Savior! Redemption in Another World!

Chapter 69 - What You Know

After exploring the town for a bit and waiting for nightfall, I had a solid mental map of the town layout. 

In laymen's terms, the town had no consistent layout. The streets seemed to randomly wind and turn, sometimes ending or hitting a dead end with a storefront. 

Either this cities planner made this place deliberately confusing, or there was no city planner. 

This was both extremely beneficial, as if I have to run, finding me is going to be as difficult as finding a rat in a labyrinth, as well as burdensome since I can easily get as lost as my pursuers. 

However, that's a worry for another time, as my mission right now is to inspect the guard's tower. 

Making my way to the center of this web-like town, I saw my target. Alongside the huge ivory tower that the city lord lived in, which also served to project a barrier around the sky of the city, was a smooth stone tower about half the size. 

This spire is known as the guard's tower and primarily acts as the headquarters for the city guard. Hmm, the guard's tower is only about a minute's walk from the Lord's Spire. 

The exterior of the tower was brutally ugly. It was simply a completely smooth stone tower, having four doors at the bottom, and about halfway up, there ceased to be windows. 

According to Boramir and Arnold, the legal and official prison is located underneath the guard's tower, whilst the unofficial prison is located in the upper half of it. I'm assuming Sylvia is being held at the uppermost portion of the tower, whilst less dangerous unofficial captives are held lower in the tower. 

If only Antonio or Blaze were here. If either of them had received this mission, it would be a simple one. They could simply cast a bit of transformation magic, fly to the top of the tower, and open the top up to grab Syliva and leave. 

Yet, I possess not a flight spell nor a powerful enough exterior mana network to blow open the top of the tower. Ahh, to be born talented. 

Aside from the windowless upper half and the regular patrol of guards, the tower seems to be nothing special. 

Heading back to the guildhall for Edge of Night, I have my rough plan in mind. 

The plan is simple, yet I'll need a bit of help. 

I need a few members of Edge of Night to make a huge commotion on the west end of town. Then, I'll climb to the top of the Ivory Tower unseen, and then jump to the top of the Guard's Tower. I can utilize speed cloak and Blaze's gliding spell, Falcon Swoop, to silently make my way over. 

Falcon's Swoop simply slows my descent, it's meant for silently stalking prey and designed for even the least magically talented among us to be able to use. However, it has an unexpected and now very useful effect. 

With the slower fall speed, comes a greater distance that one can travel after jumping. With that plus a full burst of speed cloak, I can easily reach the top of the tower. 

Once I'm at the top, I simply cut a hole open in the top, grab Sylvia, and leave via jumping off with Falcon's Swoop. 

Confident in my strategy, I give the passcode to Jerry the doorman, and request to meet with Boramir as soon as possible.

I'm really going to rescue this Sylvia woman in one day. 


"That's, almost a good idea. But the end is what's stupid and won't work." Boramir said after I had fully explained my plan to him. 

"What about it is stupid and unworkable?" I ask, genuine confusion leaking into my voice. 

"As I said, the ending. Sure, I don't doubt your ability to get to the top of the tower, but you need some serious firepower to even dent the thing, let alone blow a hole in the top. Also, you're gambling on the commotion being big enough to warrant the full force of the guards. If there's even one guard left in the tower with a scanner, you're cooked." Boramir said, slowly poking holes in my no-longer air-tight plan.

"Well, say a rouge Tiamat was going berserk outside the western wall, wouldn't that solve our issue of not pulling enough guards?" I say, giving a sly look to the now smug-faced Boramir. Good el reputation, nothing beats it. 

"Sure, that would solve one glaring issue, but don't forget about the second. At full power, utilizing my full cloak, I can barely crack the walls of the tower. How do you expect to blow a hole in the top?" Boramir asks, leaning back in his chair and yawning. Too bad I already have a solution to that little problem as well. 

"If my full strength isn't enough to break it open, I'll simply use this," I say, reaching into my bag and pulling out a small, tightly packed rod of tempered leather. 

"What exactly would that be?" He asks, which was my question when I first laid my eyes on it. 

"Something my genius son and friend Blaze cooked up. Couldn't tell you how it works, but all I know is that it's filled with powder and creates an extremely powerful, yet concentrated explosion when you light the piece of string at the top." I say, gesturing to what Blaze named The Fuse. 

"How exactly does a stick of leather and some powder cause an explosion?" Boramir asks, bewildered as I was upon first seeing its power.

"Again, couldn't tell ya. Apparently, Blaze found out the powder reacts to fire and sparks, and Antonio came up with the idea. If my raw strength can't break through that ceiling, one or two of these sticks will." I say, puffing my chest with pride. 

"How many do you have? How many are you willing to use?" Boramir asks, looking over at the Explosive Stick with a hint of fear in his eyes. 

"I have five of the prototypes, and I'm willing to use them all if it means I can see my children again. Besides, once Antonio is safe, he can simply make more." I say with a shrug, yet it feels as if I'm missing something. 

I'm sure it's just nerves. It only makes sense to be a bit unnerved when diving into an uncertain plan. 

"Alright, if you truly think you can blow open the top of the tower with these sticks, I'll take that gamble. Tomorrow night, when the moon is in the center of the sky, I'll get some of the guys together and we'll cause a ruckus on the west side of town. Just one more question, how do you plan on climbing the Ivory Tower?" Boramir asks with a hint of skepticism. 

"I'll just scale it by attaching cloak to my fingers and slamming them into the wall of the tower. The same way you'd climb a steep rock face, just faster." I say, shrugging as Boramir nods with acceptance. 

I'm sure others may look at our conversation and think that idea alone is crazy, but they couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, the truth is often stranger than any fiction you could imagine. 

After the finer details of the plan were ironed out, I had about a day and a half free. 

That being said, I can't just stand around and wait for time to pass, there are a few preparatory steps I need to take. 

First and foremost, I need some supplies for rescuing Sylvia. 

Mainly I need a rope for Sylvia to climb up on and new clothes. It sounds like the guard captain has a  particular interest in Sylvia, so when I come to rescue her, she may be, disrobed. 

I truly feel bad for the woman, so hopefully, my offer of new clothes will help her cope with escaping and being free a bit more. 

Walking through the winding streets, I eventually find a general goods store in which I'm able to purchase a rope some other general tools to put in my storage bag. 

Afterward, I ask around and find myself in a store known as 'Rose's Thorn', a clothing story targeting female adventurers. 

"Welcome to Rose's Thorn! I'm R- excuse me sir are you lost?" A cheery-looking halfling says, walking out from behind a counter. 

"No, very sorry but I'm looking to buy some clothes for a female associate. I was told this would be the premier location for female adventuring clothes." I say, looking between the halfling and her various selections of leather and chain clothing. 

"Of course! You've come to the right place. Just tell me the rough measurements of your friend, ya know height weight, etc, and I can find something that'll suit her well enough until she's able to come back and get properly fitted. Trust me when I say, wives love my wares." Rose said with a smug grin, assuming she had me pegged as a person shopping for his wife.

Well, I'm sure Marble would love to come here. Protective gear is always important, and I'm sure she'd appreciate a choice beyond simple leather and simple chain. 

Either way, it's not as if I'm going to bother with correcting Rose, this way she'll choose what she believes is her best. 

After giving a brief description of what Sylvia looked like, all of which was according to what Boramir said, I left the tailors with a lighter wallet than I had hoped, yet clothes for Sylvia if the worst-case scenario comes to fruition. 

As the sun began to set, I have only a day before the mission.

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