Savior! Redemption in Another World!

Chapter 67 - Tests And Quests

After making a bit more small talk with my newest comrade, we were ushered into a larger room filled with desks and writing utensils. 

I understood the words written on the apparent test for about two pages, but the rest could have been another language for all I know. Aside from basic math and surface-level understanding, most of my knowledge is in combat and village running, and administration. 

Due to my lack of understanding, the written test took me only five minutes to complete as I was ushered into a large arena. 

After about thirty minutes of waiting, all of the applicants had gathered. The lone union representative standing at the center of a glowing ring called out. 

"Alright! This test is simple, beat me or impress me. Come at me as if you're trying to kill me, as I'll be trying to kill you. The ring I'm standing in is known as a dueling field, similar to a Birdcage but without the drain on your mana. Enough talk, time to fight!" The larger humanoid said, drawing a set of twin scimitars and ushering one of us to step into the ring. 

As the rest of the group of applicants stood unsure, I took a step forward and walked into the ring.

What is there to be afraid of? He's one man, and this isn't even a battle to the death. 

"It looks like this crop has a brave one! You showed no hesitation to march into a loss!" The representative said with a cocky laugh and smile.

"Could I call myself a warrior if I was afraid to fight?" I ask in a sly tone, drawing my shortsword and activating Speed Cloak. 

"Fair enough. Let the activation of the ring be our signal." The man said, dropping into a stance as the pale light of the ring eventually shone with the brightness of completion. 

Before he was even able to react, I dash forward, closing the distance between him and me in an instant, brought my leg into his unguarded chest. 

The cocky instructor was sent flying backward, slamming his back into the ring. 

Before he was able to counter-attack, I once again closed the distance, sending a kick onto his left hand, whilst attempting to cut off his right. 

Attempting may be the wrong word, as my sword cleanly chopped off his wrist, yet my kick wasn't strong enough to break his left hand.

Just as I was about to swing down on him once again, the instructor screamed.

"Enough! You win!" He yelled, coughing up blood as his wounds began to heal and he pressed his hand to his wrist, allowing the healing magic of the ring to mend his wounds.

"A good first round. How many rounds must we fight to pass the test?" I ask, looking at him as well as the rest of the applicants. All that I got in reply was silence and mostly stares of shock. 

"No more for you. You won, so you pass. I had no idea we were testing a monster," He said begrudgingly, his voice oozing venom. 

What did you just say? Are you calling me a monster?

"By what basis do you call my people monsters," I say, anger rising from my chest. We've fought hard to rid ourselves of that title, I will not let this insect drag it back onto us. 

"What? Buddy, I don't even know your people, I'm saying you have monstrous strength. First time in a big city?" He says, standing up and putting his hands up defensively. 

Ahh, so it was a compliment of strength. Maybe I do need to go out more, all the time talking with just the villagers has left a gap in my knowledge of terms. 

"Apologies, and yes it is my first time in years stepping foot into a town this large," I say, bowing my head slightly and heading towards the door he had pointed me to. 

Monstrously strong? I could hardly call myself that. 


After many minutes of waiting, I was handed a new contract that Arnold helped me go over. According to him, after I beat the instructor, he stepped up and was able to overwhelm him with 'the force of a small army', whatever that means. 

The contract offer this time was much fairer, and Arnold assured me that it was okay to sign this one. 

He's already proven his usefulness, I would never have been able to decipher the differences between the two contracts, as from my perspective they look about the same.

Did Antonio and Surge have to go through this? I'm sure that at least one if not both of them could have seen through the schemes, much like Arnold has. 

The moment I'm reunited with them will be one of my happiest, but this journey has made me question something.

What next? What happens after I find them?

Pushing these questions aside, Arnold and I decide to take our newfound registration and join one of the larger guilds. This way we can make money whilst searching, and also get quick access to any possible info on them. 

"What are the differences between the guilds?" I ask, as Arnold and I wander through the maze of different guild halls and buildings. 

"Well, there are a few things. Guilds are all about rep, the better reputation a guild has, the more high-paying clients would be willing to back that guild. So, guilds will usually specialize in one or two things and only let people skilled in those tasks in, in order to be known as say 'the guild that employs amazing earth mages' etc." Arnold explained, pointing at different guild halls of varying styles and quality. 

"Do you know of any guilds based around finding people?" I ask as Arnold places his hand on his chin.

"Finding and killing or just locating people, as those are two very different jobs." He replies shortly after. 

"A bit of both." Finding my children and killing the adventurers that caused the destruction of Taf, although I personally would like to kill the ladder. 

"I know the perfect one in that case," Arnold says with a broad smile as he begins to walk in a seemingly random direction.

"Uh, lead the way I guess." Does this guy know everything?

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