
The avatar of Kaji Luna is a frequent visitor to the material plane. His main purpose has always been to capture the Evil Spirit soul as a larva, which is actually his basic currency in the Burning Hell trade in recent years.

It can be seen that the hag god recently (the previously captured souls were mainly used to make soul prisms) changed his main trading object, from trading with the devil to becoming more inclined to the devil.

The reason is that some scholars in the multiverse believe that this may also be related to the famous “paying the bill” before hell.

They believe that the hag lord who once ruled the 6th floor of the Baator Nine Hells and was executed by Asmodeus after the action was actually an incarnation of Kaji Luna. After so many years, Goddess, the grotesque and temperamental hag, is helping the Tanari demon in various ways, trying to get justice from the Batzu devil who buried his avatar.

Of course, this is just a guess. No one really knows what the actual situation is.

However, many gods or divine forces who often deal with him have found that this hag Goddess has indeed become more greedy after the “paying the bill”.

Although Kaji Luna was no different from the miser before, but when dealing with him, he would more or less take into account the face of the gods, and his appearance was not as ugly as it is now.

Hrugek knows this well.

After all, the most important Divine Item of the bear goblin god, which provides him with powerful spellcasting capabilities, was originally called “The Array of Skull Licking by the Hag’s Tongue”. The spoils of war of Hrugek, the god of bear goblin, finally transformed into the existence of powerful Divine Item, which is actually the hag Goddess Kaji Luna.

To this end, they also signed a Netherworld River contract.

“I will fill up your bottles and cans, old Ghost Matron,” facing Kaj Luna’s interrogation, because there are other gods and divine forces present, Hrugek has no face In response, He yelled back in an unkind tone: “Now, according to the agreement between you and me, you still have to provide me with spellcasting services before patching up this set of Divine Item!”

Divine Heart of the Bear Goblin is dripping with blood, but secretly happy at the same time. Previously, the agreement he signed with Kaji Luna, on the surface was to make up for his shortcomings in the ability to cast spells, so he accepted the Hag Goddess’ “Manufacturing and repairing Divine Items must be handed over to Kaji Luna.” , Each time the reward is three jars filled with larvae of the’ghost medicine bottle’.”

You know, the kind of medicine bottle that Kaji Luna left him, although not big in style, can hold sixty-six hundred and sixty-six larvae in each one. In other words, when Hrugek’s Divine Item had a problem, he had to provide Goddess with nearly two hundred thousand larvae to fix the Divine Item.

If this larvae sum is converted into a soul prism, it can be exchanged for nearly half a million basic standard soul prisms. In other words, Kaji Luna completely took Hrugek as a victim. Just repair this Divine Item once. If the God of Bear Goblin is willing to add more money, he might be able to buy a new Divine Item from some big merchants on the lower planes.

However, Hrugek still brace oneself to sign the Netherworld River contract-he did it for today-according to the Netherworld River contract, when the Divine Item is damaged, Kaji Luna still wants Provide Spell assistance to Hrugek. When the Divine Item is repaired, the hag Goddess can slap her ass and leave, waiting for the next payment.

Just now, Hrugek personally smashed the set of “the skull formation licked by the hag’s tongue” with a mace. It uses pure divine ability, and the damage caused is quite expensive to repair, and it is definitely time-consuming. Therefore, due to the restrictions of the Netherworld River contract, Kaji Luna will come to the ashes world.

If you have to use more vivid language to explain, then you can only say: Hrugek, a god who does not look very “smart” (after all, the bear goblin is not known for his brain), with his own unique cunning and With a wealth similar to buying a Divine Item, I exchanged a chance to help the hag Goddess.

If such an opportunity is not used well, it will be a blood loss; and as it is now, when a hell lord’s true body is hardened, with a magic expert like Kaji Luna as a helper, Hrugek is making a lot of money. Up.

“Next time, I have to add money…”

The hag Goddess is not a fool. At first he thought he was here to cut the leeks, but now he also recalls. However, the Netherworld River contract cannot be violated, at least if a weak divine force like his violates the contract, there is almost certainly only one price that will be paid, and that is 100% fall.

Therefore, even though He was reluctant in every way, he still threw the small iron pot he was holding into the sea beside him after a long roar. In an instant, under the shining white moonlight, this small iron pot suddenly turned into a big kettle. Although there is no firewood below it, it seems to emit high temperatures all the time, and even the sea around it is boiling.

He took out about thirty eyeballs from the bag that he carried with him, which seemed to be woven with pearls. They were all real eyeballs that Kaji Luna pulled out of the eye sockets of her family. The eggs are about the same size.

“…I wouldn’t be as stubborn as you guys,” Kaji Luna glanced at the bear goblin god, and the Kugobaiag who was standing next to him still wielding the whip. Following his actions, all the eyes in his hands turned, and he squinted at the two gods. “Balzeb, that’s my old customer. If you want to deal with him, you must be so astute.”

As he spoke, he swiped so hard, and the hag’s eyeballs in his hand shot out like arrows with “sou sou”. Passing through the air, they quickly disappeared, all of them disappeared, and they began to observe the soul-binding tower from all angles.

As mentioned before, these eyeballs are the eyes of a hag, and they have different visions: some can be comparable to a dynamic camera, which can capture the subtle movements invisible to the eyes of ordinary creatures; some are like the magic eye , Can detect various mysterious spells; some can peek at the traces of the use of psychic powers; some can even see the soul of intelligent life…

And the information collected by these eyes will all be simultaneously shared into Kaji Luna’s sensory system. If he were not for a great god, simply accepting the various visual information from these eyes could cause an ordinary biological brain to shut down immediately.

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