
“Open all those holes!”

In the scar warrior, there is a strong bear goblin roaring. He stepped on a collapsed iron wall, leaping his feet to tell his men to open the patios in the passage, and the sunlight directly shot into the ground from the ground.

He is wearing a set of armor that is pierced by layers of armor pages, and in the gaps of the armor pages, there will be fluorescent sparkles from time to time. Like the previous Zhuo Weiqi, this bear goblin merged with Shattered Ying Jia.

In addition to him, there are more than a dozen such monsters in this scar warrior’s army. They are the leaders of this team.

Open the patio and stand up with the crystalline mirror of the blazing sun, the seemingly scattered team is actually kept in order. The eternal blazing sun filled the passage with the warm sunshine, following the army all the way, shining into the “golden house”.

For the dark elves, the rays of light of eternal blazing sun are like a curse. Even if the light came in from behind, they still felt deep discomfort. Not to mention, as the light entered, those scared warriors screaming and screaming attacked them.

“What’s going on?” Seeing the wandering drow clan team was suddenly attacked by “owners”, Lavis rushed to Slartak’s side. The noble lady of the spider queen stubbornly clasped a precious iron stone in her hand.

Although in the death magic area, almost all the demonic path tools are unusable, but like the dragon head Warhammer in the hand of Ques, or the Grand Arcanist like the iron stone by Netheril The Rare Item created can actually play some role.

at worst perish together. Starrak read her thoughts from Lavis’s beating eyes. However, the opponent clearly misunderstood him now. This blasphemous sacrificial leader can swear that he has never given an order to let the scar warriors rush in and kill.

“Yes, yes…” Starrak suddenly thought of a kind of probability, and it was the only reason why his close relatives and relatives were crazy, “…It is the seventh lord Balzeb who is doing a ghost, the Great Demon Ghosts also have believers in bear goblins and hobgoblins!”

In fact, he still kept some things without saying it. There is also a cooperative relationship between Starrak and Balzeb. This soul-binding tower was only established with the support of the Baator lord.

And when he was considering whether to retrieve the “dead magic gem” hidden in the body back into the magic box, those scar warriors that rushed in like a flash of torrents were already headed by the broken Ying Armored Under the leadership of Soldier, along the path formed by the sun, he rushed straight to the perfect soul prism located in the Central Zone of the “Golden House”.

Because of the wrong hand, and because neither side of the war was using magic, these guys not only killed many drow and Ox Head Man with the momentum of charging, they even killed many drows and Ox Head Man very quickly. The scorpion demon from Ques summon fell to the ground.

Thanks to the ability to draw energy from the eternal blazing sun, the power of these Broken Armored Soldiers is so great that more than a dozen Broken Armored Soldiers dragged the high-level demon onto the ground for several times. Ten yards away.

“For my god!”

Those Broken Armored Soldiers roared again, and they used their weapons to chop and slash on Nimuku. Even though the skin is rough and flesh is thick as a high-level Batzu freak, his body still quickly became bloody and bloody in the face of such a crazy attack without using magic protection. In the end, I don’t know which guy made a knife and cut his neck completely.

Thick dark green blood leached out of the Devil Body of the snake and scorpion, and his body quickly shrivelled like a deflated leather ball. Before long, this high-level demon who died on the material plane will be summoned back to the Baator Nine Hells. However, the dead magic area interfered with this process. Although the power of Baator’s Nine Hells still affected this place, the process of dissipating the devil’s body became extremely slow.

Not only that, but the perfect soul prism that has been kept in a quiet suspension state seems to be guided by power, and instantly “understands” the path that he must walk.

It began to tremble, and waves of pure spell power began to surge outward from this perfect soul prism by the spirit of the war dead that it had absorbed before.

Like a tide, the power of spell washes everything that can be touched, and it uses it to perceive the surrounding scene: a powerful magical creature, no, it is too difficult for it to overcome it now; one Rare Item, which has an internal circulation system, even has perception and wisdom. The “first mover” makes it jealous, but it is still difficult to defeat…

Until, the core Tower Spirit of this soul-binding tower, the spell “life” created by using part of the principle of Clinsinnibon manufacturing, and the magical creation carved out of the perfect soul prism, I felt the previous experience. The “uncomfortable” thing-the “dead magic gem” hidden in the body by the desecrated sacrificial leader-finally reacted.

It opened its eyes.

The directional pulse energy shot straight at Starrak, and the opponent was hit before he could even react. The body of the wax melt demon was washed away most of the time, and the remaining body was like mud that was thrown away. With a sound of “xiu”, he was pushed against the gold leaf wall. In an instant, the dead magic gem hidden in his body was exposed to the air.

“no! “Starrak loudly shouted.

And in the next second, the pulse fired by the magic eye destroyed the gem. The purple-gray gemstone is like a ignited briquettes, emitting a blazing red light quickly, and then quickly burning into fluttering ashes.

The dead magic area was released immediately.

“Sacrifice! Start our sacrifice!” Witnessing this scene, those bear goblins and hobgoblins Armored Soldier immediately issued the latest orders to the scar warrior around them. They became more crazy, and they couldn’t help but waved their weapons at the drows of the former alliance.

Blood and death are the sacrifices that most please the “god”. Whether it’s theirs, or the enemy’s-it’s fine.

Not only that, the sunlight shining in from the entrance of the Golden House channel suddenly became much more intense. Not to mention the drow, even creatures that can survive on normal surfaces like dwarves and halflings feel uncomfortable. The eternal blazing sun that symbolized life and warmth in the past, as if it was really like what the dark elves said, has become “a poisonous Fireball” at this moment.

“You can’t let those guys die!” Ques immediately realized the key to the problem. The death magic area has disappeared, and the core of the tower of soul-binding has basically completed the awakening, so he does not need to hesitate to use spell at this time.

Following the owner’s heart, the dragon head Warhammer immediately deformed: it became a chain of raging flames, which quickly wandered around in the “golden house” like a floating snake. The fanatical broken Ying Armored Soldier wrapped one by one into zongzi.

Ques has already seen that these guys are about to sacrifice themselves-even if the situation is unclear now, there is no mistake if the enemy can’t make the plan smoothly.

It’s just…

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