Savior! Redemption in Another World!

Chapter 59 - The Greater, Bigger Lie

"What do you mean? You've seen that both forms are physical, not some illusion magic." I say, sitting further into my chair, attempting to calm my skyrocketing heart rate.

"I did notice that, I can't quite figure out the nature of that, but having two forms is preposterous. When you're born, your body knows exactly how it's meant to grow. Your 'second form' is paler, has a different hair color, face structure, the whole yard. That's not possible, a person can't change their blood and vitality to that degree. You would need to have literally had two different bodies, which is not possible." Severus said, coming to a logical conclusion, and thankfully that logic saved me from the discovery of my illogical existence.

I have had two different bodies, this is truly my second one.

"Reality can sometimes be stranger than fiction. Forgive me for concealing my true age, but I know I wouldn't be taken seriously if I introduced myself as a child, hence the magic. In truth, most of what I told you, Severus, is true, yet with one major discretion. I truly was born a short eight years ago." In this world anyway.

"Before you ask the multitude of questions, let me explain. When I was born, to my birth parents of the Razorhogs, I was fully aware. There was no mental fog, no growth period needed, my brain and mental functions were the same I had now. I was simply lacking knowledge." I say as Severus seems oddly calm compared to the myriad of other reactions.

"Hmmm, Child Surreal Awareness Syndrome, or the laymen's term, prodigy syndrome. Although extremely rare, there have been documented cases similar to yours, where children much much too young are able to take in and understand information on par with an adult." Probably other emissaries being caught in a lie like me.

The lack of shock on my face must have been noticed by Severus, yet he continued without pause.

"I understand why you would be hesitant to reveal that facet of yourself to us, yet it also makes me question something. Based on your reaction, you seem to already understand that this syndrome or at least others like it exists, so why attempt to hide? People born with prodigy syndrome are rarely discriminated against, in fact, they're celebrated. " Severus asks, genuinely interested in my answer.

"Severus, have you ever been good at something, seemingly naturally? Without any form of training or prior ability, just the first time you do it, you do it well." I ask, looking Severus in the eyes, attempting to steel my gaze.

"On a few occasions, yes. Why?" He asks, meeting my eyes. It began to feel as if only he and I were in the room.

"Now, it's not hard to assume, that people would expect great things from a person who could say, cast silently their second time using magic. They would even call that person a genius."

"Well, they would be a genius. To be able to do something like that requires remarkable talent." Severus says, nodding in agreement.

"That is exactly what I want to avoid. I don't want to be known as a genius, or a prodigy, or some spectacular mage. The longer I conceal my circumstances, the more normal my life will be. Now, I may have betrayed that a bit, with the whole guarding Teresa thing, but that's a different subject." I say, yet that is irking me slightly.

Why am I guarding Teresa again? The money? Because she's the closest thing I have to a friend?

Hmm, a lot to think about.

"I believe I understand your situation. Your card will not be revoked, and you lot will be permitted to go on this mission. I'll also have Vanessa refrain from contacting the Countess." Severus said, sighing and breaking my train of thought.

I had nearly forgotten I was being threatened.

"In return?" I ask hesitantly, causing a small grin to be placed on Severus's face.

"Nothing, but let's just say you owe me a favor." He said, his grin never leaving his face as he stood up and handed me my union card back.

God, I hate owing favors. Why does every powerful person I meet always ask for favors in the future?

Should I start doing that?

Whatever at least everything is settled.


Walking back from the union hall was nothing but awkward silence and awkward glances from Flare and Ivy.

Just about ten minutes from the manor, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright just say it. Say whatever ya wanna say, this silence is killing me." I say, as Flare just sighs.

Guess not.

Returning to the manor, it was quite late. After discussing what happened with Teresa to some extent, we all decided to sleep on it and discuss everything tomorrow morning, sort of like a team meeting.

Retiring to my bedroom, a weird feeling settled in my stomach as I tried to pass into the realm of sleep.

--- Point of View: Ivy ---

After telling the princess basically nothing, Flare and I headed towards the guest bedrooms that she gave us, only to have Flare pull me by the arm into hers.

"What's the big idea? I'm tired and want to sleep." I say, crossing my arms. This isn't like Flare, she knows I love to sleep.

"It's about the kid, ya know, Antonio," Flare said, her face slightly flushed yet displeased. Kind of like when she was crushing on an adventurer and got turned down...

Oh no.

"Ice Freak? What about him?" I ask, hoping I'm wrong.

"Look, it's weird alright? He's like, a kid, and I thought you he was hot. Also, it doesn't sit right with me that a kid is both stronger than me and technically my superior." Flare said, sighing and shooting me a glance. "Don't you find this weird?"

"Not really, I mean it is a little weird that his actual age is so young, but I've experienced the reverse with my parents. My mom looks as young as me but is like two hundred, so I guess the whole age thing is kinda numb to me." I said, shrugging and remaining surprisingly calm. Thankfully, she didn't try and hit on that guy and get turned down.

Not because I don't want her to be happy, but I can't imagine her and that monster together. He's like, cold and looks angry all the time, and Flare is happy and fun.

"Yeah but, that's totally different!" Flare said in protest, pinching the bridge of her nose. "It's normal for some races to be able to stop aging, but not the reverse! Wouldn't you feel weird if your little brother was just as capable as you, but at age, like, five? That would be weird!"

No, not really. Actually, that would have been a huge burden off my shoulders, instead of having to take care of him till I left.

"A bit, but as I said, the whole age thing is kinda old hat to me. I was weirded out when I suddenly seemed to not get older, the same when I saw my parents had never changed, but at this point, I've come to accept it. It's not like anything changes along with his age." I say, shrugging. Please don't say it. Please don't say it.

"It does for me," Flare muttered, causing me to sigh deeply.

She said it. This happens every single time, and one of the main reasons I hate being in a party with her.

She falls for the first strong or cute guy she sees, and it never ends well.

At least she's not into kids?

"How many times do I have to say this? Stop falling for every damn guy you see! I literally told you yesterday that he's not a good fit for you, since I already knew what was going through your head. Thank god you didn't go for him and get shot down, or I would have needed to find a new person to take this job." I said, sitting down on Flare's bed and sighing.

"But he really felt like the one! That weird magic, that face that always looks displeased, that tall and strong frame, it was like he was calling to me! He even flirted back!" Flare protested, slowly realizing this was the exact same speech she'd given about every other guy ever.

"Yeah, wow, so impressed that he flirted back, that's definitely what he was doing and not just being polite. Dude just, stop going after adventurers you just met. At least get to know em before imaging a future together." I hate hopeless romantics, but I can't hate Flare.

"Whatever, you're just upset no one ever looks at you like that," Flare said, scoffing and sitting next to me.

Looking over at each other, we can't help but break into a laugh.

I missed her, it's good to have a friend around.

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