eyes that you store coins in.

His tone sounded as tired as he looked.

"Ivy Mossbreeze and I'm a half-elf, half-earth spirit." She replied in a rare serious tone. She must be on edge about something.

"Age." He said, yawning slightly.


"Specialization." Another yawn escaped his mouth, making me and Flare yawn on instinct.

"I'm an archer and wind mage, B-rank."

"Have you ever been associated with any grey guild?" He asked, a little more life sneaking into his voice.

"Yes, Midnight Rose, Edge of Night, a-and Murder Hut," Ivy said, stuttering out the last one.

Wait, Murder Hut?

That has to be a joke right? They let that be a real guild?


Murder is in the name!

That's not a 'grey' guild, that's a hitman hideout!

"Have you ever participated in an assault on a political figure, including anyone of knight rank or above?" He said, actually sounding interested for once.

"Yes, through Midnight Rose and Murder Hut," Ivy said as I could see trickles of sweat begin to form and drip down her face.

I would be sweating too if I had such a huge secret to hide.

Is it getting hot in here?

"Have you ever targeted the political figure Lady Teresa Delarus?" He asked, a twinge of an unidentifiable emotion creeping into his tone.

"Yes," Ivy says, her voice quaking ever slightly.

"And you truly want us to believe that she would hire you, a B-rank of no note outside of the underworld, as a bodyguard." The palpable irritation grew in his voice.

Before any more pointed questions could be asked and the representative could get any angrier, Vanessa cleared her throat and the representative settled back into his seat.

"What my colleague was meant to ask was, have you ever ran protection for a political figure of knight rank or above?" She said with a calm smile, as a third union member stepped into the room, prompting Tired Worker to leave.

"Yes, whilst working for Hunter's Mark," Ivy said, her voice calming down a bit.

"Apologies for my original partner's outburst, it's just that Lady Teresa is a particularly popular figure, and he appears to be particularly politically active," Vanessa said, giving a slight bow before continuing. "Are you or any of your family related to prominent political figures?"

"No," Ivy said, her tone turning into a more calm and friendly one.

"Are you in line for any facets of political power?"


"Do you share any blood with any Immortal Races or races who live longer than five hundred years?"

"Yes, my father is a full-blooded earth spirit and my mother a full-blooded elf," Ivy said, casting a quick glance at Flare and me.

"Alright, remember once you hit the one hundred year mark, you have to re-take all union examinations. Thank you very much, you've been accurate to our records, so your identity has been verified." Vanessa said, handing Ivy her card back and turning her attention to Flare.

"Name and full race?" She asked as Flare shifted uncomfortably.

Man, I'm getting nervous about my turn here. An Ego ex Machina to save me this time?


"Flare Meadowflame, part fire spirit, and half beastkin," Flare said, her calm and confident voice betrayed by her nervous posture.



"Specialization is swordsman I presume?" Vanessa, said, glancing at the sword at her hip and the fresh set of leather armor.

"Swordsman and fire mage, B-rank," Flare said, shifting again. Hmm, she seems more nervous than she reasonably should be.

I mean, if Ivy can claim to be a part of Murder Hut and they just accept it, how bad can your past be?

"Have you ever been a member or associated with a grey guild?" Vanessa asked, a brief look of surprise flashing over her face, only for it to return to normal a moment later.

I nearly forgot about that mental communication magic that Severus had mentioned.

"Yes, Royal Blood, and Black Blur," Flare said, shifting slightly again as her voice began to break slightly.

"Have you ever participated in an assault on a political figure, including anyone of knight rank or above?" Vanessa asked in a calm tone, yet her usual warmth was absent.

"Yes, through both Royal Blood and Black Blur." She answered, swallowing loudly.

"Have you ever done protection for a political figure of knight rank or above?"

"Yes, once again through Royal Blood and Black Blur." She said, casting quick glances around the room as well as towards Ivy and me.

What's so bad about being in those guilds, she seems nervous even after Ivy was in a guild called Murder Hut. I mean sure, the names are edgy, but not Murder Hut.

Wait a minute.

I've heard the name Black Blur before, haven't I?

Casting my glance towards Flare, she looks towards me, frightened.

"Are you or any of your family related to prominent political figures?" Vanessa asked, her tone once again betraying her.

"Yes, my blood brother is a lord in Sulvarin." Flare replied, once again uncomfortably shifting in her chair.

I have no real clue what country Sulvarin is, but I'm pretty sure Flare is royalty. If your sibling is a noble, do you have a similar title?

A lesser one? A title of equal status? No title or claim to power at all?

I don't understand politics.

"Are you in line for any facets of political power?" Vanessa asked the warmth in her voice slowly returning.

"No, not unless my brother and two older sisters die or lose birthright." No further questions about politics are necessary.

She's got three siblings ahead of her for the throne and is an adventurer far from her homeland, she was either cast out or left due to having no political power.

"Do you share any blood with any Immortal Races or races who live longer than five hundred years?"

"I think? I'm part fire spirit, that's about as much as I know in regards to that half of my family." Flare replied with an answer I can assume is honest.

After stating your race it would be a pretty strange thing to lie about.

"Just in case you happen to be of a longer-lived race, the information I provided to Ivy withstands. Thank you for your patience with this matter, you've been accurate to our records, so your identity has been verified." Vanessa said, handing Flare her identification back and finally turning her attention towards me.

Suddenly, it feels as if everyone in the room is watching me, probably because they are.

"Full name and full race?" Vanessa says, her tone and face breaking a bit in surprise, most likely due to the fact that her eyes just looked at the bottom of my card.

"Antonio Razorhog Icefield, and to my knowledge I'm human," I reply, whilst it's my turn to have sweat form on my brow.

"Age?" She asks, her tone once again breaking.

Great, here we go.

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