
I pretended to swallow the ignition powder, it tastes terrible, but even the stomach of a normal giant dragon can digest this thing, let alone an “abnormal” giant dragon like Ques.

He filled the death knell blunderbuss with ammunition. This is the same double-barreled blunderbus he originally used. Although he carried the latest electromagnetic nailing rifle from Chamber of Commerce on his back, since he had the opportunity this time, he also happened to relive his past feelings.

“Human body stroke master or something,” Ques muttered inwardly, “It doesn’t exist anymore now.”

After waiting for about ten minutes, rustling footsteps came from the quiet alleyway. It was a full-mandated thirty-man drow patrol, including the Basilisk, which was kept under the control of the drow trainer.

“The leader of the team is an Outer Member of the Dayet mercenary group. But you don’t need to keep your hands…”

It turned out that Jarlat, who had just disappeared, had touched forward to investigate the details of the patrol team in advance. After returning, he used the language of the soul to complete the love report to all members of the adventure squad.

The so-called “Halbi” means “a friend I trust” in the language of the dark elf. But Jarratt said that he didn’t need to keep his hands, which seemed somewhat ironic.

The voice that suddenly appeared in my heart surprised everyone except Ques.

Golindo Qianzhongyan and Marsh Fezak are a little better. The former is a dwarf with a harder will than a stone; the latter is experienced and knowledgeable because he grew up in the Chamber of Commerce, the scale of the eternal order.

The great architect Calder Fintry is a halfling after all, and his mind is too jumpy. Startled by the sudden sound, although he covered his mouth with his hand in time and did not exclaim, he still squeezed a heavy breath between his fingers.

As the strongest race in many Underground Worlds in the multiverse, the dark elves naturally have the racial advantage of being blessed by heaven. For example, in such an underground tunnel, Drow’s hearing and vision acuity is terrifying.

All the dark elves in that patrol team, each one, heard the halfling’s breath. However, they did not ask loudly, but made two gestures with each other in sign language and quickly made a decision.

“…they are going to launch a raid,” Jarratt was naturally troubled by drow’s sign language. He once again used the language of the soul to send the message, “First, release the magic fire technique. The thing will not burn people when it falls on the body. But it will expose its deeds, which will attract the patrol’s fire. Then there is the darkness technique, with the crossbow shooting, and the release of Basilisk to attack. Finally, they will charge and start close combat.”

Jarrat is very clear about the various tactics of the dark elves. According to the configuration of that patrol team, without even thinking about it, he explained the tactics used by ninety-nine percent of them. This is why Ques has to bring him as a “leader” and “turner”.

With Jarratt, in this kind of combat situation, the adventure squad can take the lead. Otherwise, Ques will have to expose more strength to ensure that the squad safely reaches the vicinity of the tower of soul-binding that is being built. In that way, it would be meaningless for him to organize an adventure squad, so he might as well push it by himself.

Now that the opponent’s tactics have been learned, the countermeasures have saved a lot of effort. Waiting for the full-strength drow patrol team to pretend to have reached thirty steps—this is the maximum range they can use with witchcraft—within the distance, Ques blatantly shot and attacked first.


He squeezed the trigger of the death knell, and the gunpowder exploded, emitting a dazzling light. After the projectile exited the chamber, it also exploded about a dozen yards later, releasing a brighter flame again.

Ques also made some preparations for the dark elves. This special alchemy bullet called “Flash Bomb” is one of them.

The dazzling light has a great impact on the underground creatures. Although there is no direct lethality, the group of drow and Basilisk in their team screamed at the same time and closed their eyes protectively. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the young blue dragon, transformed into a human form, sprang out fiercely, and in the blink of an eye, with the help of various protrusions on the lane wall, the snake-shaped raccoon charged ahead more than thirty steps away. He rushed directly to the Basilisk, who was at the forefront of the patrol.

This stocky reptile monster has eight legs and many bone spurs protruding from the back. The eyes that would have radiated hot light green rays of light, under the stimulation of the strong light, closed tightly at this time. Hearing the movement in front of him, it just wanted to open its eyes, but was slapped to the ground by a seemingly ordinary palm that actually contained tremendous power, and it smashed the ground into a shallow hole.


Ques raised the double-barreled blunderbuss with one bullet left. In the slap just now, he didn’t know how many points of strength he received, but he was afraid that he would directly kill Basilisk, and there would be no chance to use the death knell attack.


The muzzle was almost close to the opponent’s top of the head. He decisively continued to pull the trigger. The second shot was a high-explosive bullet that had been reformed through alchemy and shattered Basilisk’s head.

The red and white objects projecting outward were completely blocked back under the effect of the explosion shock wave. So, although Basilisk’s brain was beaten into a paste, there was no blood on Ques.

The dark elf patrol members naturally heard the sound of bullets being fired, and Basilisk didn’t even scream, and suddenly fell to the ground. Without Captain’s greetings, the patrol team members raised their crossbows one after another, the front squatted quickly, and the rear kept flat. Although there were still tears in their eyes from the bright light, they still fired decisively. Fight back.

It’s just that Basilisk, who “finished the apprenticeship before he dies”, provided an “artificial bunker” for Ques. Although the drow patrol’s crossbow arrows were good, they failed to inflict any damage on him who squatted in time. Those crossbow arrows were all inserted into Basilisk.

With a sound of “ka-cha”, unlock the lock, break the barrel, and complete the bomb change. Three actions are in one go. Immediately afterwards, with the “pa ta” a light sound, the death knell blunders once again completed the reloading. Ques didn’t stand up, and fired two consecutive “bangs, bangs” directly at the top of his head.

Two “flash bombs” hit the top of the roadway, smashing a lot of rubble and soil debris, and the burst of flash once again “blind” the eyes of the drow. Thanks to their cleverness, the infrared vision can switch to the normal viewing angle of the city in time, otherwise they would not be far from being blind with two flash bombs at such a close distance.

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