Savior! Redemption in Another World!

Chapter 61 - Golden Experiments

Sitting down and resting in my stone hut, it's finally time to get to work.

Crossing my legs and take a few deep breaths and close my eyes to focus.

Peering deep into myself, two things become very apparent. The first is my mana.

If my mana capacity could be called a pool before, it's more accurate to now call it an ocean. No matter how deep I focus or attempt to find the bottom, the cold vast abyss seems endless.

However, now surrounding that deep, cold, pit of mana, is a warm ethereal golden glow. No longer thrashing about inside of me, it seems to have settled, reigning in my mana and keeping it from leaking out of my body. Convenient.

Now instead of having to focus on suppressing my mana, I have what amounts to a switch, either allowing it to pass or not.

Focusing on this golden glow, I slowly start to filter it up and through my mana networks, eventually bringing it to the tip of my finger.

Opening my eyes, it takes a bit of effort, yet now floating above my fingertip is a small wisp of this golden energy. It seems to act similar to my mana, responding to my thoughts and willpower, moving to with my commands at the speed of thought.

However, there are a few key differences. First and foremost, it's warm. If mana feels like foreign energy within my body, chilling me whenever I use too much of it, this instead feels like an extension of myself.

Second, and most importantly, there's no burden on my arms or hands whilst using this. My arms are almost completely healed at this point, but there's still a noticeable itchy feeling whenever I use any amount of mana, yet this energy has no such effect.

Conjuring a small orb of water with my right index finger, I send the two together just to see its effects.

As the golden orb of energy collides with my water magic, something shocking happens.

The orb of water disappears. One moment the orb of water was there, and in the next, it felt as if the spell itself was simply deleted.


The orb seems to be a bit dimmer as well, yet it takes only a bit of effort to force a bit more power into it and return its warm shine.

A third interesting thing is my total energy capacity. It's pitiful, a pitifully low amount. I can assume that the strange spell that was cast takes just about all of this energy.

However, unlike mana, I don't know if I'll be able to increase this amount through training.

Sending the small orb of energy against the wall, a thought comes to mind.

Does this stuff affect spells that are already completed?

My answer came to me very quickly, as the orb of golden light dissipated on contact, taking with it a proportional section of the wall. Interesting.

Whatever this energy is, it seems to operate in direct contrast with mana. Whenever it comes in contact with mana or a spell, it'll simply destroy it.

That's probably why I don't leak any mana anymore, however much of this stuff I generate is enough to suppress the ambient mana I leak out. Or maybe if I had no mana, I would be leaking this golden energy?

Interesting. If I increase my mana capacity, will it eventually win out? What if I increase the amount of this stuff I generate?

None of this thought work is relevant, what I need is a test subject.

Standing up and stretching, I head over to Teresa, who's quietly snacking beside the fire.

"Yo, would you mind doing something for me?" I ask, walking up and giving Teresa a small wave.

"Sure, as long as it's nothing ridiculous." Teresa shrugs, putting her rations away.

"Nothing much, just put on a cloak and tell me when it's activated," I say, taking a seat next to her.

"Uh, ok." Teresa closes her eyes and opens them after about five seconds. "Okay, I've got a basic cloak on."

"Perfect, mind telling me what happens when I do this?" I say, conjuring a ball of golden energy about the size of a baseball, sending it at Teresa's arm with the flick of my wrist.

Before she gives her answer, Teresa's eyes widen.

"What is that? What spell is that? How did you do that?" Teresa asks, glancing between my hand and her bicep.

"Care to explain?" I ask before Teresa clears her throat and regains her calm demeanor.

"Yes, although I don't know what you just did, whatever it was, stripped the exterior cloak I had on my upper arm," Teresa said as if that explained everything.

"Exterior?" Was this explained already? I really need to start paying more attention.

"Yeah, exterior. A cloak is broken up into two parts, interior, and exterior. Interior cloaking boosts a person's physical prowess, whilst the exterior increases their durability and resistance. The interior cloak is intact, yet my arm is defenseless. It's as if the cloak was stripped right off my arm." Teresa said, creasing her brow slightly before looking in my direction. "So what, I was a test dummy for your new spell?"

"Guilty as charged. I still don't know how to apply a cloak so I couldn't test it on myself, and even if I did, you have way more experience in that department." I say shrugging and summoning another tiny orb of golden light.

I really need to think of a name for this stuff.

Qui? Overused.

Chi? Too similar to qui.

Aura? Lame.

Man, I'm not good at naming stuff, am I?

"What is that spell called?" Teresa asks, moving closer to me to get a better look at the orb of golden light.

"I was just thinking of a name for it since right now all I've been calling it is 'golden energy'" I say, sighing and bringing the energy back inside my body.

I barely used any of it and I can already tell I'm almost half out.

"Hmmm, if it's a spell that destroys mana, why not something like anti-magic?" Teresa asks, sending out another name that just doesn't seem to fit right.

What did Greed call it again? Something with a D?

"Maybe Ivy or Flare will have a good name for it. Speaking of which, it's been like an hour, where are they?" I ask looking around to find Teresa and me alone in our little camp.

"Eh, I'm sure they're fine. If they're not back in another hour we'll just go look for em." Teresa said with an unenthusiastic shrug.

"Alright, I'm sure nothing too bad is in this forest anyway," I say, as it dawns on me exactly what I just said.

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