Chapter 806

Two huge monsters were playing philosophical wrestling there.

Remove each other’s body parts from time to time.

The fighting conditions are extremely fierce.

Even Su Xi and others on one side were a bit surprised. They didn’t expect that this usually shameless little old man would be able to summon such a terrifying elf.

This Exodia’s strength is already completely beyond the strength of an ordinary monster, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a demon god.

But even so, it was worthy of a tie with the great evil god Zoke.

However, the power of Cthulhu comes from endless darkness and is endless.

Simon’s power is the soul of a person.

It is like the relationship between the heroic spirit and the master. It can be supplied through the spirit medium spell, and can be resurrected once or twice… But when the soul is not enough for Exodia to move, the immortal body is also broken.

Su Xi could see it, and in the same way, the great evil god Zoker could see it.

Of course, Simon felt it himself, so the old man was going to make a desperate move: “Come on, Exodia, use my soul as a burning, dark karma!”

The dark master clasped his hands together, as if he was releasing a certain qigong wave.


The golden flame, like billowing gold liquid, burst open, enveloping the great evil god.

Zoke screamed.

His body was also slowly dissolving in the flames.

Simon’s eye sockets are sunken, and because of the heavy use of spirit power, his body has gradually been on the verge of collapse.

Zoke seemed to have the right time, his scarlet pupils glared suddenly, and he shouted, “Do you want to lighten up the darkness with this level of flame? I’m the invincible great evil god Zoke!”


Seeing his claws crossed in the void, a dark cross shock wave broke through the flames and swept directly towards the Dark Master.

The Dark Cthulhu might be fine, but Simon, who was attacked by this attack, absolutely collapsed his soul.

crucial moment.

Su Xi held the thousand-year key.

Following the Thousand-Year Key, Simon gave his soul power.

But even so, Simon almost didn’t get past, spurting out old blood.

Xodia was directly torn apart and scattered into a piece of yellow sand.

“Very bad, I couldn’t respond… Pharaoh, yours…”

Before he finished speaking, Simon fainted.

Su Xi checked her pulse, but luckily just fainted.

“Thanks…” Su Xi let out a relief, and Simon, who was dizzy, stretched his brows slightly.

The sky at this time has been shrouded in darkness, and the sun in the sky has been completely swallowed by the dark solar eclipse…

The world is dark!

Someone sent this elderly veteran down. Su Xi was ready to stop pretending, and immediately liberated the forbidden hand. When he wanted to fight this thing to the death…


In the sky, a group of priests riding on cursed dragons, fairy dragons and other monsters, actually came back one after another from Kruaina Village.

Su Xi patted his head.

There is a somewhat dilemma at this time.

Xodia regards Su Xi’s embarrassment as helpless.

“Hahahahaha, no matter who you are, you are powerless in the face of absolute darkness. Give up! Become my slave and let the dead souls dominate this country and this world!”

“Pharaoh, please summon the three phantom gods again, and give me the light of waiting!”

Except for Isis, other priests still believed in Su Xi’s strength. They firmly believed that the gods of the ancient pyramid kingdom could save them.

But the key point Su Xi didn’t think he could summon the three illusion gods. After all, he was not the eighteenth ancient pyramid king.

“My Lord Pharaoh…” But at this moment, Isis stepped forward to Su Xi, with a flawless face, revealing his complete trust in Su Xi: “… Pharaoh…Although each has twists and turns, but You have to have confidence in yourself. You are now the Pharaoh, and no one can replace the Pharaoh.”

While speaking, Isis transferred his soul power to Su Xi’s gladiatorial plate.

Seeing this, other priests followed suit.

“I am willing to devote my meager soul power to Pharaoh’s victory.”

Speaking of one by one, all the soul power was transferred to Su Xi.

Su Xi is blinded, is he lacking soul power?

“Fa, Pharaoh, I believe you too…” Qisala looked at Su Xi with admiration.

Then shyly stretched out a catkin towards Su Xi.

“Ah, Kisala is so cunning, I also want to shake hands with His Royal Highness!”

(Nuo Lihao) Mana took Su Xi’s other hand tastefully, and insisted, the two girls didn’t know when they started, but they fought each other, causing the corners of Isis’s mouth to twitch…

“Sigh…” Su Xi sighed helplessly.

Gan, now it’s hard to ride a tiger, now that you have reached this point, let’s try to use these spirit powers to do something.

Thinking about it, Su Xi summoned his only monster-the photon pterosaur transformed from the city guard pterosaur.


Theoretically, as long as the spirit power is sufficient, the monster should be able to evolve infinitely before it can meet.

So… just try to make the photon pterosaur stronger upwards.

With the continuous injection of soul power, the body of the Photon Pterosaur continues to grow…

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