
Slartak took out a diamond, and he had spent at least two hundred gold droggers for this gem.

“Otyluk.” He said to Lavis with a certain tone.

He was talking about a powerful magic Grandmaster, famous for twisting magical energy into various ball shapes.

Although the spell invented by the wizard is lacking in refinement, it does have its own uniqueness in terms of durability and formidable power.

But after looking at the adventurer squad, which was actually few people, Slartak couldn’t help but hesitate whether he should waste such precious treasure.

He tapped the diamond between his fingers, put it back in his pocket unobtrusively, and took out a piece of crystal instead.

“Ottyluk.” He said again.

The profane sacrificial rituals cast spells are not like warlocks or wizards, and usually require incantion, spell-casting gestures, and spell materials to complement each other (warlock may be better).

They were able to mobilize magical energy because of the tiny part of their authority that they had stolen from the gods.

Their spell-casting process, to be honest, is very similar to the process of shopping from a vending machine: select the appropriate goods (spell), put in coins (casting materials), click the confirm button (read the spell name). Then, everything can be handed over to the vending machine (the authority of the gods).

Because any god has the power to change reality, even for some gods who do not have the authority to hold magic, as long as it does not exceed a certain limit-it is as if you cannot expect the orc god Gush to cast divine technique”-the gods can easily perform some simple spells.

Ottyluk’s ice-bound orb is naturally included in it. When the profane sacrificial leader Slartak chanted the spell name, the small piece of crystal in his hand disappeared, and a crystal clear and near-transparent orb instantly appeared on the head of the scorpion demon who was constantly torturing the fascinated seduction.

Nimwuku’s movements instantly changed shape, frost like a snake, climbing up the joints and muscles of the high-level devil. The fascination demon was not affected. The Tanari demon from the bottomless abyss seized the opportunity and smashed the fist on the swollen face of the scorpion demon, and the two demons began to fight each other at close range.

Not only that, along with Slartak’s actions, some other profane rituals and drow warlock also began to cast their spells. Some of them took out a hemp rope, and summon took out a magic rope to bind the barb demon who was out of the snake demon summon; some put on snakeskin gloves inlaid with sharp nails and performed Bigby’s grip. He wanted to catch the Hamar demon who rushed towards his side because of the obstruction of the killing of Bab demon; some even took out a small tin bucket… But this guy was slapped by Slartak.

“Idiot, don’t use the earth-splitting technique,” Slartak growled angrily: “Don’t destroy this secret room!”

Most of the remaining casters are busy adding more buff spells to their fighters: the brute force of the bull, the endurance of the bear, the grace of the cat, the insight of the owl, and the courage of the lion.

This is the same treatment that the Chamber of Commerce army enjoys when fighting. However, most of the spellcasters here cannot perform group buffs, and can only enchant a few powerful fighters.

While these guys are preparing for the offense, members of the adventure squad on Ques are also discussing. But the only one who really takes those mobs seriously is the Dwarf Digger. Others either knew or probably guessed the identity of the young Blue Dragon, or they were simply naive and optimistic, and did not regard the enemies in front of them as a thing.

“One head charge ahead.” Golindo Qianzhongyan proposed. However, several companions looked at him. I didn’t understand.

“The way of the dwarf.” He explained, “When there is no retreat behind, lower your head and charge ahead.”

Jarlaxle took a peek at Ques, and realized that the other party had just taken out a parchment, writing and painting, carefully tracing the various structures of the magic eye in the center of the “Golden House”. If something moved, the mercenary leader quickly rejected the dwarf’s opinion, “They are too many, and they want a charge ahead. It’s not simple. I guess the reason why the guys haven’t attacked yet was because Ques. The monster that Mr. summon just recently blocked it, and secondly, it may be refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases…I am worried about destroying the structure of this secret room. And we are taking advantage of this.”

“The dwarf with a long beard,” the dwarf murmured, but he did not deny the dark elf’s statement, “then we are here to start destroying? See if they can let them take the initiative to give up a way?”

Hearing the sabotage, Calder, the architect of the bust congress, lit up in an instant. He took out a kraft paper bag from a small bag on his body and made the sound of stones colliding with each other, “Now let’s get something exciting. “

After speaking, without waiting for everyone to question, Calder picked out four stones from the kraft paper bag. This halfling’s fingers are more flexible than the overwhelming majority thieves in the world. No need to look at it, just relying on the touch of the fingertips to detect the outline of the stones exactly what he wanted, and at the same time he knew their colors. “Red,” he said, “Yes.”

Raising his arm, four pebbles flung out from between his fingers. They crossed dozens of yards and fell straight into the Ox Head Man heavy infantry in the front row of the wandering drow army. , And then there was an explosion.

hong long long ……

“Explosive stone, the essential core of many cleverly designed traps,” he blinked at the dwarf beside him, and threw a new explosive stone into the opponent’s hand. Golindor, who was taken aback, hurriedly let go of the shield and battle axe he was holding, carefully using his palm to use this dangerous item that seemed to explode at any time. “Sand and rocks are broken, you are going to…”

Before he could say the word “murder”, the dwarf immediately held breath cold air. He was so nervous just now that his toe was hit by a heavy shield, and he didn’t have time to react. The halfling laughed at him sorry, then bent down, and picked up the dwarf’s battle axe with both hands.

“Let me use it,” Calder said. He picked out a few stones from the kraft paper bag, but these stones did not have edges and corners, but were like flat stone cakes, “This is the gift of the earth element Maharaja Sunis of the kind element to the world. I Many of the guard traps set up earlier use them. If you have to have a name, I will call them’source stone’, homonymous stem, gē gē gē…”

Not knowing what fun he thought of, Calder actually laughed a few times each minding their own business. However, his hands were not idle either. He placed source stones on the ground and smashed them one by one with the dwarf’s battle axe. The smoke and dust of earth-yellow floated out of the source stone in an instant, and a sharp stalagmite quickly grew out of every fragment of the source stone. The halfling jumped back quickly, and the stalagmites were still growing rapidly, growing up quickly at a condensation speed that shouldn’t have appeared in nature, and finally turned into elemental creatures.

“Go and fight them!” Calder excitedly pointed to the wandering drow army. Those Earth Element creatures seemed to understand the halfling’s words (actually, they didn’t understand), and they stepped forward to them. Go forward in the direction of the guide.

The huge elemental creatures, every step they take will make a “hong long long” sound similar to the “hong long long” that just exploded.

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