
Ashes world, archipelago province, main island city.

The atmosphere here is completely different from other cities that have been taken over by Chamber of Commerce, and the stench is filled with despair.

Does despair breathe?

Ques thinks it can be described. The dim road is full of mixed peculiar smells, both sweat and cheap alcohol. Unremoved stains stick to the street, sending off a disgusting stench and other unspeakable smells.

In other cities governed by the Chamber of Commerce Act, pedestrians usually travel in groups and occasionally have a curfew to observe. The streets in those places are all exuding the smell of spices and industrial products, not only the smell of new leather, but sometimes the smell of some livestock.

The military camp there exudes the smell of polish and oil. Every soldier has practical things to do. Although there are not many soldiers, everyone maintains a military appearance. Their uniforms are like a shield against possible chaos.

In the main island city, the pedestrians here usually run around in a crowd, like a colony of headless flies. The army in the main island city even wore uniforms (standard equipment in the Medici Empire), but most of the coats were not buttoned up, and the pants were crumpled.

These soldiers had previously obeyed the leadership of the Zagan family, and this leader was obviously not serious and responsible for the generals in Chamber of Commerce, and his ability was much worse. “These people are rubbish,” the contract Munamen has always been in charge of foreign affairs, and the handover of the main island city is no exception. “What’s worse, we must also be responsible for cleaning them.”

“Quickly, and be more stable,” Ques walked past Namen, and the young blue dragon, transformed into a human form, walked step by step toward more stone-engraved gates of dozens of yards outside the Zagan family. As he passed, the door collapsed and turned into rubble. This residence of the first family of the archipelago province, which has been inherited for more than three hundred years, has also become a ruin in his footsteps.

Fortunately, everyone in the house had been evacuated before half an hour. They were sent to the pier of the main island city, and quickly evacuated the island on the fleet sent by Chamber of Commerce.

And now, not only the transport ships and Leviathan airships sent by the Chamber of Commerce, but also the merchant ships and pirate ships that were originally docked at the main island city’s wharf, are all covered by the Eternal Order Chamber of Commerce expropriation. In the next three hourglass hours, they will transport all the residents of the city to the land closest to the main island city at one time, and transport them to the territory that originally belonged to the dead rival of the Zagan family, the Khalil family.

apart from this, in the Sea Territory around the main island city, heads of young or newly grown blue dragons are constantly flying. They obeyed the orders of the current patriarch Ques and followed the steampunk half-Lich Sneijder to “visit” the intelligent creatures living in the sea one by one.

Whether it is the clan of Sahua murloc, Lorka murloc, and mermaid, or those sea magic creatures that live alone, they all received the “friendly persuasion” from the Chamber of Commerce. They were asked to immediately move to the more southerly Sea Territory, to avoid the limelight for the time being.

If they accept the “persuasion”, then Chamber of Commerce will send a generous program, enough to make up for the loss caused by their hasty migration. On the contrary, Sneijder will let giant dragons act as free porters and drive those who are unable to tell good from bad away from here.

“Within today, within 400 nautical miles around the main island city, no intelligent creature is allowed to remain.”

This is a death order from Ques. And the reason why he wants to do this is actually for the sake of those intelligent creatures from another angle. After all, Balzeb has come to the ashes world. After possessing the Tower Spirit of the Tower of Soul Bound, he could think of what the hell lord wanted to do with the tip of his tail.

In addition to the newly built soul-binding tower by the wandering drow clan, Ash World currently has three such magic towers operating on their own. The souls born after the death of intelligent creatures will be attracted by them autonomously. What Ques has to do is to stand firm and clear the wild: Since he is going to leave the helllord who covets the ashes world forever, then he cannot be given a chance to replenish his strength.

However, even if the young Blue Dragon’s decision is quite timely, Balzeb’s movements are not slow.

Just as the last group of residents in the main island city went out to sea by boat, a terrifying “living” magic tower grew out of the sea.

The hell lord opened the dome of the drow city. After destroying the drow city and harvesting all the lives of the wandering drow and their slaves that had not left in time, Balzeb’s huge body Surfaced.

As soon as he emerged from the sea, this powerful demon summoned out of the boundless swarm and began to carry out large-scale predation activities centered on it. Flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, running on land, as long as the living creatures are the targets of the insect swarms.

Those pirate gangs that played “smart”, peeked at the Chamber of Commerce, and sneaked to some small islands were the first to bear the brunt. Because they are intelligent creatures, their souls are “item of great nourishment” to the current Balzeb. In order to deal with the three catastrophes predicted by Asti Morse, the Flyer Lord must quickly restore himself to Peak status.

The sound of insects sizzled, blood gurgled, and the swarms of insects entering the sea from the sky made scarlet waves appear in the surrounding sea for dozens of miles. Even if it weren’t for half of Lich Sneijder in the middle, even the blue dragon group that was driving away from the last wave of the Shahua murloc clan would be attrition.

For the intelligent creatures living near the main island city, today is their “day of destruction”, and Balzeb is their slayer. That powerful evil demon was worrying about their lives extremely eagerly.

“Not enough, not enough, not enough!”

Because the Chamber of Commerce reacted fairly quickly, I felt that the “scattered”-far less than Balzeb’s expectations-merged into the real Soul Power , Lord Flyer issued an angry roar.

It’s just that, before the power has time to drive the insect swarms to prey on farther places, the predicted disaster will follow.

What is surprising is that the performance of this catastrophe is not the two hostile lords (Dispat and Mephisto) from the Nine Prisons of Baator, or the large number of Batzu troops. It was a monster-like, muscular bear goblin with huge fangs, strong, large claws and feet. His name is Hrugek.

However, before he could drive the insect swarm further afield to prey, the first wave of disasters that belonged to him immediately came.

The chaser from the Nine Prisons of Baator also followed

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